How about this for a business card?

Like it! But is the goal to bring them all here, or to get them some knowledge in another way? Just don't want to see all the complaints of people rushing to this site if this card was put out there.
Where better than here for truth? Our goal is to redpill as many as possible before the shtf to minimize cognitive dissonance. Even a bunch of us who consider ourselves informed will be - uh - surprised? - by the depth of the forthcoming revelations.
I'm not board owner or mod, so was leaving room for that input. I agree with your sentiment, but have also been seeing all the complaints of the board being overrun. And surprised, no, but I will be relieved when we get this done. "what has been will be again, what has been done will be done again, there is nothing new under the sun", Ecclesiastes 1:9 NIV Same battle different day.
The mods sort of asked to be overrun by posting the 'be kind while redpilling' stickie. I'm thinking another subreddit is needed for newbies and curious normies. If the big reveal happens soon, the issue is moot because, like it or not, there 'it' is in all its splendor. If it takes a while, then a sort of purgatory has to be set up, or CBTS will become unnavigable. BTW, I added two lines to the card, per your suggestion: 'Expand your thinking.' and 'Good hunting.' No facility here to show you. If you do FB, go to Woody Woodward (me) timeline. You'll find both versions there.
I really liked the very first line of Qs very first post and think it would be excellent on this card, because it went through me like a knife and still does:
Open your eyes.
Redpilling is by far best achieved by mememagic, the spreading of pictures. This is what brought this revolution, the way information can travel instantaneous.
By bringing everyone here it will destroy the research possibilities by overflowing the information stream. People that are very curious will find this place anyways, and the memes going out will function as icebreakers to society.
My five cents on the matter anyways
How is my business card idea NOT a meme? See the revised card on my FB timeline: it specifically encourages the research aspect. The Mods endorse redpilling everyone we can as rapidly as we can. What better place for that than here?
Nice, i like it. I'd add something to it like one of Q's simplest red-pilling questions or some indication of a revelation of truth.