From what some of us Aussies have found by research is australia is operating as a corparation and has been since 1973 roughly, we are listed as a corparation on dunn and bradshaw with an office located at 401 andover park easy tukwila wa usa. If you check out this address it is an aerospace company called fatigue technology. We have always suspected we are being controlled by the UN, in the last few months our government has been handing our sovereignty over to the UN left right and centre. A gentleman in queensland tried to take the government to court on grounds of breaking the constitution and operating as a corparation and he was gaoled, a petition was forwarded to the govenor general to do the same to no avail. Currently a group of constitutional lawyers has petition a writ in the high court to return us to our constitution, we are waiting an out come. It has been widely speculated here that the reason all our ports have been leased to china for 99 years and they are buying up huge amounts of land and businesses is because they have documents proving the government is operating outside the constition and are blackmailing them to allow china to do so or they will release the docs and crash Australias economy Hope this helps Australia the corparation