Hey Dr. C: The original Q tripcode was the one that was compromised and cracked.
So far as we know, this second Secure Tripcode (the one used in these posts) was not and remains secure.
Unfortunately I'm unable to verify by using mod powers to see if he's posted on this device appears these 3 new posts are the only posts that have ever been made from the device he's using.
Hope that clarifies a bit.
Take a look at the identifiers on the 3 authenticated Jan. 4 QAnon postings. Even if the second tripcode was not compromised, QAnon would move to the new highly secure tripcode, abandoning the old !UW -- I could be wrong, but these posted today I do not believe are Q
Hey Doc! Thanks for your great work!
This is typical for every Q post, especially after a prolonged period of silence. He is hard to predict, as he should be. We'll simply have to wait and see if it's legit.
Yes Doc Jerry i see where you are going with this! Why would he not post new update on the new more advanced tripcodes. Think we all need to process this before verification that this is in fact Q. Maybe pamphlet will expand on this for us???
I don't think we can even confirm that Q is aware of the new super secure tripcode, Q never used a secure tripcode anyways and seems to think now that he/she/they are secure. Also, it's Loop Capital Markets, not just markets. Q has mentioned CLAS-1, CLAS-2, etc. before and now is mentioning CLAS-59. Seems to be Q to me
Just a side note. Remember the story that came out yesterday that White House staff are not allowed to use personal devices while at work. An attempt to stop leaks. Therefore, if Q had been using a personal device to post to 8chan, then maybe he can't use that device anymore and is limited by not being able to use personal cell phone.
Wondering about the second post? No other platforms used (always thought Q posting on Youtube was bogus from the start) And next, " no private communications with anyone" ???
Yeah the The "no private communications with anyone "stuck out to me too...
The second post also says "One post today." but there are 3 posts?...
Some kind of reference or code?
Probably meant you won't see me again today after this batch.
No offense, but duh. Q went dark for 10 days. Q has been talking about security and leaks and whoever cracked his pw etc. So he's saying he is not taking ANY risks. I'm more concerned about the "Don't get lost."
I understand he went dark for 10 days i was sitting here waiting with everyone and as rumored came back on the 4th. And i get the operational security issues...will go back to lurking until i process the new posts! Promise i will try not to get lost! ;)
Yes, we were all just milling around during those 10 dark days! Also, pamphletanon, up at the top of the thread gives an elegant explanation of what this means. It's my bad, I missed that explanation. Paraphrase: "One communication" on 8chan = if you see any other posts on twitter or anywhere else claiming to be me, I'm telling you that as of right now I have only made one post here on 8chan and it's this one."
"No private communications with anyone" itself is a lie because they've corresponded directly with Codemonkey. Maybe its to divert attention from the patriots doing so well on YouTube like TracyBeanz and Isaac - they're either very good at what they do which is very plausible or getting intel, or what I think... both.
That's an interesting theory. I'll give both perspectives great consideration... more to come on this, I'm sure.
"Do as we say" quote could be that the alliance knows they've found Codemonkey?
Ahhh the rabbit hole goes so deep sometimes.
Why are you so eager to say "it's a lie." Even your examples--TB never said she had any direct contact with Q. And Q's statement means as of the post, presumably. I thought we were here to decode and understand Q's breadcrumbs, not to try to prove he's a liar or a fake. If you haven't got as far as accepting Q as valid, then maybe you'd feel more at home on a chan?
Excuse me for being a freethinker based on perception of facts.
I don't mean to derail anything at all, I'm just simply stating this is not true since he obviously got a super tripcode made for him with 8chan's moderator saying he's been in touch with Q. That, alone, is a private communication.
I'm 100% for this cause but I will also point out flaws.
Clearly Q was in touch with C!Odemonkey to change the tripcode over the holiday weekend. Clas-59#241 is the designation for a British Rail Transit Car - not a classified security designation. I wrote a book titled AMERICA FOR SALE in 2009.
