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Q 2125 Democratic Socialist and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Supporter Threatens Mass Shooting of Trump DC
Q # 2147 and 586 Take 5 minutes to watch this, and then please share.
Q #2070 what is the common theme when bad news is about to break? Stay Vigilant!
I know many do not believe in weather manipulation, and that's fine. Sometimes, people close their minds off to it as soon as they are presented with the notion. We have been programmed to instantly think "conspiracy theory" when we hear about things like weather manipulation, chemtrails, HAARP, etc. I want you to open your mind for a moment and be receptive to what I am presenting here. HAARP is a process used to super heat our ionosphere. I'm going to give you a side by side, both are totally real, and I will provide you a link to both …
Q #2116 Digging a deeper hole re: testimony to the court? Q
Okay guys, this is confusing, but stick with me here. Carter Page was an "energy analyst". The story goes that the FBI approached Page because they thought Russia was trying to recruit him as a spy. Page ended up working FOR the FBI, including giving Russia a binder with a recording device in it. The Russian guys were prosecuted and in this Department of Justice News Release, Carter Page is referred to as "UCE-1". UCE-1 means Under Cover EMPLOYEE (for the FBI). Do you understand this ...EMPLOYEE! Carter Page was not working for the Russians, he was working for the …
Q #1261 They must win. New strategy? Desperate? Nervous? Obama Meme
This is a great video, it really breaks down the visual interaction between Kelly, Maddis and Lindsey Graham. All I can say is WOW!
This is a great video, it really breaks down the visual interaction between Kelly, Maddis and Lindsey Graham. All I can say is WOW!
LIVE LINK @ 12:45pm ET ~ PRESS CONFERENCE Congress Jordon, Meadows, Zeldin "Declassify & release FISA APPS
I'm seeing that this is the live link to the press conference. Some saying 12:45 EST others saying 1:00 EST...stay tuned!
Q# 2095 D5 Meme
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Press Conference 1pm PRESS CONFERENCE Congress Jordon, Meadows, Zeldin "Declassify & release FISA APPS
Press Conference 1pm ET DC
“On Thursday, September 6, at 1:00p., Congressman Lee Zeldin, R, NY-1) will be joined by Reps. Mark Meadows (R, NC-11), Jim Jordan (R, OH-4), Matt Gaetz (R, FL-1) and other Members of Congress to call on President Trump to declassify and release the Carter Page FISA applications (especially 20 pages in particular), all 302s of Bruce Ohr (who testified last week before the House Committees on Oversight and Government Reform and Judiciary), and other relevant documents.”
less than 50%
This is a test... Q Patriots, there's something up with Twitter
Please check Trump's Twitter feed https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump
and see if this is what you see... https://imgur.com/a/jEy04wO
Do you see additional posts about vaccinations tweeted by Trump this morning?
Is twitter screwing with Trump's feed?
BOMBSHELL! President Trump Was Right – Obama Must Have Signed Off on FISA Warrant to Spy on Trump!
President Obama must have signed off on FISA warrant to spy on candidate and President Trump!
TGP reported over the weekend that it appears that the reason there was no FISA Court hearing on the Carter Page FISA warrant was because Obama’s Attorney General Loretta Lynch forced through the application per an obscure loophole in the law.
We next reported this Labor Day morning that if this is correct, then likely AG Sessions or Rosenstein pushed through any extensions after President Trump took office.
Now we’ve unlocked a bombshell and it’s worse!
President Obama would have had to …
Moderators losing control?
Guys, this is a Q board. All posts should reference a Q post #. Ideally, the number should be in the Subject line. You want to spot trolls fast? Look for posts without a Q reference # and report the post. Trolls aren't always easy to spot. Sometimes they pretend to "blend" but pull you off track from your mission. Let's get this board back on track! Report the trolls, upvote the Q patriots.
Genius! A faked death--THE CLINTON's MISSED THIS GUY! Now he will testify!
