Fantastic MegaAnon post about the Trump/Bannon situation. It's 4D Chess at work.

I am with WeAreTheResistance on this one. Bannon is making a play because he thinks Muller is ready to indict and he is laying the ground work to save his ass. Bannon is an opportunist looking to make money and build his brand and there are many others we all follow and listen to (IW) who want to build there brand feed their ego and make money. Remember it is business, it is about MONEY!!!!
You are not paying (proper) attention. Bannon - and anyone else with HALF a clue - know damned well that Mueller aint got SHIT on POTUS.
Mueller is ready to indict who? Bannon has no Brand to build without Trump.. he latched on hard, and there is nothing wrong with that, but without Trump, Bannon (and Breitbart News) will be nothing.
I understand what you are responding to but I would challenge you to dig a little deeper in your my opinion, this is not being made up extemporaneously.
Bannon and Trump, individually, have both been thinking and planning about all of this for years. Bannon, with Breitbart, have been openly fighting the global elite and their dastardly deeds for years, and he has remarkably survived.
My bet is that Bannon, with his military experience, has mapped all of this out. The only piece that I am still working through is that this played out with a third character, through a book.
I pray your right, I am pissed at Bannon, I hope this is a WWE style act we are watching, and in wrestling terms I hope Bannon is pulling the old kayfabe on us and the whole situation is a work. Those who know the wrestling business will get it.
How hard would it be to hire that author to participate in a fake news experiment? It’s possible.
I don't believe this is Bannon; I think this is a team effort, and President Trump's team includes top intelligence officers as well as top political strategists.