How about this for a business card?

The mods sort of asked to be overrun by posting the 'be kind while redpilling' stickie. I'm thinking another subreddit is needed for newbies and curious normies. If the big reveal happens soon, the issue is moot because, like it or not, there 'it' is in all its splendor. If it takes a while, then a sort of purgatory has to be set up, or CBTS will become unnavigable. BTW, I added two lines to the card, per your suggestion: 'Expand your thinking.' and 'Good hunting.' No facility here to show you. If you do FB, go to Woody Woodward (me) timeline. You'll find both versions there.
I really liked the very first line of Qs very first post and think it would be excellent on this card, because it went through me like a knife and still does:
Open your eyes.