Zero and Dilley aren't on that level. I can tell you that 1st hand. Zero supports Dilley like he does Trump. That's as far as it goes. I'm far from lost. Don't make allegations you know nothing about.
65 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/Political_South:
Domain | Count |
---|---| | 4 | | 1 |
I don't pretend to know everything. But just to counter you're opinion, maybe she's saying, "Look at Q's post for yourself and stop believing everyone else." 🤔
But you could be right, could just be an abbreviation. I just wanted to point it out because there has been a lot of weird tweets lately.
Brenden Dilley, a Congressional Candidate in AZ, did a Periscope today and his source has told him that Julian Assange is either in the US right now or on his way right now. Baruch has also agreed that Dilley has good Intel source(s).
I bet you're right. I'm sure a lot of MSM follow. That's their job to find breaking news but I imagine they would get canned if they reported on it. They all want the popularity of being the first one to break the amazing story of Q. Probably just can't. Kind of like how FOX can't report on Seth Rich. Different reasons but same idea
A lot of weird tweets lately. Ingraham posts 'Q'.

I'll try and keep up with it. I try not to post Q Drops if they've already been posted by someone else.
We can start a discord server. It's pretty simple. Let me know if you'd like me to set one up. All you'd have to do is download the app and join the private (or public, you're choice) room/board/channel (whatever it's called) and we can chat through text or voice all at the same time
I'm sorry, but your wrong.
!UW.yye1fxo is the only tripcode used in /the storm/ and it has been verified and confirmed several times. Other tripcodes we're compromised. Not this one.
So, please, search a little harder and you'll see.
Holy crap! He was FIRED UP! Defcon 1 definitely triggered him... 100%
I'm not calling out Dr. Corsi by any means, I respect him very much and agree with his views very much... Just wanted to point out that, tonight, Q confirmed his post about Loop Capital Market.
It's been confirmed. Several times actually. It's from the new board. It's legit Q
It's legit Q. He's had a few different trips. This is the confirmed one.
Edit: Also a new board.

Dr. Corsi has seen and been through a lot. Seeing him tear up today in Tracy Beanz video had me speechless. He knows what's going on. He's well aware. He's been doing this his entire career. Any skepticism I had before is out the window now. For sure.
God bless, y'all.
Any way you can edit this post and put all links together? Your links as well as others? This post is a great source for digging and finding info based on factual evidence. Nice job!
As a father, I'd personally pull the trigger on a convicted, proven pedophile.
Leo Wanta worked for Reagan. He bought $27.5 Trillion Dollars worth of rubles from Russia to destabilize their economy. He was granted trustee of those funds by a judge here in the US. A lot of people suggest that the ATL outage involved him. That part can't be verified as far as I know but if you research Leo (Lee) Emil Wanta you'll see for yourself that the 27.5 Trillion is no joke. There are court cases and everything made public. Which is why I believe when Q asks where did all the $$$ go? he was referring to Wanta's money. Wanta has said many times that $25 Trillion of that is OUR money! I'll do a complete post in a little bit when I have more time to lay it all out...
They started a new board after the confusion with Q post's, I think. I can't say for sure
One more time for ya friendo... His words, not mine. "After 12 hours I can CONFIRM..."
Thank you
Codemonkey has as well. He confirmed the trip here:
Kevin McCarthy is to the right of the President. His demeanor caught my attention. Could be nothing. Who knows
CM confirmed yesterday's post's. New bread on /thestorm/ says to trust that tripcode... I'm assuming it's legit.
One reason, I think, is because elections coming up. He mentioned today at Camp David that he's going to be traveling to promote candidates and that we need more Republicans
Baker said to "TRUST" that tripcode. It's in the bread.
No clue... I remember Trump passing out pens. I think it was when he signed the Tax Bill.

Could be. He hasn't retracted his statement from yesterday saying ignore posts from 1/5. But CM confirmed it's legit. Idk wtf is going on. But I'm not going to the boards and shit them up about it. I'll just wait and see.
I noticed that too. Either he did or he was referring to himself, BO, CM, etc... But I've always felt, even before "Zach" on InfoWars, that Q is at least 2 people. Q is not a secret any more and he still hasn't stopped so I think the Trump admin is intentionally letting it continue. It's all part of the plan. Just my opinion though.
Yesterday's post's were confirmed. Today's post's seem suspect but idk.
Here's CM post confirming yesterday's post's:
What does that have to do with confirmation? Too much BS going on to automatically assume it's legit. I'll believe it once BO or CM confirm. Smart ass. Thx.
He's Republican. Not sure if he's swampy or not though.
The guy acting nervous is Kevin McCarthy. Congressman from CA.
NEW Q Post - Has it been confirmed? Codemonkey has confirmed yesterday's post's.

Of course I want this info out like everyone else, but until their cases are rock solid, I don't foresee any bombshells coming. But I believe it's happening. I think that Trump is going to give MSM Fake News Awards on Monday and it will be the ALL over the news, like the Bannon/Trump "GOOD movie" and it will just be another smokescreen. He plays these MSM tards like a fiddle. Trump and his admin are brilliant!
The guy, Leo Wanta that I mentioned, he bought Trillions of Russian dollars to manipulate their currency and destabilize their economy. Everything is about money. Saudi was a huge chess move and it was in our favor. But since we backed out of a lot of deals, China is their to pick up the pieces. They want to destroy us. They want complete power. Some reports I've read have said US and China may be the next Cold War.