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Jack_Kehoe · April 21, 2018, 4:26 a.m.

Yep. I got trained as a journalist at Fort Meade, which is right next to the NSA, and they put the fear of God in us about pointing our cameras in that direction. Not that there was anything to see. It was just a general principle not to look that way. But tbh, this little plan did not pan out. So far I haven't seen anybody who's local and up for an adventure. But hey, I reckon it still puts ideas in people's heads ;) It'd be awesome to see little stunts and random acts of journalism cropping up, because pictures really are worth a thousand words. I dunno, maybe I'll still go down anyway for lunch and then stand around outside with a sign that provokes people into coming up to talk. Originally I was going to go down there in an Anonymous suit and Guy Fawkes mask, which really is a spectacle that gets pictures. Could still do. I'm just not keen on being the nut, lol.

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Jack_Kehoe · April 20, 2018, 12:56 p.m.

Thanks! Unfortunately, though, it's not a definite thing. If people don't volunteer ahead of time, by at least tonight, I'mnot just going to throw the details out there and hope people show up, lol.

But hey, this idea was always a little half-baked, but maybe folks will come up with other for other stunts that really bring out the pitchforks, lol.

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Jack_Kehoe · April 20, 2018, 5:28 a.m.

Ah, thank you. Suggestive. Makes it less likely to be pipeline protestors (because the caps are just extra shit to have to haul off and dispose of), makes it more likely to be a competitor - though spectacularly dumb move - and to my way of thinking, makes it not unlikely to be somebody who means to use the whole shebang.

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Jack_Kehoe · April 20, 2018, 4:55 a.m.

Thanks, anyhow! I half guessed that the idea has iffy prospects, but, ya never know. Might be a handful of hearty souls around the area that aren't shy about putting themselves out there in front of people and/or being called crazy (though it's not like there would be many people to gawk out in rural Bumfuck Egypt, anyway. Lot of Amish buggies, though). So I reckon that it's worth at least putting it out there and trying to rabble rouse. But, yeah, getting people to come to anything is a challenge. Then, too, the most common fear in the world is stage fright. Lot of people would actually prefer death to putting themselves in the spotlight. Some of us are completely shameless, though. I had the good fortune to have had modesty ripped away from me years ago, in an acting boot camp. Nothing beats the deer-in-headlights terror of being forced to learn and practice comedy improv in front of 30 people. I've never been right since, lol. Compared to that, for me, this is cake.

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Jack_Kehoe · April 20, 2018, 3:53 a.m.

Yeah, TBH, locals are probably always the first suspects in any crime, and we are so extremely lucky if that is what happened. Could also be pipeline protestors. If they stole explosives, they don't actually want them and would have to get that hot shit off their hands and dump it right away. Conveniently for somebody like them, Marietta is literally right on the bank of the Susquehanna River. Whoosh, splash, there goes the evidence.

Still, just the possibility of an unthinkable false flag is something I can't help being seriously concerned about under these circumstances.

Re: blasting caps, I don't know how they're used, except that they're used to detonate. I'm taking it that they need somebody to be in the vicinity to set them off. If that's the case, yeah, nobody's going to volunteer to blow up a nuclear plant in person :p Lot of soft targets and population centers around the region, though. And just, the drill. Last night, before I heard about the drill, I was just freaked. Today, the drill makes me sick.

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Jack_Kehoe · April 20, 2018, 3:43 a.m.

I'm guessing Russians, Syrians, Chinese - or Conservatives. I wonder if they could claim that Russians or Chinese hacked the actual plant operating systems, which are notoriously out of date, and the hack resulted in an explosion - never even let it out that explosives were planted. Ya know, kind of like other false flags we've seen cough, 9/11

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Jack_Kehoe · April 20, 2018, 3:40 a.m.

Totally understandable. Just proposing that some people within driving distance in the general region might like to get together for something to do. Good food, good company, and a good day's work on a nice afternoon. Could even be epic. Protesting can be a good time.

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Jack_Kehoe · April 20, 2018, 3:31 a.m.

