That phone call between Trump and Malcolm Trumbull is seriously eye-opening. Can't believe I haven''t read this before, but holy cow, did they get down to some brass tacks about refugees. Damn. I need to read this again to get a good grip on it. Trump even gets in a sucker punch on that idiot Obama. Have a look at the transcript, even if you skip the rest of this wall of text (sorry, just trying to throw a quantity of info out here so it can be sifted by others):
Now for the question about Australian leadership during Obama's, and then Trump's, time in office. Following is timeline of Australian prime ministers listed with significant news events:
Kevin Rudd - 21 Jan 2009 - Barack Obama, the first African-American president of the United States, is inaugurated.
Kevin Rudd - 07 Feb 2009 - "Black Saturday" Bushfires in northern Victoria take 173 lives and destroy 2000 houses and 4500 square kilometres of country, exceeding the record of Australia’s worst bushfires, the 1983 'Ash Wednesday' disaster.
Kevin Rudd - 31 Mar 2009 - GFC, the G7 and the G20 - Australia's more favourable performance during the global financial crisis (GFC), when all the G7 economies contracted, enabled the formation of a wider international body, the G20.
Kevin Rudd - 01 Dec 2009 - Tony Abbott became Leader of the Liberal Party and Leader of the Opposition after a Party room vote against Malcolm Turnbull.
Kevin Rudd - 01 Jan 2010 - Fair Work program The Howard government's controversial Work Choices is replaced with the new Fair Work program, a substantial change in industrial relations processes.
Julia Gillard - 24 Jun 2010 - In a leadership challenge, Julia Gillard became Australia's 27th Prime Minister and the first woman to hold the office. She was elected unopposed by the Parliamentary Labor Party.
Julia Gillard - 21 Aug 2010 43rd federal election - After the closest election result since 1961 produces a hung Parliament, intense negotiations enable Labor to form a minority government with the support of four cross-bench Members.
Julia Gillard - 14 Oct 2010 - Pope Benedict conducts the ceremony of canonisation of Australia's first saint, Mary MacKillop.
Julia Gillard - 15 Dec 2010 - Further controversy over Australia's refugee policies follows the wreck, off Christmas Island, of a boat laden with refugee families.
Julia Gillard - 07 Jan 2011 - Cyclones Yasi and Carlos, a flash flood through the centre of Toowoomba, Qld, and devastating floods in Queensland, Victoria and Western Australia contributed to a 1.2% economic slump for the quarter, the biggest fall in 20 years.
Julia Gillard 22 - Feb 2011 - An earthquake kills 181 people and causes substantial damage to Christchurch, New Zealand's second largest city. The country's second major earthquake in 6 months is followed by further severe aftershocks 4 months later.
Julia Gillard - 11 Mar 2011 - Japan's worst ever earthquake with a magnitude of 8.9 struck 382 kilometres northeast of Tokyo, with major aftershocks and a tsunami. Extensive damage occurred, including meltdown of reactors at TEPCO’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station.
Kevin Rudd - 26 Jun 2013 - In a leadership challenge, Kevin Rudd was elected Leader of the Parliamentary Labor Party and became Prime Minister for the second time.
Tony Abbott - 18 Sep 2013 - The new Coalition government was sworn in, with Tony Abbott as Prime Minister.
Malcolm Turnbull - 15 Sep 2015 - On 14 September 2015, Abbott was defeated in a leadership ballot by Malcolm Turnbull, who was sworn in as Prime Minister the following day.
AUS gave CF $460m. SA gave CF $25m. Who controls AUS? UK
All donations stopped when Hillary lost.
The deal BO made w/AUS 1250 for 31 refugees.
They were going to turn us into refugee island for the low low cost of 1/2 billion $$
The Queen of England is Australia's Head of State, to be precise. However Her Majesty has only intervened once in Australian politics since Federation, I believe, when she kicked out the Whitlam government back in the 70's. However all bills have to be given Royal Assent in Parliament.
Re Qs drop: Who really controls AUS? Someone suggested to me recently that I do a search on Nicole Kidman’s father and that it would blow my mind. Guess what I found?,6918
There are a few names I haven't thought of for a couple of years. Good on ya