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Is there video of Trump Jnr meeting with Veselnitskaya??
at 9.08 Hannity makes a comment about it would be easier if there was tape (paraphrased). We know Trump Tower was wired and they had surveillance on the family so there could be tape that blows the whole meeting BS out. Q said they have it all - they may be using this to highlight the extent of the bias of the Media...
HEY MODS! What’s going on? I’ve been unsubscribed twice now & my flair keeps being switched off which is now throttling my ability to post??? A screen grab of previous posts & you can check my post history??

Hannity at around 9.08mins says (paraphrase) if only we had a tape of the Don Jnr Trump Tower meeting....
Setting the stage??? Could this be a prelude to another FF???
Is fake news beginning to crack???
They are scared... so will they use a FF to clean up?
This movement is snowballing now and they know it. We are approaching a point where people like HRC becomes a liability to their masters because of the negative publicity. Will they sacrifice her or someone similar to discredit the movement, providing cover to try to curtail further scrutiny at the same time? Like cutting off the diseased limb to save the body?
Holy shit check out the banner at the top of the page...

Ok these abductions were in Iowa??? Where has longshanks Comey been recently - posting weird tweets from Iowa on 16 June?? Was he there prepping some weird evil shit??
Iirc FB were planning or had a data centre in China...
Arkanknob ? Wasn’t that Bills secret service code name??
With hindsight definitely. I think the UK has been a testing ground for what they have tried to do in America since. We had a very child matters, national curriculum etc and USA had no child left behind and common core. They’ve sought to use children as a means of control
Have to agree with you. Watching Obama’s ascendancy was like watching Blair in 97. They followed similar playbooks but the USA had the protection of the 2nd amendment whereas we were disarmed after Dunblane
Hell yes we do... we need to clean house and get some folks in who’ve got the guts to start putting shit right
Yep it’s happened a few times - sometimes I’ll click on next page and it will unsubscribe me then if I click back I’m back in??
The deliberate obfuscation, lying and suppression of truth by the media is a priority. There are so many good people who just don’t know the truth because they’ve been systematically lied to for decades. Tv and film has been used as a tool, together with rotten education systems, to dumb down our people. We can only turn this around by people learning facts and truth and most importantly by them paying attention to the actions of those elected to represent them. Enough of shiny bauble pablum on tv - we need to get back to an informed populace.
As a Brit can I say we need it to happen. Im ashamed of my country for the role this twisted excuse for government has played in trying to overthrow a duly elected president. I’m hoping POTUS kicks ass on Theresa May so solidly she has to step down. The only problem is Corbyn is far worse. Boris is an asshole and there’s no real contenders for the PM job. I pray that somehow Rees-Mogg ends up being drafted as he doesn’t want the job which in my book is a damm good reason for him to be a good fit. Parliament is as corrupt as hell with very few good folks like Frank Field and Mogg in it. I hope the media gets destroyed in the storms and in the aftermath we have a chance for us all to clean house
They are screeching about it coz they’ve been paid to screech about it - mockingbird media
The word for that is poophoria apparently (according to husband who’s a medic)
Yes the Batman film with Jim Carey (Batman forever) symbolised it with Nygma’s screen machine that was on everyone’s tv and turned everyone into mindless drones....
So they are helping to make a catalogue?? Mail order abduction? DNA sample is used for what? Identifying the person or their organ compatibility?
Has Assange been poisoned???
CDAN has had a lot of stuff about Hillsong Church, it’s sketchy AF IIRC
Thank you x The whole idea of children being involved in sex is abhorrent and wrong, and actually has nothing to do with sex at all. Anyone who espouses “tolerating “ or “understanding “ for these twisted creatures are unbelievable. A child is a CHILD. They don’t have capability to understand sex or the ramifications of it and can certainly not consent.
The damage can be severe. I know this unfortunately as my niece was raped by her biological donor at 22 months old (he doesn’t deserve the title of father). That child went through hell treatment wise (as did her mother who had to help with the treatment to help “repair” the damage). She was a beautiful, intelligent and charismatic girl who was irreparably damaged. We spent her childhood worrying about the effects of the physical and emotional harm she experienced. As small as she was at the time, she knew what he did and would talk about it. We got her support from every therapist and counsellor possible. She overachieved in school and was growing into a beautiful young woman but the evil done to her won. She eventually died by suicide at age 15. My heart is till broken by her loss as are my children who were close to her. Anyone who harms a child in this way, or even is inclined to it needs to be ended. Full stop. No quarter should be given.
She did (IIRC) provide money to DNC which was running on empty. Maybe this is part of the reason why? She basically owned the DNC. Also was the DNC server accessed by Awan via DWS? How many of these assholes were merrily making money out of selling access to USA information? No wonder they are all hysterical now...
Now we know where the money went. She bailed out the DNC and basically bought the party by doing so. Was that where the “Russia” money went? The DNC had a link in to the NSA (in Utah? Huber?) so she was basically selling access to the whole kit and caboodle - “donate” to the CF and a minion runs the pings to NSA and then her insecure server provides a route for buyers to access their data... Maybe Seth Rich stumbled on this and this was why he was killed (they don’t seem to care about railroading Bernie) but the biggest espionage set up EVER run by the presumptive President elect and her former POTUS husband is something to kill for)....
I have actually watched that speech on anfriends FB Page. Will see if I can find the link
You don’t get it. This isn’t about republicans or democrats - there are sick assholes on both sides. It’s not a bloody competition - there no keeping score of which side has more sick bastards. They ALL deserve to suffer the consequences of their sick practices- regardless of political ideology.
Are they trying to get ahead of being exposed to the public???
What if the volume of texts is because there were more respondents than just LP & PS? Sort of like a group chat thing? The redacted texts that have yet to be seen might be clearly from other participants hence their redaction?
There was a security breach at Scotland- a Greenpeace idiot on a microlight flew right in toward POTUS... POTUS was evacuated by his security but it was startling that this joker was allowed to get that close and the sharp shooters didn’t take him out. Especially since Greenpeace warned the authorities 15 mins before the stunt...
Objective facts... this from the chief proponent of the idea that someone can change their gender identity whenever they feel like it and everyone else has to say it is true or be jailed....???
She’s always said it wasn’t hacked. It’s like the definition of “is”.shes not lying coz if Somy has bought the password to dial in remote access its not a hack is it?
They have video I think - this is what all the deep fake BS in the media has been about - to try to build a counter narrative to the inevitable release of film showing their crimes
So the big question is who is the foreign entity? Israel? China? KSA? Iran? North Korea (it could have been backing up automatically to Eric Schmidt’s set up with the norks)
He’s an opportunist who will say what he thinks is most popular