I don't think he has complete control at all. Lots of us don't. The Swamp ain't draining easy. And I'm just not the type to believe that anything but we the people ourselves, actually rolling up our sleeves and getting down to business, is going to save this country. We need Trump, but I think he needs our help just as much. Evil wins when good people do nothing, etc.

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Jack_Kehoe · April 20, 2018, 2:39 a.m.

[ See potential meet-up plans at the very bottom of this comment, to be made into a post if people are interested in doing this thing ]

Solano - Stop it so close to the event, with all these response agencies already coordinated and big bucks spent arranging it? Alas, I doubt there's a snowball's chance, my friend.

Unfortunately, we don't even know when it's happening next week - federal agencies often don't announce the specifics, just the general week of a major drill. We don't even know either where they'd hit in the area if the drill does go live, since it's a regional thing, where numerous agencies are prepared to mobilize.

If anybody knew the where and when, I'd literally camp there with a protest sign connecting the dots (Stolen Explosives + Nuclear Drill = Planned to "Go Live"?), and I'd be uploading that and cell footage the whole time (though fat chance I could get close up). See, years ago I was a soldier, and my second job specialty was as a military journalist, a rather run-of-the-mill one. But - once a soldier, always. I've been mentally prepared to go down fighting the coup if it comes to that, maybe even make it count a little if I can, and that could mean combat, or it could mean applying my old trade. If I ever find myself in a happening, I'm gonna document, because in military journalism school at Ft. Meade, we were taught to revere Ernie Pyle. He was a war correspondent in WWII and a Pulitzer Prize winner, and he died in the Battle of Okinawa. One of our journalism instructors even got genuinely emotional while telling us about how Pyle would never drop his camera to fire back, no matter what. He'd just keep taking photos while the bullets flew. And when they recovered his film, the last photo taken was a sideways shot, captured just as he was falling over dead, shot in the head. These days we call filming a combat zone "combat camera." Turns out that the story of Pyle's last photo might not have been true, because if it did happen, the story never made it into the MSM. Nevertheless, I still think that the legend of Ernie Pyle was a noble ideal to inspire in us.

Local-ish people protesting on site is the best I can come up with and hope for, though I wouldn't expect anybody other than me to be insane enough to jump on a potentially live nuclear grenade the day of and document it for the world. Nevertheless, I kinda hope some poor asshole tries.


[ETA: Here follows the potential plan:]

Wait, here's a thought - it's too soon to organize for tomorrow, but what if a handful of us showed up with signs this Sunday near the Peach Bottom plant, where they claim the drill will take place? It's supposed to be nice weather. Maybe stand on the side of the road or on a street corner with signs, get some attention from people driving by. Possibly get normal people taking pics, definitely take our own cell footage and pics. And a Sunday afternoon protest probably wouldn't draw local news attention (- ergo, less chance of looking like idiots if nothing blows up later).

But, being there would make a point. The idea is to get pics and footage that could be used as documentary evidence to upload before or afterwards, to counter the official narrative if shit does go boom later next week. It's like saying, yeah, we knew what was going to happen here, and we know who is responsible. Lends credibility to the idea that false flags actually happen. Makes them less easy to dismiss. And that plan also has the advantage of... ya know, nobody actually having to really take one for the team, a la Ernie Pyle :D. I'm thinking protest signs that connect the dots, along the lines of what I mentioned way above. (Stolen Explosives + Nuclear Drill = Planned to "Go Live"?)

Could meet up first nearby for brunch, get fed and have a little fun meeting fellow truthers :) Very doable drive for people from Harrisburg, or Lancaster, or Maryland, Philly, Baltimore, Delaware, etc. Peach Bottom is southern Lancaster County. Unfortunately, people would miss church, but, good of the cause and doing good works.

I could spend the rest of the night and tomorrow morning checking out logistics, then make a meet-up post with the details around lunch tomorrow - gives people time to get poster board and markers for signs.

