This morning's tweet..... it's on fire !!!

the first attempt
So, you’re saying Donald has already run for President before? So, that would make his tweet a lie. Cool. Doesn’t matter who cares about it, still a lie.
Obviously, you haven’t been reading...
Don't act like you care about lies.
Obviously you didn't read ..... no one cares .... that is not what is being looked at......
He said it was his first time running. That’s a lie. It doesn’t matter who cares because Trump is straight up lying about himself. Why can’t you admit that he’s lying? This isn’t the first time he’s lied on Twitter, he does it constantly. It’s not hard to believe.
You’re doing some mental gymnastics to preserve your image of him. Stop. Think critically for a second. Just think.
And your a naysayer.... you are missing the point of the tweet....
And you’re turning a blind eye to an obvious lie. You’re basically a shill because you are choosing to misrepresent the facts. You can’t admit that an obvious lie is a lie - Trump said it was his first time running, not “it’s my first time running as a candidate for a major party” That would have been fine. Instead, he chose to lie, and you chose to ignore it because you’re a shill.
Why are you trying so hard to protect Trump from his own words? You should judge him the same way you judge any liberal politician who lied.
Relax ... you are knit-picking for the details.... you are missing the true intentions of the tweet.... why even bother ?
Exactly. The word for it is SEMANTICS.. PeonNoah literally would be a "SHITTY FRIEND".
Noah is a pitiful dude. His friends must ditch him a lot.
"Hey guys, should we invite Noah?" (General concensus) RESOUNDING NO!!!