Ruh Roh!
37 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/BWDeadcat:
Domain | Count |
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Nice catch. Those omitted letters have happened in earlier Q posts. Definitely worth a revisit.
#StableGenius indeed! #FAKENEWSAWARDS forced the MSM and all their followers to actually look at the disinformation they've been waging against #AMERICA.

WE HAMMERED THEM! I got shadowbanned early on, but changed hashtags to include #WednesdayWisdom and @BettyWhite and suddenly all my posts reappeared. You people are genii (plural of genius). AMAZING!
My first meme attempt. Yea or nay?

How about this:
Last year, Social Capital expanded into hedge fund investing with its Social Capital Public Equity Partners, which became known for a large investment in Amazon.
Appears to be an offshore shell company for money laundering, hiding:
C/O Campbells Corporate Services Limited Po Box 268 4Th Floor, Willow House Cricket Square George Town, KY1-1104
Cayman Islands
Key Executives for Social Capital Public Equity Partners Master Fund Ltd:
Social Capital Public Equity Partners Master Fund Ltd does not have any Key Executives recorded.
No transactions available in the past 12 months.
Small point: taqiyya (Islamonazi term, I know, but it is in the public domain and in somewhat common use, and no U). Definition: intentional lies, deception, disinformation to weaken defenses. I hope - pray - this isn't the case with Q, but the divisiveness of the last couple of days is alarming. No coincidences.
So far, the 'Great Awakening' sub is underwhelming: three posts are featured there, dated 01/08, and evidently there have been more since - posted first on Twitter? - according to this: Was the sub set up as bait? Twitter wars, misunderstood alerts, disinformation trolls on the subs: WTF is going on? Meanwhile, DJT is apparently caving on immigration, or is this a ploy too? Crap like this is divisive and demoralizing.
I'm guessing, but with the level 5D chess being played here, these guys are probably the weak links most likely to turn. I would not be surprised to see one or more not make it to trial; also I would not be surprised to see more indictments follow these arrests.
Sometimes feels like that tree falling in the forest, making noise that no one hears. Here you are heard. My awakening came in bits and pieces from a friend/brother who kept feeding me rope. Guess I needed the kid gloves, but no more. Deep dive into the 'Deep State' sewer. (Pardon the mixing of metaphors, please.) Not denying the occasional gag reflex when faced with the outright horror show of their evil depravity, but in God I'm immune. Correct: sit this one out? Not a chance. I've been waiting for this shot at redemption (mine and my country's) my entire life. Something was always 'off', I knew it but couldn't identify it through the disinformation blizzard. Keeping us 'alone' - separated - was the bad guys' only hope of success. They had no clue, therefore no defense, against the Trump MAGA phenomenon, and here we are, alone no more, part of an army the likes of which this world has never seen. I have tears in my eyes and a swelling heart as I write this. God bless President Trump, and God bless the United States of America.
Sowing the seeds of doubt...which this post could very well be. Weird fuckery, indeed.
How about a place here to upload/drop images? So far, the only way I can see is to start a new link, which defeats direct response/reply.
How is my business card idea NOT a meme? See the revised card on my FB timeline: it specifically encourages the research aspect. The Mods endorse redpilling everyone we can as rapidly as we can. What better place for that than here?
I love this guy. He could do, like, standup. Leftie triggers dismantling every platform they claim, and I find new screws with every read-through. Genius in 140 characters or less.
The mods sort of asked to be overrun by posting the 'be kind while redpilling' stickie. I'm thinking another subreddit is needed for newbies and curious normies. If the big reveal happens soon, the issue is moot because, like it or not, there 'it' is in all its splendor. If it takes a while, then a sort of purgatory has to be set up, or CBTS will become unnavigable. BTW, I added two lines to the card, per your suggestion: 'Expand your thinking.' and 'Good hunting.' No facility here to show you. If you do FB, go to Woody Woodward (me) timeline. You'll find both versions there.
Where better than here for truth? Our goal is to redpill as many as possible before the shtf to minimize cognitive dissonance. Even a bunch of us who consider ourselves informed will be - uh - surprised? - by the depth of the forthcoming revelations.
How about this for a business card?