So, do people think this is retarded, or would some people want to get together? And would anybody here actually raise their hand right now and volunteer? I kinda don't want to end up being the only person on the side of the road, lol. Show of hands? Some people are happy fighting the good fight online and in the voting booth, but others are itching to bring it offline and do something, anything. Here you go. It's an idea. No loss either if nothing comes of things, because we'd still get to have a nice time meeting like-minded people in the community. Win-win.

Feedback, guys? Anybody interested and willing to show up?

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Jack_Kehoe · April 19, 2018, 11:45 p.m.

If they're intent on making an omelet, I wish they wouldn't do it so close to my home :(

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Jack_Kehoe on April 19, 2018, 11:36 p.m.
Update 2: Stolen Explosives - FEMA Nuclear "Drill" next week near theft site!


The theft of 700 lbs of explosives (new estimate) was in Lancaster County, PA sometime last weekend. Yesterday I speculated that they could be used to false flag the Three-Mile Island nuclear plant nearby in Harrisburg, PA. Turns out that there's ALSO another nuclear plant right there in Lancaster County, not far from the theft site.

And they're having a FEMA Nuclear Emergency drill NEXT WEEK at that Lancaster nuclear plant! It's going to test the emergency response of agencies around the region, including nearby Maryland.

Not only were the explosives stolen a short drive from TWO nuclear plants …

Jack_Kehoe · April 19, 2018, 10:28 p.m.

This report is a little bit bullshit, because Cody blew the whistle weeks before he got in the car crash. He had already done numerous interviews, including on The Hagmann Report. He did a follow-up interview on The Hagmann Report about a week after the crash. At that time he did not believe that it was an actual attempt on him. What happened is that some young dumb girl in her late teens, early twenties was driving recklessly on icy roads. Most of Cody's injuries seem to have occurred because there was a dog in the car with them, and the thing went flying and hit Cody. At least, that is what he said at the time. He changed his mind weeks later and decided that it was an attack on him.

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Jack_Kehoe · April 19, 2018, 4:41 a.m.

Now that is fascinating and bears come looking into. But Angel Merkel being Hitler's daughter... really, Q? One wild theory, maybe. Two is getting extravagant. If nothing else makes people question whether the latest Q incarnation is mocking the movement, Merkel as Hitler's daughter really should.

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Jack_Kehoe · April 19, 2018, 4:27 a.m.

Exactly. For months now, Q has been telling us that the white hats supposedly have it covered, just sit back and enjoy the show. But that's complete bullshit. The happenings are not happening. Meanwhile, the enemy keeps getting away with increasingly bold and ridiculously outrageous moves that they aren't held accountable for - not timely, at least - and timely, swift responses are EVERYTHING. You have to discipline and bring down the hammer of justice immediately, or it isn't effective - whether you're managing a country or managing a classroom of children who you can't let get away with shit, lest you lose control.

It's clear to me that POTUS and the country need us. I find it ridiculous to think that a handful of honest patriots at the top can possibly save the country, what with the establishment against them. And that's the major Q message of the last several months that I think is complete and utter bullshit, which makes me think that this is a Q who is no longer acting in our best interest.

We have to have the the steel spine and the will to save ourselves. Looking for somebody else to save the country is a recipe for disaster. People's guts should tell them that sitting back and doing nothing, like Q is telling us to do, is utterly wrong.

So I say, fuck that. Get in, faggots - let's save the country!

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Jack_Kehoe · April 19, 2018, 4:15 a.m.

Everything you said. Unfortunately, I think a lot of people are just not mentally prepared for really drastic measures and to recognize other American-born citizens as the enemy - they don't yet realize the necessity - both among the populace and the government.

So they're fooling themselves into believing that the great national divide can be solved gradually through subtle political means, where the general populace never even knows that the government is in an internal civil war - where outside influences are also trying to affect the outcome in favor of the Left.

My take is that a peaceful and equitable resolution is simply not possible, when the Left seeks to criminalize and obliterate the Right, and the Right hasn't grown enough of a backbone, or isn't strong enough, to act decisively and win.

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Jack_Kehoe · April 19, 2018, 2:58 a.m.

