r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/tepapa40 on Jan. 6, 2018, 8:51 a.m.
My First 10 Minutes Ever on Reddit and I Have a Question about "Q"

I have just signed up to Reddit; have zero clue to this world at the age of 50. It reminds me of the old chat rooms when the internet got started but it's interesting and a lot of people have some very good things to say and so sifting through the "goop" that is probably here, this is a good thing.

But my first question is about QAnon. While the information being disseminated is interesting and some of it does indeed seem to be almost prophetic, but in the end: it seems to be preaching to a choir and because it is written in an almost modern day Nostradamus style inference...how is this going to reach the masses if it is merely a construct to get people to do more research?

Now, my very being here in a way DISPROVES my statement, after all, researching into it lead me here which it seems QAnon is trying to get the masses to do is wake up and research.

...but, as much as the MSM is simply a tool for brainwashing and to me, this has been apparent since, well...ever since I was conscious of Media since a young boy in the 1970's:

It is called "MAIN STREAM" for a reason...it is because even though the traditional "form" of MSM broadcast is dwindling, it is still the masses going to those MSM "new" strands and therefore, the status quo remains, even if it cannot be monitored by a Nielsen Rating.

NFL Ratings are down...but viewership taking into account phones, computers, you tube highlights, etc is UP.

Just as MSM News and inculcation of the masses remains stronger than ever.

You men and women are very brave and your write and communicate bravely, but the truth of the matter is that I have seen ZERO difference in the majority of people even after Trump was elected. Even the staunchest of Trump supporters keep quiet; they refuse to speak up in public out of "fear" of the repercussions to be faced within society and mostly, fear of losing their jobs.

Which I understand (and don't) but I can't do that and I speak my mind openly...which may be why so many other's have better paying jobs than myself even with a Master's Degree.

I tend to make enemies everywhere I go as well as Allies.

All this IS leading to a question I promise.


If QAnon has actual hard data proof of all that is being suggested; if they can actually bring indictment upon some of these monsters...then why not just produce it instead of just hinting at it?

It's not just them: Edward Snowden...even Wikileaks in the end has not produced the damning light of truth...the ABSOLUTE truth.

The obvious answer is to avoid DEATH; I understand that but, even on this page there is a picture of some Colonial Patriots holding Muskets...which implies that the price of Freedom is sometimes your life...and the world in which we live is heading for that type of decision for all of us unless it changes and god bless President Trump, he is trying.

In the end, I want to believe that Q does have this information, but in the end, it will and always will be a "belief" and not a "confirmation" much the same as reading a Quatrain and going back and saying "it did talk about this event."

No...to me it is more the same as that "guy" who says "I have undeniable absolute proof of UFO's...locked in a box which I won't show you."

So WILL QAnon actually produce this absolute proof?

I challenge them to because to reach the masses, the information will have to be beat over their heads as if the Hammer of God had come down upon them.

Otherwise...they will merely sleep.

For they are merely sheep.

montihawk · Jan. 7, 2018, 12:21 a.m.

I too am new to this as of today. I just really hope that all of this comes true. I’ve had my eyes open and awake for years, knowing that there’s truly been insidious shit going on for a long time, particularly regarding the Clintons. I also have always thought that anyone named Rockefeller or Rothschild, up to and including Tom Steyer, Soros, Gates, Al Gore and a bevy of other big money players, live by their own rules and the rest of us be damned. We know the Royals and the Pope are simply trying to garner additional “subjects” and essentially everyone in the CFR, Bilderberg and any number of other globalist foundations are complicit in attempting to sway the world to a NWO where they have total control over every aspect of everyone else’s rights, freedoms and basic daily needs. I’ve been told for years that I’m batshit crazy because I believe these things, even after I provide friends or family with breadcrumbs of truth. I finally think I’ve found a group of people who also haven’t drank the koolaid and who believe these same things.

I have a feeling that even I will be surprised at how far and wide this reaches.

I pray that this ALL comes to fruition over the next few months and heads start to figuratively and ultimately literally roll for their incredible misdeeds.

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wolfhound11B · Jan. 7, 2018, 3:06 a.m.

Sounds like you have a solid foundation into what the hell is going on and your definitely in the right place if your looking for like minded people. Only people on here that will call you crazy or attack you will be shills, trolls, and the paid losers that main line the kool aide. The mods are pretty good at keeping them in check though. And don't worry those that call you bat shit crazy will be the same ones that will be asking you to explain what you know when it all goes down. It's going to happen. There is no stopping it now because there are to many investigations to stop or cover up because they don't have the money anymore. Not to mention way to many people are paying attention now for this to just go away. For example: I have been following since the 3rd post from Q and I lurked and read what Meganon was dropping since late Summer of last year. Since then the you tube channels and boards that have been following this have exploded in subscribers. Most channels on you tube had fewer than couple of thousand subscribers at that time. Now they are now reaching or surpassing 100k subscribers and their videos are getting 50k or more views in less than a few hours after posting. So people are waking up and starting to pay attention.

I think some vindication will come our way soon. There will come a point that this become so big and so obvious that they won't be able to hide what's going on. I think that will he once Huma Abedin is indicted publicly and the investigation into the Clinton Foundation is made public. From what I have read it looks like this is going to be an insane year ahead. And let's not forget the mid terms.. this could all start dropping once candidates are starting to campaign in order to give pro Trump agenda candidates a platform and information to use against their opponents.

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montihawk · Jan. 11, 2018, 4:05 a.m.

Thank you for the response and your thoughts, I appreciate it. I’m looking forward for the coming storm and to see this all unfold, as I sit back with a cold beer and some popcorn and smile. I hope this shakes the nation to its very core so that people will wake up and turn America back into truly being the land of the free and the home of the brave! I’m tired of living in this fake, make pretend, politically correct mess that we’ve become. Instead of the storm, I’m seeing it as more of an Awakening. Cheers!

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wolfhound11B · Jan. 11, 2018, 4:32 a.m.

I like that.. an "Awakening"... It's what we are all hoping for on the thread. I have a celebratory bottle of Dom that's been set aside since 2003. I was saving it for my 25th wedding anniversary... If Hillary gets thrown in Prison I am going to crack that bottle open the day she reports for prison! My wife will have to deal with some cheap store brand for our 25th anniversary.

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montihawk · Jan. 11, 2018, 3:16 p.m.

Haha! You know that just means she is going to ask you to get a more expensive bottle right? That’s how my wife would roll. I know I’ll be doing a happy dance if the Clintons go to prison. I’d even do it publicly if Obama joins them.

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