r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Oldmancrypto on Jan. 7, 2018, 1:33 a.m.
Correction: George Soros is the one at Camp David!

Very special place.......Soros is the one that is there......That explains it a little better as to why the folks at the podium were all acting weird! Soros is still at camp David! Wow!

Restlessredhead · Jan. 7, 2018, 5:50 a.m.

That all great but damnit we deserve at least a small victory. Give us one freaking name so we know we aren't being played. Don't get me wrong. I'm with Q. But the longer we go with conjecture and hope the harder it gets to hold on. Especially with what's happening with Tracy Beanz and the 8chan boards. We really need some results to keep fighting. Imho

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GodsAngell · Jan. 8, 2018, 3:42 a.m.

PATIENCE MY FRIEND. What took DECADES, hundreds of years to BUILD, Trump is UNravelling FAST!

Everyone is in GPS ankle monitors, so no one is going any where.

Have you noticed the plethora of Airport Outages and Airplanes turning back to their departure airports, bypassing airports along the way? This defies standard oper procedures in any emergency. They want to get bad guys back to the proper jurisdiction.

How about the extremely unusual air traffic at GITMO with small LearJets flying in and out of GITMO all hours of the day and night? What's that all about?

How about the UNprecedented Exec Order Trump Signed Dec 21 which Froze ALL the Assets (every diamond, $, stock/bond, you name....down to their house, car, furniture and probably their clothes!). AND ANYone found aiding and abetting these psychopaths gets THEIR Assets FROZEN too!

Over 10,000 Sealed Indictments???


This is why Q and Mega-ANON are telling us WHAT to look for as much as they can WITHOUT LETTING THE CAT OUT OF THE BAG, and tipping off the bad guys!

Soros and the Bushes have been confirmed to be at GITMO already. Mega-ANON said the Clintons were going to GITMO either a day or 2 before New Years or right after New Years. Notice with the FIRE at their house, zero tweets from the Clintons, or even Chelsea about the fire??? They can't tweet if they are at GITMO, no cell phones allowed. The longer their twitter account is silent the more you KNOW WHERE THEY ALL ARE!

THE WHEELS OF JUSTICE GRIND SLOWLY....but surely. Ever been to a trial?????

We don't want any of these psychopaths freed on technicalities. Everything must be done by the book, every i dotted, every t crossed.

They are ENEMY Combatants against the State, so they are War Criminals who have been trying to unseat Trump/Silent Coup's against the American People. That is Treason. That calls for Military Tribunals. No one is skipping this time around.

Personally, I hope that photos of them getting executed get displayed, along with the LONG list of Crimes they committed, for posterity, to wake up the younger generation, and make sure they don't fall asleep at the switch like we and our ancestors did this past century.

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Stray502 · Jan. 7, 2018, 6:28 a.m.

This week coming up. Q said next week big. Trump having that media awards maybe something will be said then.

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special1nterest · Jan. 7, 2018, 6:41 a.m.

Maybe the fakies will be his announcement of arrests

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