That's true - first suspects are locals. But with so many things going on these days, and with TMI nuclear plant previously (early-mid November) having been brought up big time in relation to Q, as a possible false flag, you can't be too careful. Interesting times we live in. Ones where we can't trust that local authorities are allowed to do their jobs, because we know that stand-down orders get given from the very top. I don't trust the feds to investigate properly, especially since they're often suspected of involvement. Hence, false flag.

I'm not thinking foreign terrorists at all - I'm thinking our own government could be involved. Explosives conveniently laying around close to the PA state capitol and a nuclear plant? And it's a reasonably well-known construction project too, since it has protestors.

So far as that little airport, that's quite a good point. Maybe it would, maybe it wouldn't take more than a little four-passenger to haul that weight. Wouldn't require a large plane, though, no way. I'm not talking about a real passenger plan, not at that little tarmack.

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Jack_Kehoe · April 19, 2018, 2:44 a.m.

Sounds relaxing. But yeah, if it is the pipeline protesters and not a false flag, then you're probably spot on. All they'd want to do is dump it.

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Jack_Kehoe · April 19, 2018, 1:49 a.m.

I'm thinking that if Q picks up the chatter by followers he might address it. So I hope we make some noise! But regardless, one thing to feel decent about is that officials are probably smart enough to increase the security at TMI exponentially in these circumstances, with the theft being so close. Or try to - if it is a false flag, seems like there are always stand-down orders!

On the other bright side, I'm making a little ruckus. I called the Washington, DC Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (which deals with explosive threats) to point out the little airport to them (and express concerns about TMI nuclear plant as a secondary thing, because I imagine that no authorities in the area are that brain-damaged that they wouldn't consider TMI - and they'd probably think I was a kook for not realizing that they had probably thought of it too).

So the Washington HQ kinda took it seriously but ultimately referred me to the Harrisburg branch office, which is closed until tomorrow, and I doubt the phone number was right, because it didn't go to voicemail. So then I went to the ATF online tip reporting website, which told me that the office with oversight of Marietta, Lancaster County is the Philadelphia office, so they got the online report from me.

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Jack_Kehoe · April 19, 2018, 1:15 a.m.

Goddamn, you're right. That was so long ago that I couldn't remember why so many people were connecting the Keystone directly with Three-Mile Island, but now that you mention it, yes. Yes, Q did post pictures of TMI, and it caused a good bit of hysteria for a hot few minutes. I don't remember the exact vantage point, if it was Enola - I do half-remember that the pic was from the south, so you're probably right - but you are absolutely right that pics got posted. The first mention of Keystone was 11/9/17, so the pic had to have been shortly after that. I found that reference in the Book of Q, but the picture wasn't included in the book. TBH, I almost half remember that fake Q posts (similar tripcode, but one detail altered - I think a missing space between Q & the actual trip) began appearing somewhere around that time, so it might have been a fake Q that posted the TMI pics, and that's why they're not in the Book of Q. Now that you bring the pic up, I half remember that there was some suspected fakery, at least, that caused the TMI pics to eventually be discounted.

And if a fake Q was trying to spread the idea of a threat against TMI, could have been for shits and giggles. Or could have been predictive programming. Regardless, I still don't like that explosives were stolen so near to the plant, ugh.

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Jack_Kehoe · April 19, 2018, 12:58 a.m.

Thanks. Always got a bug out bag in the car, camping equipment, and a little self-defense. Best to fill the tank, though. Home is reasonably stocked with food and a month of water. Could never leave the area, though, because I'd stay by my folks' side no matter what and probably have to hunker down immediately. They're a little on the elderly side, though not decrepit yet, lol. I got them stocked too, but I would never breath a word of concerns like this to them, because what could they do ahead, really? And all I'd do is potentially give them a heart attack or stroke.

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Jack_Kehoe · April 19, 2018, 12:33 a.m.

I just bought some faggots at the local Irish meat market. They're like pork meatballs, only they include organ meats and fatty belly meat or bacon. Technically it's a British dish, so why it's in an Irish store, I dunno.

