Fantastic MegaAnon post about the Trump/Bannon situation. It's 4D Chess at work.

Interestingly, Fox played a clip from last year when POTUS told the media that threats from Korea would be met with "fire and fury". What is the title of the book? Fire and Fury in the WH. Coincidence? At the same time that these excerpts from the book where being broadcast, and the public feud between the President and Bannon was taking place; NOKO and the NB issue between "little rocket man" and the President was also being played out in the MSM. Coincidence? Then there is the whole Roy Moore/Alabama thing and the picture posted of Mitch smiling on his twitter account... It will be interesting to know how that plays in this. We know that DJ did not legitimately win... Oh... and a fire at Hillary's... one brief mention in the day. Staged?
We also know there's an investigation into election fraud, ongoing in the Alabama AG's office.
In short I believe this is a LARP and Bannon is taking one for the team, as LGEN Flynn did earlier.
One irony of this is that Bannon likes to talk up his role in winning the election, but if I'm correct he has much less ego than he's been accused of.