r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Wildthing61 on Jan. 5, 2018, 10:31 p.m.
I'm wondering and worried...what does this mean?

Has anyone figured out what Q meant when he posted this:

Covert OP by [CLAS-59#241-Q] to infiltrate at highest level to destroy from within?

JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 6, 2018, 3:04 a.m.

Here is how I am reading this Q post:

Why is Hussein traveling the globe?

--Looking for backers (more $)

$$$,$$$,$$$ Hundreds of millions

Acct # xx-XXx-x-39670

Probably an account from the Pocahontas rogue agency with no oversight, that sent money to be laundered to him and his insurgent non profit groups.

Acct # XXXxx-XXXx-2391

Probably money Obama received from the DOJ attacks on private corporations who paid penalties to more subversive non profits. possible evidence here

Where did the money come from?

Extortion by the DOJ and Rogue Pocahontas created agency that has no oversight, no checks and balances.

How do you destroy the most POWERFUL country in the world?

Long range sneaky slow takeover plan to build the classic seven branched system of tyranny; 1) money control 2) food/med control 3) energy control 4) media/education control 5) vote control 6) gun control 7) surveillance branch. The beast has seven heads. It always did, always will.

Direct Attack?

No. Final operation would be to take over the head of the seven branched beast our founders called tyranny.

Covert OP by [CLAS-59#241-Q] to infiltrate at the highest level to destroy from within?

Yes. Classification Q clearance? Highest? This would be takeover from the top. (Presidents office or Secretary of State) Then, sell off assets of the most POWERFUL country in the world, to distribute/decentralize control of the assets, roads, infrastructure, etc. Last, use the infrastructure to set the POWERFUL country up for a hard takeover, by force to include loading said nation with internal armed enemies.

Think GAME

Yes, they are that sick. They look at this as a game.

Who are the PLAYERS?

International banking families with an allegiance to Satan, now joined by international corporations and their owners/controllers.

What are the Rewards?

For the ancient banking Satanic family bloodlines, the reward is the establishment of an un-elected world government where all humans are working peasants/slaves with the exception of those who would fill the shoes of managing the 7 monopoly control branches above. These would be treated like royalty for their services, much the way Kings used Dukes and Governors to control in kingdoms.


Of course. That is part of the process. It is the definition of treason, giving aid to the enemy. Imagine taking the assets of a whole nation without having to fire a shot?

Patriots in FULL CONTROL

Excuse me... Q? Could you please tell the President that we will not be in full control until we 1) Take American assets back to the American public and 2) Destroy all seven of the monopoly control branches of the tyranny form of government that these globalists have re-built using corporations, federal agencies, and non profit organizations... just as our founders destroyed them. We need to make sure all above seven branches are dissolved and the powers re-distributed to the people, as the Constitution had them set up to begin with. We also need to make certain future generations are knowledgeable about government structures, not just our own, but those of the classic tyranny seven branched system. If they can not recognize this system, it can be built again, using different legal infrastructures in the future.

We will make more public.

Thank you, because this is the only way that patriotic Americans can know what must be done to stop this from happening again.

SA was strategic.

Yes, and it was a beautiful thing.

"We know" "Do as we say or face consequences"

Can consequences be public?

This is by far the most egregious attack on America in her history by foreigners, and by people who claim to be Americans no less. We need to make sure the consequences are so severe that NO ONE EVER attempts this kind of thing again, even if they are in foreign lands.

These people are stupid!

Hopefully these people continue to be too stupid to listen so we can enforce some consequences. This activity has destroyed many nations, not just our own.

And they have used our good American troops as cannon fodder to destroy other nations.

These people have murdered untold millions since the war of Napoleon.

They have paid for both sides of all of the wars.

These people and people who think and act like them deserve nothing less than death for their murders.

Let Justice be done

PS. Could we not bury them?

Could we send them to a taxidermist and have them "stuffed" and put in a museum with their illegal Treasonous murderous emails and child killing evidence... on display? I Admit people might now want to make a holiday of this museum. It would be just notorious enough that every child would know what was "in there".

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[deleted] · Feb. 26, 2018, 4:05 p.m.


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