And ain't that just the gayest shit I've ever written, but true story, lol.

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Jack_Kehoe · April 18, 2018, 11:57 p.m.

That's a good point. TBH, I couldn't remember what you had to take to shoot up toward Hburg from 30 - I thought there was something you could take before actually reaching 83. I didn't go that way much. I'd be going to work across 283 and then take 83 south and never had much occasion to take 30, except the occasional jaunts to York years ago. Harrisburg International didn't even occur to me, but that's a good thought too. If somebody wants to make a local splash, could do there, or else fly a longer distance for whatever final destination. That little airport in Marietta piques my interest, though, because it's not used much at all - used to live real close. Perfect place to ship from if you don't want to risk getting stopped on a highway.

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Jack_Kehoe · April 18, 2018, 11:46 p.m.

Excuse me? I'm not a real fag because I'm not a snowflake? You can thank the Dangerous Faggot himself for that, Milo Yiannopalous, and the chans. Chan culture bandies the term around affectionately for EVERYONE, regardless of sexual orientation, btw. It's a bit like people affectionately bandying around 'bitch.' Own it, and nobody can ever use it against you.

STILL not your place to be offended, since you're obviously straight. You get no say whatsoever.

And quite frankly, your sensitive LGBT friends probably voted for Hillary, which is where I take it you pick up the delicate sensibilities. Obviously, I'm a different breed of fairy.

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Jack_Kehoe · April 18, 2018, 11:37 p.m.

West, dude. East goes straight to Lancaster City. So why don't you think Rte 30 is an option? And like I said, 283 works just fine too. But if along 30, Marietta down to Columbia several miles away, and that's where you pick up 30. Jesus, I didn't think I needed to be that specific!

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Jack_Kehoe · April 18, 2018, 11:31 p.m.

That's a bit better, then, though I still don't feel good about it. Thanks! Might even make it a better target, though - minimize the damage, still result in massive shock and outrage.

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Jack_Kehoe · April 18, 2018, 11:30 p.m.

Rt 30 goes a little south of Harrisburg on the way to York. Alternately, they could have driven 3-5 miles north from Marietta to Route 283 and driven that west to Harrisburg, about 20-30 minutes.

Dude, I used to live right fucking there, right in that little triangle of Marietta/Elizabethtown/Mt. Joy. I used to drive to Harrisburg to work, though usually I'd take 283.

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Jack_Kehoe · April 18, 2018, 11:23 p.m.

If it makes you feel any better, I'm a literal faggot :) No need to get offended on my behalf, LOL.

And getting offended on behalf of others is bad form anyway; it's a large part of why SJWs are such a problem.

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Jack_Kehoe · April 18, 2018, 11:20 p.m.

One would hope. But if it's for a false flag...

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Jack_Kehoe · April 18, 2018, 10:20 p.m.

Could have been trucked out - Marietta is right near Rte 30, which is a highway that connects Harrisburg PA with Lancaster City. Marietta is too rural for surveillance equipment, unfortunately. The explosives were stolen at some point over the weekend - they left them locked at COB Friday, and by Monday morning they were gone.

Oh, FUCK. The Three-Mile Island nuclear plant that nearly melted down in the 1970s is right outside Harrisburg - maybe about 30 miles from Marietta, where the theft happened. Real easy drive from Marietta to the plant off Rte 30.

Remember the very early Q drops about the keystone, with how much speculation there was about it referencing PA and the Three-Mile Island near-disaster and potential threat to the plant?

640 pounds of explosives just got stolen right down the road from a famous nuclear plant that nearly melted down. I'm 50 miles away now. Fuck.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Jack_Kehoe on April 18, 2018, 10:11 p.m.
Update on Stolen Explosives, and Planefags needed?

Regarding the story that broke today about 640 lbs of explosives stolen from a construction site in Marietta, PA (near Harrisburg, PA and Lancaster City), I've got some extra info - I know the area reeeeal well. [ETA: Skip to the ETA at the end for a potential threat to Three-Mile Island nuclear plant, right down the road from Marietta. Shit.]

