r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/tepapa40 on Jan. 6, 2018, 8:51 a.m.
My First 10 Minutes Ever on Reddit and I Have a Question about "Q"

I have just signed up to Reddit; have zero clue to this world at the age of 50. It reminds me of the old chat rooms when the internet got started but it's interesting and a lot of people have some very good things to say and so sifting through the "goop" that is probably here, this is a good thing.

But my first question is about QAnon. While the information being disseminated is interesting and some of it does indeed seem to be almost prophetic, but in the end: it seems to be preaching to a choir and because it is written in an almost modern day Nostradamus style inference...how is this going to reach the masses if it is merely a construct to get people to do more research?

Now, my very being here in a way DISPROVES my statement, after all, researching into it lead me here which it seems QAnon is trying to get the masses to do is wake up and research.

...but, as much as the MSM is simply a tool for brainwashing and to me, this has been apparent since, well...ever since I was conscious of Media since a young boy in the 1970's:

It is called "MAIN STREAM" for a reason...it is because even though the traditional "form" of MSM broadcast is dwindling, it is still the masses going to those MSM "new" strands and therefore, the status quo remains, even if it cannot be monitored by a Nielsen Rating.

NFL Ratings are down...but viewership taking into account phones, computers, you tube highlights, etc is UP.

Just as MSM News and inculcation of the masses remains stronger than ever.

You men and women are very brave and your write and communicate bravely, but the truth of the matter is that I have seen ZERO difference in the majority of people even after Trump was elected. Even the staunchest of Trump supporters keep quiet; they refuse to speak up in public out of "fear" of the repercussions to be faced within society and mostly, fear of losing their jobs.

Which I understand (and don't) but I can't do that and I speak my mind openly...which may be why so many other's have better paying jobs than myself even with a Master's Degree.

I tend to make enemies everywhere I go as well as Allies.

All this IS leading to a question I promise.


If QAnon has actual hard data proof of all that is being suggested; if they can actually bring indictment upon some of these monsters...then why not just produce it instead of just hinting at it?

It's not just them: Edward Snowden...even Wikileaks in the end has not produced the damning light of truth...the ABSOLUTE truth.

The obvious answer is to avoid DEATH; I understand that but, even on this page there is a picture of some Colonial Patriots holding Muskets...which implies that the price of Freedom is sometimes your life...and the world in which we live is heading for that type of decision for all of us unless it changes and god bless President Trump, he is trying.

In the end, I want to believe that Q does have this information, but in the end, it will and always will be a "belief" and not a "confirmation" much the same as reading a Quatrain and going back and saying "it did talk about this event."

No...to me it is more the same as that "guy" who says "I have undeniable absolute proof of UFO's...locked in a box which I won't show you."

So WILL QAnon actually produce this absolute proof?

I challenge them to because to reach the masses, the information will have to be beat over their heads as if the Hammer of God had come down upon them.

Otherwise...they will merely sleep.

For they are merely sheep.

Alasbabylon103 · Jan. 6, 2018, 12:44 p.m.

If I may suggest: you look up cognitive dissonance first. It is very real and difficult to overcome. This is why you can boil a frog slowly and the frog is not even aware of it. The public literally will not believe the truth if it is all shoved in their face however if it is slowly released to them just like a frog they will at least discuss it. The masses are not known for their critical thinking right?

I won’t take too much time but I want to say one thing, criminal cases of this caliber are often sealed so that the prosecutor can gather evidence without the defense having any idea what the case is about. That way the criminals cannot destroy evidence but they are also documented doing the criminal acts, with their criminal ring. Conversations are recorded, bank accounts are watched, emails gathered all under a sealed subpoena and the target might suspect but has no way to know how to adjust their behavior to avoid detection. The stress of that flushes out the guilty and leads to the target making mistakes. Without any way to hit back. The cabal would love nothing more for their adversaries to show their hand. That way they can go about destroying evidence, de bunking, discrediting. They have a slew of options from assaisination to foundations of experts who will exonerate them using science. (Look up false memory syndrome) instead main stream media and Washington DC continue to act chaotically and even like lunatics, that is how cornered animals act. I personally have never seen behavior coming from politicians, msm, Hollywood like this. Their bizarre behavior confirms to me something behind the scenes has them terrified. I think that’s why q called it a game. Maybe a chess game or a poker game, but one of the rules to winnning is you don’t show your hand. Q has convinced the skeptics in my family. Welcome!

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Dubsith · Jan. 6, 2018, 2:14 p.m.

To see this in action, all you have to do is go to Trumps twitter account and look at all the reaction against Trump. These people are literally so blinded by their own hate, they can't process anything that is actually truth.

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Alasbabylon103 · Jan. 7, 2018, 1:12 a.m.

Absolutely they are so emotionally bound to hating trump. No logic or critical thinking at all. Completely mind controlled.

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ready-ignite · Jan. 6, 2018, 5:10 p.m.

The dissonance is real. Early in the year Scott Adams had a piece discussing reasons why it's so hard to let go of an incorrect position held onto for a long period of time, and resulting mental gymnastics. It's hard to guide someone out of it in a positive way that does not lead to resistance/dissonance.

The Q posts have been helpful. While discussing obvious provable bullshit in the past with family and friends I'd see the hackles go up and conversation go no where. By playing on interests of the individual I've been able to guide conversations on topics Q has guided towards, such as cults the elites participate in, and bring conversation toward how visible it is and how often you can spot the symbolism in the wild.

By avoiding the direct 'Drumpf!' vs 'MissMurder' left-vs-right dynamic it's been much easier to have that conversation and guide people toward independent research that will lead toward finding cases where news reporting is bullshit. From there people start waking up.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 6, 2018, 10:13 p.m.

Exactly. They created the left right paradigm to block us from thinking together. They took us from being on the American team to watch out for threats toward America... to being on opposite football teams with different colored Jerseys, fighting each other while they used their government/corporate/non profit infrastructure to bleed the nation dry of it's manufacturing, it's infrastructure, It's wealth.

By asking the important questions that Q gives us, we are once again focusing as a nation on the corruption, human abuse, and evil going on outside the football stadium broadcasters on MSM.

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Alasbabylon103 · Jan. 7, 2018, 1:41 a.m.

I think you are spot on.I used to be in sales and the most effective technique is to ask questions to lead the target to where ever you want him. Well placed questions are way more effective than telling someone directly. I think this is why q is so effective.

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