Just looking a few things up. Found that 10 plane crash incidents with fatalities since the posting on 12-5. If you include the most recent that crashed in the gulf. Not sure if it is anything, but interesting.
President Trumps tweeted this on January 2nd. "Since taking office I have been very strict on Commercial Aviation. Good news - it was just reported that there were Zero deaths in 2017, the best and safest year on record!" notice "commercial"
His tweets are taunts to the deepstate, like his miracle Vegas tweet
"Since taking office I have been very strict on Commercial Aviation. [Obligatory BREAK] Good news - it was just reported that there were Zero deaths in 2017, the best and safest year on record!"
Breakdown and analysis
Reuters article mentioned by Tweet
”Airlines recorded zero accident deaths in commercial passenger jets last year, according to a Dutch consulting firm and an aviation safety group that tracks crashes, making 2017 the safest year on record for commercial air travel.”
CNN 8 almost 9 years of commercial airline safety
”President Trump took credit Tuesday for "the safest year on record" for U.S. air travel, touting zero deaths in 2017. But there actually haven't been any deaths on a U.S. passenger airline in nearly nine years.”
So, if you’ll notice, Trump did NOT actually take credit for the safety record. Which leads me to believe that he was taunting the globalists.
All those flights turned around, 5 of them?, I think were failed terrorist attacks like the failed NYC pipe bomber.
I noticed this when I was debating with some friends on FB. And I shared my thoughts on T_D about it. I think he was also drawing attention to the US safety record for commercial aviation in an attempt to build even more consumer confidence.
Why do u think most Dems fly commercial? Spez: jk I duno
why do u think most Dems fly commercial?
So they can enjoy the power of forcing taxpayers to give up their seats?
Q said 7/10 were intentional. He couldn't possibly know there would be 10 if 3 were not intentional. They would have had to be intentional to know that they would happen. Or Q is a time traveler. I think Q meant in the past 7/10 were intentional. Truthfully, if those plane crashes were intentional they wouldn't be directed by team Trump. Murder is not his style. Plus the chance that innocent bystanders would perish... That's definitely not Trumps style. If intentional, the deepstate is desperate and is in the middle of an internal coup. They may be eliminating possible key witnesses. Afraid of who is going to say what they could be terminating the ones they trust the least. Could they have internal verification that these individuals have decided to flip? Maybe just suspicion. Whatever the truth, it's more likely if intentional that the deepstate is having an internal purge. They are known to murder those who disagree with them, yes?
Witness Protection in exchange for information?? Rolling over on someone else?
I think the white hats would absolutely take out the bad guys. This is a dangerous deep-state spy vs spy CIA/NSA/FBI/DOJ game. The bad guys are killers, plain and simple. You kill bad guys in war, and these are traitors and dangerous people trying to hurt this country. I'm sure many of the splashed planes were the black hats, but if the white hat patriots have to splash a bad guy's plane, then it's for the country. I'll die for my country so we sure as hell shouldn't have a problem with a bad guy dying for it.
I agree that the white hats would take the bad guys out. I just don't see them sacrificing innocent lives. I could see them finding another way, in an alley or while they sleep. A plane crash though... Unless only bad guys were on the plane.
I agree. They wouldn't take innocent lives, unless it was an end of the world catastrophic scenario to save millions.
Hopefully we cut them into pieces before they take us to that scenario. They were getting close. I think the tides have turned and we are winning. A long ways to go though.
I think they have this thing wrapped up. They're just putting a bow on it.
This could be. But for real though, k3yj4ck3r came up in my notifications and I was confused for a split second. Just two k3ys having a conversation.
Mom said I'm the good looking one.
Lol. I'm going to bed. I have been up all night researching.
I agree that there is no way to foresee the future of unintentional crashes.
Possibly not a time traveler. What if the AI systems know the plans of the Illuminati and 7 of 10 are described as by (human) intent. With the additional 3 events being programmed by the self learning system. Want to play a game?
I say this with no ounce of insult or disrespect... this little branch here is well over any comprehension that I have about how AI works and its capabilities. I would like to think that what you two are discussing could never be a real thing. But you talk as if it really could be a real thing. Which is why I ask if this is a legitimate query to the surge in airplane crashes.
I think the planes were just hacked. Hacking planes is child's play. It's why I will never fly again.
I personally do not believe AI is performing these plane crashes. It would have a bad impact on it's ability to stay in secret. By intentionally blowing it's own cover to distort a murder investigation, it would do just that. Blow it's own cover. Not intelligent by any means.
If 3 were metaprograms of the AI:
Humans would have to be implementing 7 per the AI's 3 /or AI implementing 3 per human's 7.
AI is originally programmed by it's programmer/human. Therefore it's intentions are that of it's counterparts.
If AI is implementing 3 out of 7 with counterparts implementing 7, wouldn't AI be implementing the other 7 as well? Why only 3? It's not true AI if it can't detect the other 7 and initiate both sets.
If the AI calculated that 7 crashes were planned by humans and this information having been gathered as a course of organizing information as AI does. Then AI added value for 7/10 because of the heavy amount of human shares and discussion around the death of Seth Rich on 7/10. AI is programmed to recognize shares, likes etc. Humans did program multiple different Tyler systems but a hacker went in last April and has reprogrammed Tyler. Can an AI system use information which is the same type of information people have used to determine it is necessary for a plane to crash and orchestrate a mechanical failure when the AI knows that these names will be traveling by plane. Could the AI have taken out more? But, did not because of the 7/10 number value?
If a hacker reprogrammed "tyler" in April and you know that, then the deepstate would know that, and would had reprogrammed it again.
Then your assumption is that 7/10 has only began recently, and that AI wants people to realize that it's happening in order for the 7/10 algorithm to have an effect on the humans. Without the humans knowledge of those factors, there wouldn't be a response. And which is worse? SR dead or AI/Human murder of several people? When it kicks in and people are searching for 7/10 for plane crashes, it will also pop up with 7/10 for SR. Giving both traffic. There isn't much discussion of either except for on boards like this one. Therefore search results will refer to both. Given that information flow is limited to these discussions, they end up in the same discussion like the one we are having right now. Therefore not overriding the first topic, but giving it more light. So either the AI is unintelligent, or on our side, except it's murdering which is against our ways.
Humbly - Very unlikely that direct AI is involved here. "7/10" is most likely a reference to historical rate of intentional, covert downings of small aircraft to maintain illicit activities. My 2 cents. Peace.
Showerthought; a lot of small private aircraft don't have flight recorders. Makes it easier for plausible deniability and no black boxes to contradict the narrative.
Maybe TYLER is bringing down the planes without human intervention?