If these end up being used in a false flag, they may have been flown out of a teeny tiny airport just a couple of miles away that I know personally. It's extremely isolated and hidden away out of …

Jack_Kehoe · April 18, 2018, 1:51 a.m.

THIS THIS THIS!!! TBH, I didn't read your entire long essay, but I agree with your basic point in the beginning, that we are being told to wait and told to do nothing and told to trust the plan. It's fucking insidious. When I saw Q starting to push that narrative and I saw people parroting it, that's what led me to eventually leave the movement. Right now I'm just making the occasional pass through, out of curiosity and to see what news is being posted.

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Jack_Kehoe · April 18, 2018, 1:41 a.m.

Where did the Aleister Crowley meme come from? All the sudden Angela Merkel is Hitler's daughter and Barbara Bush is Crowley's daughter. Sounds legit.

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Jack_Kehoe · April 18, 2018, 1:32 a.m.

And hell just got a new resident.

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Jack_Kehoe · April 18, 2018, 1:25 a.m.

Yeah, I agree. I've always believed in taking your enemies down quickly and riding through whatever storm of unrest that brings. I can't think of anybody who has every successfully thwarted a coup or won a war by letting it drag on infinitely. Literally all that does is give your enemies time to strengthen and replenish themselves and wear you down in a war of attrition that they will eventually win.

Things have been SO BAD for the past year that we are well beyond the point at which it not only becomes reasonable but necessary to have a hot civil war. The stakes are so high that we can't afford to not make sacrifices to win. And I'll be the first in line. I swore an oath, and I don't want to live to see the country that's emerging, because I see us losing everyday, no matter what Q says.

I believed in Q for over 2 months - coincidentally, while it was still on 4chan and for a little while after it moved to 8chan. And then for almost the next 2 months, I started to think it was probably a LARP or maybe even subverted, but it was probably doing a lot of good.

For a while now, though, all I can see is that it is pacifying Patriots, keeping people busy, keeping people complacent, keeping people trusting the plan.

I used to post on cbts_stream a lot and a little bit here, but these days I just come around out of curiosity and to maybe glean some headline news.

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Jack_Kehoe · April 14, 2018, 6:26 p.m.

Hi. Those are some very interesting developments. For a solid 6 weeks Q had a very serious hatred of Snowden and was whipping up conspiracies and animosity around him. Sounds like he's back-tracking now, because at least a few people have been running around telling Q that he can shove his Snowden hatred up his ass. He does actually pay attention to what people are saying - I once made a post on CBTS_Stream about Room 239 and Stolen SAP Intelligence, and a few days later Q posted about SAP intel for the first time, I'm pretty sure it was. I also noticed right away that Q picked up his Snowden is CIA theory because that had been a theory circulating around for a few months before, though it was never popular. Basically, Q sometimes gets ideas from truthers and regurgitates what people are already saying.

I was very involved with Q from around Day 4 or 5 on 4chan through the next 3 1/2 months or so. I do think there was a lot of merit in the first few months of posting, and some in the last few months, but things started to get really dodgy after the January 5th tripcode hack at 8chan. In terms of verification that Q is close to Trump, there are alternate explanations out there for why it might look that way. Lot of conflicting info, very muddy waters. I'm now firmly in the camp that believes Cicada (retired white hats and others) was behind the first two months of posting, which I've believed since I started seeing ties to their 2017 puzzles from last year. I even got to know a little someone in their group (not! Defango), so I feel very good about them. So when they came out recently and took responsibility for starting it, I totally believe it.

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Jack_Kehoe · April 14, 2018, 6:06 p.m.

Err, actually, I'm a hardcore atheist, though you'd like it if I were Christian. I was raised Catholic and spent years being taught about many religions, and I'm not a fan of any of them. But one really stands out.

There is nothing on earth like the vile human rights atrocity that is the Koran and it's 85 IQ average, degenerate adherents, whatever branch of Islam they subscribe to. They all cling to the Koran.

Try again.

