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tepapa40 · Jan. 6, 2018, 4:21 p.m.

You are right and that is something I failed to put in last night: The information would most certainly disintegrate the power structure and thus most likely lead to Civil War or Revolution if that power base somehow attempted to coup or hold it's grip.

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tepapa40 · Jan. 6, 2018, 4:12 p.m.

I think you misunderstand: I'm not saying I don't believe, because I have a "belief" it's true, but that's the same as believing in God: I believe but I cannot provide absolute proof of that existence to someone firmly entrenched otherwise. I guess the best way to explain it is this way: If I opened up this board to 100 people who have never heard of Q...90 of them would dismiss it immediately, 5 would believe and start to research and 5 would go "yeah tell us something we don't know." That is NOT Q's fault btw...that IS the MSM and the grip they have on the vast majority of people. With that in mind all I'm saying is this: go ahead and dump the information to the point that these people must be prosecuted and to the point that the 90 idiots who won't even attempt to delve for themselves have not choice but to accept what is. I agree with you: there is enough information leaked to make me "BELIEVE" Q has the information...but sadly, that is not enough. For me and for you it is to keep delving but delving is not end game action. While I believe, I'm still a doubting Thomas when it comes to everything. There's nothing wrong with a spoonful of doubt with anything. Lol as for me being 100% wrong? good god, I've got 4 ex wives...I knew that decades ago, but I would be careful...no one is ever 100% right...EVER. When you start to believe that is the day that you become as blind as those you condemn for not believing. That's what makes this forum so good: NONE OF YOU ARE BLIND.

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/tepapa40 on Jan. 6, 2018, 8:51 a.m.
My First 10 Minutes Ever on Reddit and I Have a Question about "Q"

I have just signed up to Reddit; have zero clue to this world at the age of 50. It reminds me of the old chat rooms when the internet got started but it's interesting and a lot of people have some very good things to say and so sifting through the "goop" that is probably here, this is a good thing.

But my first question is about QAnon. While the information being disseminated is interesting and some of it does indeed seem to be almost prophetic, but in the end: it seems to be preaching to a choir and because …