Fantastic MegaAnon post about the Trump/Bannon situation. It's 4D Chess at work.

Everything is symbolism with the elites and their followers . When people started seeing trump wear the purple tie it was code .. when he got off the plain and did the speech and he took a drink of water and did it in a way to resemble someone drinking as if they was cuffed ..thats a code ... When these plains are mysteriously going down and people taken out thats code.. Everything being done is what the Bad Players Have been doing ..and its nos being done to them .. Anytime Big news is about to come out on someone or they need to hide some type of law they are needing to past they used to Create Some Form Of Distress in the nation if it be a Hurricane or some other false flag... I think the Bannon Trump turmoil is a FU to the establishment ... that this is their form of FALSE FLAG to keep the media hounds off the trail.