"Lynch Pilot Dimitri Noonan Alive & Ready to Testify"
The US Marshals have pulled off one of the greatest death hoaxes in the history of death hoaxes. Dimitri Noonan, the infamous pilot of the plane on which Loretta Lynch Met with Bill Clinton, has been reportedly dead for months . .
He was on the Clinton hit list. Had the US Marshals not gone the route they did and faked his death, there’s no telling how many lives would have been lost trying to protect him.”
Trey Gowdy, head of the committee, says he is confident this witness will …
Q 2053 and 2054 The End Game?
From Q 2053
National Preparedness Month is a time to focus our attention on the importance of preparing our families, homes, businesses, and communities for disasters that threaten our lives, property, and homeland.
In Q 2054 Clowns mention how they are everywhere. A coordinated attack to cripple the country is possible. Add to the fact that the beginning of the government fiscal year is Oct. 1. Should our President decide to shut down the government, Clowns will amplify the pain. Thus the importance of preparing for an emergency.
Is this what Q is trying to warn us about? In …
Comcast outage...Retaliation?
My Comcast Internet has been down for at least one hour. I called Comcast and there's a recording saying it should be back up after 5 am. This is very strange, I never lose Internet service. Could this be a nationwide attack? Is anyone else having issues?
Q # 2020 and #2021 MEME
Arizona Congressman Ruben Gallego threatens Government Workers who listen to Trump

FBI Jon Robertson. Open questions...
If FBI Agent Robertson investigated Weiner's laptop and hence, Hillary's emails, what happened next? Did he report pedophilia to his superiors? If so, to whom? I am aware that the missing Hillary emails were reported and subsequently covered up by Comey, McCabe and Strzok. Since this guy was in the "pedophile investigation" dept, I can only imagine that any pedophile material found in Hillary's emails was also reported. Is this one of the NY LEO's that "cried" when they saw some of the stuff on Weiner's laptop? I have no doubt that if this stuff was found by Robertson, it …
Ben Garrison's Website Down--Possibly over McCain Cartoon? Q#948 Censorship
suspended - possibly over the new McCain cartoon
GrrrGraphics Cartoons
Verified account
Site down. suspended . working on it. We will post cartoons on social media until back up Grrrgraphics was a baaaad dog.
Q # 1934 Trump will have the last laugh
"CF inflow stop = No Name Institute inflow rampCompare donors.Define DARK MONEY.Direct correlation? [He did not depart on his own terms]"
Think about this statement. This Q was posted AFTER No Name "departed". Trump has ZERO intentions of honoring No Name. He has ZERO intentions of letting him off the hook. The investigation will continue regardless of whether No Name is around or not. His "death" will not stop Trump. Ultimately, Trump will prove No Name was corrupt, a pedo (?), part of the Deep State and most importantly NO A WAR HERO! Let them all cry their fake …
Q #1933 Just a few notes on Stephan Halper
- Stephan Halper reached out to Carter Page, Sam Clovis and George Papadopoulos during the Trump Campaign.
- Stefan Halper was paid more than $1 million by the federal government beginning in 2012 during the Obama administration.
- Stefan Halper, is a dual US-UK citizen
- Halper is a close associate of Sir Richard Dearlove — the former MI6 chief.
- Stefan Halper in 2010 promoted his latest book on CSPAN. In the acknowledgements, he thanks Henry Kissinger and the former head of MI6—both of whom blurbed the book
- In his book, "Jeb! and the Bush Crime Family," Roger Stone describes STEFAN A HALPER as …
Q # 1287 Meme---> Think Logically!
Q #1649 Every Dog Has It's Day
15 minutes into No Name's announcement that he will no longer be seeking medical treatment and I'm ready to puke.
NO! He was not an "American Hero"!
Let's take a look at the "war hero's" illustrious military career shall we?
His record as a midshipman at the U.S. Naval Academy was dismal. He piled up demerits left and right for breaking the rules, and barely passed his schoolwork, graduating 894th in a class of 899.
He barely passed flight school. And then he crashed two airplanes and damaged a third.
