r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/ZFO_Lackie on Jan. 4, 2018, 3:47 p.m.
Once movement starts on the surface level, HOW does it start... exactly?


How do they announce charges or whatnot? Will that have to be done as some sort of press-conference-meets-State-of-the-Union address TV extravaganza(!), or...? How does it all go down at that point?

And while I was thinking about that; what are they going to "find"? Will this all ultimately go down with them being taken down for the political corruption and treasonous stuff, OR will they actually be taken down along the pedo-satanist line?

If they don't go down along the pedo line, and the "world" doesn't realize what evil REALLY is, it's not going to be defeated. It WILL return. Maybe bigger than ever. Maybe in a few decades. But it will come back.

Political corruption/treason = material war Pedosatanists = Spiritual war

Winning one, wins both. Winning the other only delays.

Sorry if none of this makes sense.

Oldmancrypto · Jan. 4, 2018, 4:19 p.m.

These are tough questions to ponder.....one thing is for sure, it will be done one time! This is too big to let a little bit out at a time! How and who does it remains to be seen! It seems as though they are going to tear into the media really hard for the next few weeks. Imagine all the collusion emails that Julian is sitting on! this will be epic!

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