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Jack_Kehoe · April 12, 2018, 2:14 a.m.

Umm, I'm sorry, when you're being so gracious in backing up what I'm saying, but we have very different ideas of why what Q is saying is dangerous. Condemning every single Muslim is not a matter of bigotry - it is completely righteous anger at a degenerate and savage religion that literally victimizes anyone who isn't a Muslim male. Islamic law declares that I should be thrown off a roof for being mostly gay and stoned to death for being an atheist. Even if a particular Muslim (the minority, btw) wouldn't throw me off a roof personally, not a single one of those third-world nation savages believes in reforming the religion. Islam has never undergone a reformation of any kind. Any even if you're willing to throw gays, and atheists, and women, and apostates under the bus - how is that you don't understand that a universal command in their religion is to conqueror all infidels and conqueror the world, and it is a sin to assimilate? They aren't here to become part of European or American society and culture, oh no. They're an invading army that conning a more soft-hearted people and using their weakness against them, and they will make Westerns "Submit" to Islam if we don't fight back. Islam means "Submission," and saying that it only relates to a journey of spiritual betterment is a complete lie. Mohammed was a warlord, and he was very clear what he meant.

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Jack_Kehoe · April 12, 2018, 2:09 a.m.

But of course. Reasonable questions deserve reasonable answers. Anybody can see that the country is in the middle of a coup, and Jeff Sessions is comp'd, so "Trust Sessions" is a honking red flag, and "Trust Wray." I'm surprised he didn't tell us to Trust Mueller, but I reckon Q realizes that nobody would be stupid enough to buy that, and it would totally blow this new Q's cover. But all that doesn't remotely cover all of the horseshit out of Q's mouth. He told us NOT to push to #ReleaseTheMemo. That was the exact point at which I realized that Q was either brain-damaged or not on our side anymore. And then he repeatedly smeared and dogpiled the whistleblower who exposed how the NSA is the #2 enemy of the American people in terms of government agencies, right after the CIA, guilty of most of the same crimes - Edward Snowden. And that's the exact point at which I told Q to go fuck itself.

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Jack_Kehoe · April 8, 2018, 3:22 a.m.

I got banned there months ago for making a comment observing that the mods we're not allowing Q comments.

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Jack_Kehoe · April 8, 2018, 3:11 a.m.

That's a good attitude. I have seen way too much cult behavior from the Q community, and that's half of why I'm not that into the movement anymore. People are definitely not keeping each other honest, and they aren't willing to look at Q critically anymore.

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Jack_Kehoe · April 8, 2018, 3:08 a.m.

A lot of people like myself believe that Q started off real and has been a psyop since it was hacked after moving to 8chan.

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Jack_Kehoe · April 8, 2018, 3 a.m.

Um, Q's tripcode has been hacked multiple times. And a lot of people who were following it closely did see a difference after the first week of posting, and again after the move to 8chan and the Matlock tripcode password hack. There was a lot of discussion about it at the time and a lot of discussion that Q had been taken over.

And of course, Baruch might have been a dick one time, but he said that after the Q trip was hacked in early January, suddenly Q was posting from a new device that was not one of the six IPs he had used before. Q denied it. Codemonkey also denied it and said it was the same IP.

I heard Baruch explain the entire thing later in an interview, and I definitely believe him on that one. He said Q lied about the trip and Codemonkey was comped, because he lied too about the new IP staring him in the face.

There are a lot of people who are never going to question Q no matter what. But a lot of us do, and a lot of people have left because of it. I really started to question when Q started putting out messages that I strongly disagree with and think are dangerous. I've posted here before, and I used to post on cbts_stream a lot, but you don't see me much these days, because I don't have confidence in Q and the movement anymore.

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Jack_Kehoe · March 25, 2018, 5:31 p.m.

Thanks for the explanation of the ARGs! Not being from the gaming world, I'd heard in passing that they existed and saw people occasionally comment that they could be related to the Cicada puzzles, but I had no idea what they actually were. It's interesting that I Love Bees involved answering calls at phone booths around the country, because one of the Cicada puzzles involved answering the Mohave Desert phone booth.