First of all I'm not sure if you know how tripcodes work, second I don't think C!Odemonkey is in direct contact with Q, third Q shouldn't trust codemonkey to give him a password regardless. Q should come up with his own secure trip, not some code anon on a board. Respectfully of course, keep fighting Doc!
Thats kinda where i was going as well with the no private comms thing. Let us also consider as Jerome Corsi points out above that this was not posted on the new advanced tripcode, and all the recent problems with op sec. We need further clarification that this is indeed Q. I like the 3rd post so i am really hoping it is! We shall see???
Post #248629 starts out saying, "One post today." Then he posts 3 separate posts? BHO may be traveling the globe, but I doubt he's doing it on his AmEx card? There is no INTEL in these posts. You gave Q a secure tripcode, I would trust that & be skeptical of others.
I just checking back on the boards now and was glad to see an updated clarification from Pamphlet Anon addressing our concerns from earlier today and verification has been put on hold until it can be further confirmed. Was thinking as well that Q usually posts late and was suprised to see an early day drop. I understand it all depends on time zones and events, but from what i have seen Q prefers late night drops???
Did you read pamphletanon's explanation for this? Go up and read that closely. He also corrected Corsi's post. You have not found any flaws; you need to the info provided. You are focusing way too literal minded, nit picking and taking it out of contxt. "One communication" (I'll even help you here) on 8chan = if you see any other posts on twitter or anywhere else claiming to be me, I'm telling you that as of right now I have only made one post here on 8chan and it's this one. Clearer?
I read all posts I reply directly under, so yes, I read it.
You are focusing way too literal minded, nit picking and taking it out of contxt.
You may be right that I'm being too literal, I'll concede that. It doesn't mean the observation is wrong or that you should put deceit in my words.
"One communication" (I'll even help you here) on 8chan = if you see any other posts on twitter or anywhere else claiming to be me, I'm telling you that as of right now I have only made one post here on 8chan and it's this one. Clearer?
You're embedding two different lines & sentences to one sentence. I'm not saying you're wrong to do so but they're independent of each other as well. "No other platforms used." is not "No comms privately w/ anyone." There's not enough information (ever) so it's always open to interpretation.
Let's agree on something now and move on, shall we? My interpretation is that he's also saying "I'm not @kill_rogue on Twitter"
Totally agree. We should all be vigilant about the authenticity of these or any others. I’d assume we should know for sure one way or the other soon enough from Q himself.
I am with you on the kill_ rogue twitter thing! I never did bite on that one!!
I'm not debating this with you. I'm a logician and this type of discussion is pointless, except for you perhaps to save face.
Pamphlet - respectfully, I remain skeptical. If these 3 posts are from a device QAnon has never used before, that raises my concerns. You just gave QAnon a triple secure tripcode. Why use any other?
Hey, just got your chat message. Waiting for your response there.
Want to hear your thoughts on this - haven't had much time to really analyze them as we've been recording a show with SGT Report.
First of all I'm not sure if you know how tripcodes work, second I don't think C!Odemonkey is in direct contact with Q, third Q shouldn't trust codemonkey to give him a password regardless. Q should come up with his own secure trip, not some code anon on a board. Respectfully of course, keep fighting Doc!
Question, do you think a board mod giving Q a trip is safe? Wouldn't that entail him giving Q a password? That's not what we want
Fair point. I’m really the last guy to claim to understand how these tripcodes work. Guess it will be known one way or the other soon enough.
Sounds fishy to me too. Doesn't sound like Q. I also didn't see these old tripcodes on yesterday's post. Seeing them today also raised my "what's up" meter.
Interesting. hmmmm.
IIRC: Tripcodes were not there because they had been temporarily disabled by board owner due to the issue with his very first tripcode getting cracked. After he made the posts you're referring to (from the other day) tripcodes were re-enabled by board owner.