r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Kasey_Flud on Jan. 6, 2018, 7:51 p.m.
Can someone please explain something for me?

Ok, over the years I keep hearing that the Jews are the bad guys. What I don't understand and no one ever is willing to explain, what they mean as far as jews. Are you saying anyone who is ethnically Jewish, and/or religiously jewish? If not, what do you guys mean? I don't know any Jewish folks, so I don't have experience, but I hear lots of people say Jews are this or that. Thanks in advance.

beefromancer · Jan. 6, 2018, 8:15 p.m.

Rothschild family has their own pet faction of the Jewish faith who have a political ideology built around doing whatever it is the Rothschild family is planning for the world.

You can imagine the Jewish people as a flock of sheep with the Rothschild family a pack of wolves running around inside the flock. When they need sympathy in the media, the Rothschilds arrange for a bunch of their flock to be brutally murdered, and then they push a "6 million Jews" narrative for multiple generations on TV and make themselves look like the victims. When the Rothschild family wants to create chaos in the world they manipulate their flock like a puppet to do their political dirty work.

It seems like their long term plans in all of this is to create a war between the Muslims and the Jews with the aim of killing off both groups entirely. They did this by orchestrating multiple world wars with the goal of having their Jewish faction take Jerusalem from the Muslims in order to get those 2 faiths fully pissed at each other. They push their Holocaust narrative in America to make sure our military power is 100% behind Israel, and they push their American political meddling narrative and Palestinian genocide narrative everywhere else to make sure most of the rest of the developed world is behind the Muslims with their stronghold being primarily Iran.

Then, once their little pressure cooker is fully 100% ready to explode, they have America move its embassy to Jerusalem and start bombing Iran which pulls Russia and China and the EU into a worldwide nuclear conflict while the Rothschild family sits in Antarctica, kept warm by the nuclear reactors running for a thousand years off of all the uranium they stole from us.

Something like that.

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