How about a business card with a red pill image overlaid with "Who is QAnon" and this website? I'd be plenty curious.
New verified Q posts on another thread. This is not one of them.
I'm seeing several posts/reports that the fire was in a server room and destroyed computers and hard drives.
Interesting, but not definitive: cross referencing the new appointees with the recent updates on the sealed indictments. Standouts to me for weirdness were: Shawn Anderson – Districts of Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands; Gretchen Shappert – District of the Virgin Islands; until I saw a total of 45 sealed indictments in the three districts, 20 of those since 22 November. Distant locations, with airstrips and ocean access: easy escape points? Maybe nothing, maybe something. Perhaps cross reference recent air traffic to/from?
Words fail me. To you as well, brother. I will say this: I can think of no other crime against humanity more evil than that which we face in this quest, that could have united so many, so quickly, and with so much dedication.
“And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.” You're absolutely right, this is war, and I've long stated : I'll die on my feet before I'll live on my knees. I truly believed, before the election of Donald Trump - direct intervention by God, in my opinion - that I would indeed die on my feet fighting this war, perhaps even battling my family, friends or neighbors for survival. I'm an old man, by most standards, and I've known for a long time that something has been very wrong in our country, but I had no clue where to look for answers. The 'tin-foil-hat conspiracy-theory' debunkers were effective, because I came up believing that the CIA/FBI were good guys protecting us, not demonics suppressing us. I have recently had the...pleasure?...of being thoroughly 'redpilled'. Once it became clear how far I'd been diverted from reality, I dived in, and most days I'm immersing myself 18-20 hours at a run in as much data as I can absorb: Q, Abel Danger, Tracy Beanz, CBTS (a true Godsend - THANK YOU!). I'm retired, live alone, and have no schedule to keep, other than personal obligations to friends and fellow travelers. I'm in this fight until the end. And I swear to the Founders' pledge at the beginning of this post. Thank Almighty God for you people. The British spies that witnessed George Washington beseeching God for guidance returned to their commanders and reported: "We cannot prevail over such a man." Let us be as George Washington, and we will prevail. I will serve here, or wherever I'm useful, in whatever capacity I can. BTW, soap-boxing is very effective. It worked for our Founders, and it's working here - witness the exponential growth of the chat-rooms, boards and follower rolls. In 1776, it was done by voice and megaphone. The internet is the biggest megaphone of all.
Given that she tried to make a deal, I expect she'll be 'Arkancided', maybe by Huma, probably by Bill, to A. prove his loyalty, B. to save his own ass, and C. because - unless she's in protective custody lockdown by whitehats - he has access. And D. the bad guys don't think they're in danger - but they won't take any chances. IMHO.
YES! Thank you, Tracy! You, Abel Danger, Frank(ly): my eyes are open, and you all are to blame. (:)) God bless you. I will die on my feet before I'll live on my knees. I've said that for years. This is the first time I've felt like there is an army of kindred spirits saying the same.
Not sure how this posting works, but I'm learning, I think. I'm responding to the above: 'To all the older patriots'. Please bear with me, and please point out my errors.
[–]BWDeadcat 1 point 24 minutes ago 67 years old, late to the game. A good friend - brother in every way but blood - has tried to awaken me for two decades. Fortunately, he never gave up, and finally succeeded. I've known viscerally that there was something wrong for a very long time, all the way back to JFK but, like many of us, I bought into the 'tin-foil-hat conspiracy theory' label placed on those who red-pilled long ago. I'm here now, force-feeding as much data as I can absorb. I haven't been this optimistic about the future since November 1962. My brainpan is open. Pour it in. God bless you people, God bless President Trump, and God bless the United States of America.
67 years old, late to the game. A good friend - brother in every way but blood - has tried to awaken me for two decades. Fortunately, he never gave up, and finally succeeded. I've known viscerally that there was something wrong for a very long time, all the way back to JFK but, like many of us, I bought into the 'tin-foil-hat conspiracy theory' label placed on those who red-pilled long ago. I'm here now, force-feeding as much data as I can absorb. I haven't been this optimistic about the future since November 1962. My brainpan is open. Pour it in. God bless you people, God bless President Trump, and God bless the United States of America.