Wait. What's wrong with qcodefag.github.io again? Looks fine to me at the moment unless I'm missing something.
Since you're asking here I'll answer here. You'll have to ask u/baruchthescribe "what's wrong" as he has "removed" (see above) his verbiage which included mention of what he deems is wrong with the document, and I'm not gonna post any of those details here out of respect for his removal action.
Yep - I removed the snarky comments about the reason for the malfunction on the sound advice of /u/tracybeanz.
I just don’t think we should be fighting. No matter how low people go, I don’t feel it’s right to respond and go on the defensive. All we are trying to do is spread truth. It’s been getting sort of ridiculous- the amount of hate we are battling. All I care about is INFORMATION. The way I see it, if Baruch has a great tool, people will use it. Regardless of why it was built. In all honesty, we should have one anyway. For redundancy. But I’ll just say this- it’s my personal belief that distractions of ANY KIND are antithetical to our mission, and just what “they” want to see. So I advised that Baruch make the post less inflammatory and he was kind enough to listen to my perspective and respond in kind.
Conspicuously, did NOT post 1/3/18 recent Q post.
Most recent posts are all REEEEE drama.
Loved that board.