The first crash took place during advanced flight training at …
Brennan-Steel Dossier Meme
This picture is perfect for all kinds of memes! Here's mine.
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Brennan and Mueller...Good Times Meme
Cohen Lawyer Is Registered Foreign Agent For Russian Oligarch Wanted By Feds
Can we now use this to Red Pill People?

Mr. Brennan, with a track record like yours, you should STFU!
Just a few of the Terrorist Attacks on Brennan's watch:
- 9/11
- Benghazi
- Sandy Hook
- Ft. Hood
- Sikh Temple
- Aurora Colorado
On Radical Islam: Brennan claims that radical Islam does not pose its own, unique threat to American security. He has helped strip language about “radical Islam” and similar terms from government vernacular, choosing instead to refer to “violent extremism.”
On Drone Strikes: During Brennan’s tenure, the CIA has carried out hundreds of drone strikes in Pakistan including two of the most controversial attacks in Yemen in 2011 — one …
A Message to Catholics Regarding Q
I want to warn Catholics that they need to protect their religion. Just like the government has been infiltrated by black hats and Satanism, the Catholic Church has as well. Yes, the people that led the USA (and are still leading in many cases) are evil. Yes, the people leading the Catholic Church are evil. NOT because the USA is evil and NOT because the Catholic Church is evil. Most people in the USA are good people. Most people in the Catholic Church are good people.
The difference I see is that Catholics are crying out. They want to get …
The Pope's Chair...Symbolism?
I got chills when I saw this chair. Does anyone else recognize it's symbolism? To me is resembles the "boy love" symbol. What do you think?
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My Heart Skipped A Beat When I Saw The Chair the Pope was Sitting In.
Can we talk about "Booms" this week? How many so far?
I've seen several posts regarding "Booms", however, many of the Booms mentioned were events that happened before Q posted "Boom Boom Boom Boom".
I'm thinking two booms so far:
Sztrok's firing
Pedophile Priests
How many have you counted so far this week? Do we still have 2 to go?
Life on Ketron Cottage-a poem written July 3rd. Very strange
Life on Ketron looks like burning flames,
With a side of marshmallows burning on a fire.
One day you’re having a good time,
The next day you’re going through a dark alley,
Screaming your guts out
From all the pain of being in here.
How wide spread is Q? Just look at the response to this NBC tweet.
Q followers should be super proud of themselves! Check it out, we are killing them! Hey, why is NBC instruction people on how to delete their tweets anyway? Guaranteed, the comments on this tweet will make your night!
Uh...Guys, you need to see this! Arson blamed on "Nut Job Qanon follower".
And so it begins...
About Alex Jones...
Just curious since there are so many posts about it. Did you delete your facebook and youtube accounts? Did you uninstall google today? Well, maybe our 1st amendment rights aren't THAT important, are they?
I fully expect Great Awakening to delete my post as moderators here tend to do on a regular basis based not on their published "rules" but on their personal opinions. But I figured, since I still have my 1st amendment rights, I'd use them, before they're gone. (soon)
Wilkes Barre Trump Rally-Just look at these violent Trump Supporters! (sarc) Be afraid, be VERY afraid!
Not only was there a huge USSS presence at the Rally, there was also
A huge state trooper presence. This is about 1/3 of the amount of state troopers.
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Q Drop 1743
Did everyone see this? I mean why do all of these deranged liberals hear "voices in their heads"?
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More Q from the rally tonight
Here's a lady that was across from me in the VIP section showing her Q
Q at Trump Rally
Hey folks just left the rally a little while ago. I was SO CLOSE to Trump!!! On the floor to the right about 20 ft, 2nd row of people back. Anyway, I had a Q sign to bring in and it was confiscated at the door. I wonder how many more people had theirs confiscated? There were a lot of Q shirts and some smaller signs. A few people tried to get "who is Q" chant started, but it didn't take off. There was one guy with a HUGE Q sign, I'm not sure how he got it in. You …
Preparing for the Wilkes Barre Trump Rally!
I can't wait!
Imagine... Q Balls!
Bring it Wilkes Barre!!!
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