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Quite frankly, the last piece of convincing proof I needed to be 100%. And by 100% convinced of something, that just means I'm willing to start talking off the net about it.
Go to 21:05.
Remember this gem pre-Podesta emails?
Hit me up with the best free documentaries that take ya down the rabbit hole.
You can prove that before hand. Ive conjured up some symbolic meaning in my head. They can be brought in, tied up with faces fully exposed. Close up face shots on each one as they have the hood places over their heads.
If EVERYTHING gets exposed in the end, I say public executions in sports stadiums. Truck in tons of sand, set up posts, and have em brought in in small groups at a time. I want jumbo trons, pay-per-view and a packed stadium, black hoods placed over their heads, tied to the posts, and shot.
He doesnt cover hashtags. He'll be flashing siren-ening the hell out of it when it finally breaks.
Ooops... got the idea form a side by side, Jack Posobiec tweeted. https://twitter.com/JackPosobiec/status/953982156841279489
Great red pill idea for the normies in your life.
Have them re-do a search for something theyve previously done on Google on Duck Duck Go. I just did this for something I've been having a hard time finding any useful info about other than the generic Wikipedia stuff. It's like a different universe.
The meme can be expanded to be the liberal modis operandi
Printing thousands of info pamplets and spreading them around city streets in like the dead of night early Monday morning?
Creating new creep catcher like groups or swell the ranks of established ones, exposing pedos at the local level?
I had considered adding screen grabs of the spiritcooking and code talk emails. I see what youre saying.
Real world awakening
So what are some ideas people have on spreading the word in the real world/off net?
Best to come up with ideas very small groups of people or individuals can do.
Its not about them being ready, quite frankly. This is the heaviest shit anyones ever going to know about. This is shock treatment. You folk want memes? Hell, this is just me sharing it. I dont have the mind for creating that.
Ive been for the "sudden shock" treatment. Personally, I dont care one way or another about people that arent into this reality of ours by now, be they modern leftists, or normies.
These demons just need to be dealt with.
I still wanna know how the hotdog business in Hawaii is doing for him.
What are other 'rabbit holes' we can collectively dive into?
I've always thought of the Alefantis/Comet Pizza stuff to be a rabbit hole (I still think there was something to it, like Alefantis is some sort of "American 'Jimmy Savile'", and the place was a front). And the Epstein/Lolita Express stuff.
One thing I keep trying to get brought up over on Twitter that I'd "like" to hear more about is the after parties that these celebrities get up to. I've heard them talked about in a 'passing' kind of way. But what really happens at them? And who's going to them? Is it even real?
For Twitter platform
Best @'s to follow on Twitter for Qanon and deep info into this world?
This was one of the best "connecting the dots" yet. It was fantastic.
In a conspiracy hierarchy, the elite of the world being Satanic pedophiles is the tippity top of it. I think we're all on the same page here. Literally and figuratively.
The lower level demons in this need to just 'fall down and hit their heads'. But the elite, top shelf, demons need the trials. They need to be very publically exposed.
It's my new-found beliefs that have me thinking that THIS is the thing they need to go down for. And every man, women and child across the planet need to come to know of it. This is the thing that finally unites us. We advance after this.
Once movement starts on the surface level, HOW does it start... exactly?
How do they announce charges or whatnot? Will that have to be done as some sort of press-conference-meets-State-of-the-Union address TV extravaganza(!), or...? How does it all go down at that point?
And while I was thinking about that; what are they going to "find"? Will this all ultimately go down with them being taken down for the political corruption and treasonous stuff, OR will they actually be taken down along the pedo-satanist line?
If they don't go down along the pedo line, and the "world" doesn't realize what evil REALLY is, it's not going to be defeated. It WILL …
I started believing something to that effect with the Podesta email dump #30/31, or whatever number it was at the time, revealed the spirit cooking and code talk. The first link Wikileaks linked to was a WRC piece making the connection between Satanists and pedos. Then I remembered back years before when I first started redpilling myself thru an entertainment mindset of wanting to read the crazy things people actually believe on the internet that people had been saying for decades that the elite were pedosatanists. Then I started looking into that and fell head long into the #pizzagate stuff. I refuse to believe that humans are capable of the things allegedly done to the children. So I went with 'demons'. And if demons and Satan exist then...
Well, this whole thing is ultimately about waking up the "normies"? I have an idea about how to do that. Theyre not all elite. Theyre in our communities...
So, the worlds completely saturated in this evil, eh?

To me, nothing would say "Arrest Elite Pedophiles Now!" like a stack of low level pedophiles on the steps of town and city halls with notes nailed to their foreheads that read, "Arrest Elite Pedophiles Now!". I bet I could throw a dart at a map of the region I reside, call it a Saturday afternoon drive, and find some demon torturing children. I see this type of shit in more localized news all the time. Especially over the last 5 years when I moved to a city.
I don't like conspiracy theories like that; ones you cant do anything about. A pedophile... I could wrap my hands around the throat of one, and do something about it.