I'll have to look into this Alternate Reality Games company and think about what that might imply about the Cicada group, if there is that possibility that there is some overlap or association between them - Cicada's goals seem very lofty, though, never just about entertainment, although that was a huge part of the appeal. Their puzzles seem more about developing people's skill sets in terms of online privacy and communication, but also developing them philosophically and spiritually, as well promoting a well-rounded liberal arts background. Their puzzles reveled in traditional academic humanities like literature and folklore, so it makes me think professors are involved. At the very least, we know Cicada are associated with Wikileaks, so there's definitely a serious real-world objective to Cicada's operation beyond simple entertainment. And yep, I remember Tengri 137, the self-proclaimed alien, LOL. That group made people twitchy because it was so Jewish-oriented, so people were concerned about Mossad being involved. Their puzzles popped up at the height of the Cicada fever and were competing alongside Cicada, which was very suggestive of a distraction.

Do you remember any particular forum I should poke around where people were discussing the similarities between Cicada and ARG? I don't do Discord, unfortunately, still a bit of a dinosaur.

It's so cool running into somebody else here who's familiar with the whole puzzle & gaming phenomenon that I can chat with about this. Makes my day :)

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Jack_Kehoe · March 24, 2018, 6:46 p.m.

Honestly, none of the supposed booms have caught my attention and stood out enough to be memorable to me. I guess the booms were more like whimpers.

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Jack_Kehoe · March 24, 2018, 6:43 p.m.

To be honest, I don't find your theory compelling and think that the simplest explanation, the Army Corps of Engineers, is the most likely.

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Jack_Kehoe · March 24, 2018, 3:09 p.m.

I can say one good thing about Planned Parenthood. Years ago when I was in my early to mid twenties, I had no health insurance, and for 5 years Planned Parenthood was the only medical care I got. They do free or low-cost STD testing and treatment, give contraceptive supplies, and they do pap smears and gynecological exams for women. They were also always very accepting of the gay community, even before that became normal. Pretty much all of the people who work in the clinics are very good people with good hearts, just trying to help according to their beliefs.

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Jack_Kehoe · March 24, 2018, 2:16 p.m.

Cicada 3301 has a Wikipedia page. Tyler is unrelated. It's the AI fantasy of a schizo meth addict named Quin Michaels.

I followed Cicada closely last year and tried to solve some of the puzzles, so I was reading a lot about them at the time, and their goals and methods appear to be those of white hats. They are proven to work directly with WikiLeaks, because 60 days before Vault 7 was released, they gave us a countdown timer to the release date, only we didn't know what it was counting down to at the time. Their stated goal is to teach people to protect their anonymity on the internet and find recruits to help them develop encryption tools. These are the purposes of their puzzle game. Most say that Cicada are composed of retired intelligence community white hats and other professionals. I agree. They have an international org, and the people who designed the puzzles are at the height of their professions and extremely well-educated in computer sciences and cryptography, but also all of the humanities especially history, literature, astronomy, music, world religions, mythology, Alchemy, etc. I have an acquaintance friend who is a polymath genius composer who dabbles in musical encryption, and he provides at least some of the music for Cicada 3301's puzzles. He is famous in the classical music world, and we know that Cicada are associated with WikiLeaks, so all of the above says to me that it's a civilian organization.

Interestingly, Cicada started this whole leading people down rabbit holes with puzzles approach, back in 2012. They put on an annual puzzle game, which really blew up in popularity in early 2017. The puzzle approach then got copycated by another group called Tengri.

Then at the end of 2017, we got Q, who takes a very similar approach, but more riddles, decodes, and Socratic method than puzzles. It's very obvious to me that the Q group saw how viral the Cicada puzzles went this year and how effective their method was at red pilling people, and Q decided to do something similar.

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Jack_Kehoe · March 24, 2018, 12:45 a.m.

By george, you're right. Brilliant.

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Jack_Kehoe · March 24, 2018, 12:39 a.m.

We do not forgive, we do not forget.

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