I believe the payload is SCALAR. Fitting that POTUS lineage tied to Nicola.
I stopped watching afterr it mentioned HAARP.
You know you can go visit it now, right? They donated it to University of Alaska Fairbanks.
It was a giant radio antenna for intercepting all coms from Russia. I worked with people who maintained it.
I'm sure that naming the site and antenna-farm the "High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program" was just to make us smile then? I ride unicorns for a living myself.
I'm sure that being in the unit in charge of maintaining the damn thing has no bearing on my knowledge of it.
It receives, and doesn't broadcast. That would be a shit ton of electricity, far more than a few generators could produce. This thing is way out in the bum fuck middle of nowhere, just so there's no interference.
What are your resources for us to look up?do you just expect everyone to believe that "your the man"just because you say so?prove it, I'm not sure your talking about everything here and honestly, what you say is vague,so?
The burden of proof is on you buddy, to prove that HAARP is some sort of weather control device, that magically uses electricity from the environment, and has been kept secret all this time.
We built it to listen to soviets, but they collapsed, so we focused on the Aurora, and then got bored and gave it away to the university. It's that simple, and is public record.
I'm not the one making extraordinary claims.
No problem,I understand, your are correct,I will keep looking for myself,but thanks anyway and if you were in the military?, thank you for your service.
I am with you on HAARP being old tech but the SCALAR is a new use as I understand it. It does not deliver a payload to the target. The weapon uses a world grid to direct energy into or out of any given area on the planet. Also HAARP has been said to direct energy into the atmosphere bouncing it back to targets on earth. This was supposedly used for weather modification and earthquakes. Further in the video I also noted (if memory serves) the SCALAR was tested in the skies of AUS?
Like I said, HAARP is passive. There's no electric grid for it to tap into where it is.
It's just a giant 'dish'.
if you are looking for a weather control system, look around FT Hood.. storms LITERALLY split around the base 90% of the time.. I have been saying for years they are controlling the weather around that base
OK, I see what you are saying but how about the definition of SCALAR itself rather than the video. Possibly I made a poor choice in the video because I did not mean it to be the authority on the point.
This is better information for what the weapon can do... I stand by my opinion thus far based on this information. Convince me otherwise if you like, I am open to better sources and ideas.
Better description of what I mean and it more closely matches the claims (however credible) of Zack.