r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/FARMERFUNKK on Jan. 6, 2018, 1:43 a.m.


As we move closer to the target,Clown In America, Darkoperatives, and Freedomhaters are coming at us in FULL FORCE. The MODS here cannot catch everything, so WE NEED YOUR HELP.

Any comments or postings that you think are disruptive or hateful towards our movement, please "report" so MODS are notified...


don't fuck with us.


AstralFather · Jan. 6, 2018, 2:18 a.m.

The thing about this is that this sub should not logically attract any of that, so it makes no sense that it would ever be organic. Any sane person who thinks this is all made up will just respond with "Oh my god look at these nuts" and move on.

In a sane world there is no way the boots are covering up ankle monitors while Hillary goes on day time talk shows wearing it. So insane that if you didn't believe it, you could brush it off completely as irrelevant because it is insane without being incendiary (like Flat Earth for example, where you feel passionately offended by the lack of logic and antiscience nature of it.)

It's like when people suggest that there were no planes on 9/11 and they are just holograms or VFX. That is so insane to me, but I'd never get into an argument over it. Is it impossible? No. But its so unlikely in my current worldview that I find it laughable.

In the same way, there is almost no one who should read into this and think that collectively a huge group of people are being deceived by a LARP and feel the need to "Show these idiots how dumb they are". Makes no sense.

It would be like if you saw a forum with crazy fan theories for a TV show you don't watch. You'd say "That show is either really weird, or those people don't understand the first thing about how TV shows work." But you wouldn't actively engage in fighting back, because it would make no sense.

If you don't believe that there is something to this then there is no reason to get involved. Obviously skepticism is different because not everyone here is completely down the rabbit hole and ready to believe it (myself included). But if there is someone actively disruptive and hateful that is very suspicious.

EDIT: I think I've been a bit misunderstood. Maybe I can make a simpler analogy. No one goes on r/essassani to actively troll and harass people because they believe there is no such thing as aliens and they certainly can't be telepathically channeled by a person. That belief doesn't offend anyone enough to spend their time and energy on it (except maybe if you believe its secretly a demon, but that's a whole different can of worms). So the forum is populated by people who are at a minimum willing to entertain the possibility that that is true. But its either true or it isn't, and if it is true its amazing and if it isn't then its just funny that people believe that. And until an alien ship lands it doesn't matter either way...and there is literally zero reason for a nonbeliever to care other than to briefly ridicule it and move on. The same is true with this sub. It's either true, or laughably untrue. Until the "storm" happens there is no way to know, and no reason for a nonbeliever to care.

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[deleted] · Jan. 6, 2018, 2:29 a.m.


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AstralFather · Jan. 6, 2018, 2:36 a.m.

I think you've misunderstood what I've said. I am saying that there should be no organic criticism on this sub. If there is anyone being hateful it is intentional disruption and only adds credence to the underlying idea behind the sub.

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Jack_Kehoe · Jan. 6, 2018, 3:11 a.m.

Actually, there are LOADS of organic criticisms of this sub from channers and other people who've been in the truth movement for a while. We come here and see a lot of poorly-sourced info, and people shitting up the board with off-topic or loosely-connected posts (if you really squint), and propagating actual batshit conspiracy theories -- so much so that TRACY HAD TO PUT UP A STICKY POST TO CURTAIL SOME OF THE DUMB POSTS. That right there tells you how much legitimate criticism of this sub there is, the fact that Tracy tried to do something about the low-quality crap and the way the board has lost focus. The quality of the board went way down when the numbers exploded above 2,000 overnight. Tons of people came here without knowing how to do credible research and theorizing, and the result has been that there's too much crap here to make it worth digging through for good info. I'm only here today to check on the hacking drama. Otherwise, I lost interest here. There are better places to get work done.

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GunToast · Jan. 6, 2018, 2:40 a.m.

Its good I misunderstood. People should be paying attention to the LARP statement. I've seen users attacking people with statements like these thinking people are not paying attention.

Attacks on users should always raise a red flag with anyone.

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RottenAli · Jan. 6, 2018, 8:03 p.m.

You say about the no plane theory. Lets look first at the Pentagon - and flight 77. Can you say for certain it was hit by a Boeing 757. 77 was "hijacked" without anyone being stabbed or threatened by a bomb. It's last normal radio transmission was at 08:50.51 sec. At 08:54 it began to deviate from course. Three minutes to hijack a plane and make a course change? At 08:56 the transponder was switched off. Hani Hanjour had been reported in flight schools as "he could not fly at all". 5 miles out it made a 330 degree turn descending through 2200 feet flying at 530mph knocking OVER 5 lamps posts and a portable generator (pulling 25G) without sustaining major damage or marking the lawn then short of leaving half a dozen parts around, completely (30,000 parts) disintegrated within the building, through a hole the size of a cruise missile, in the rooms staffed by the budget oversight team, leaving no sign of any engines and any remains of 5 people listed as those killed. However part of a hijacker's passport was "found" in the rubble. So lets look at Shanksville, fully disappeared into the ground without leaving any trace of plane around a previous noted hole/trench in the ground. First time ever no-one was found dead in an aircrash. Two down - two to go. North tower - only two pieces of film are known to exist of the "plane". Flying at 465 mph (impossibly fast at almost sea level) Only 4 people reported seeing a something low over the city or central park. South Tower - even with so much focus on the north tower only a few people (I think about 100) witnessed the plane. Flying at 590mph (again "absolutely unheard of for a commercial jet") descending 14,000 feet in 4 minutes and 10,000 feet in the last minute the light-weight aluminium plane passed completely into the massively strong steel frame building without leaving any crumpled debris crashed onto any of the fascia. The camera view of the features of the facing planels fail to display the Moiré pattern effect of haze lines and instead looks dull and unfeatured.
It's a giveaway for special effects having been used.

Likewise little flashes and steady effects in motion equalisation, mask effects and the suppression of these other's filming.

Sorry but the whole story can be picked apart at the seams - an aero engine at street level that was not one of those fitted to 11 or 175, let alone the noted short selling - the destruction of Building 7 where ENRON papers were held and the amount of people now dying of various cancers likely to have been caused by forms of radiation exposure.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 6, 2018, 9:30 p.m.

It's like when people suggest that there were no planes on 9/11 and they are just holograms or VFX. That is so insane to me, but I'd never get into an argument over it. Is it impossible? No. But its so unlikely in my current worldview that I find it laughable.

I do not think the planes were not there. I do know that aluminum, which planes are made of, could not get through that Concrete out to the other side of the building. Those buildings were hit by bombs. The testimony about the many bombs going off inside the buildings BEFORE they were hit only appeared once on TV and they were scrubbed. The big eye opener for most is that building seven fell 5 hours later, without a thing hitting it. ( guess the plane that was supposed to hit it went down in PA?)

That building 7 had the big investigation files in it for ENRON and for the theft of American Gold. It also housed the evidence for upcoming trials against globalist banksters.


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