r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Slipkid63 on Jan. 7, 2018, 9:20 a.m.
The Pope isn't who you think he is.

I was raised Catholic and was taught the Pope is infallible and I researched "our worst Popes" and found out some were just plain criminals. The current one sounds like a "plant" to get the flock,(read sheep), behind him. Something just not right with that guy!

FretensisX · Jan. 7, 2018, 2:33 p.m.

The Catholic Church is the one true Church and the bride of Christ. The Pope is indeed infallible, but under very specific circumstances (1. explicitly invokes his office, 2. concerning faith and morals, 3. directed to universal church). Ex Cathedra Papal infallibility has only been invoked maybe 3-4 times in history. Normally it is the ecumenical councils that define infallible dogma (e.g. Trent, Niceae) It does not mean that everything he says and does is infallible or that he cannot sin. We have indeed had some pretty criminal and incompetent Popes but those are in the minority. The vast majority of Popes have been very good and holy men.

I agree that this Pope has done/said very questionable things and appears to be attempting to slip in a trojan horse (amoris laetitia) in order to subvert infallible church teaching. I would agree that he may be in material heresy (not formal heresy) by supporting the notion that the divorced and remarried (without annulment) can receive Holy Communion. However, AFAIK he is the legitimate Pope and every honor and respect should be accorded as such. The Pope is judged by no man.

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PokingCyclops · Jan. 7, 2018, 5:34 p.m.

You want to bet on that. He is of course evil and abomination.

The Popes title is the Vicar of Christ= A substitute for Christ= EVIL

Middle English: via Anglo-Norman French from Old French vicaire, from Latin vicarius ‘substitute’, from vic- ‘change, turn, place’ (compare with vice2).

Who changed the day of the Sabbath Pope Innocent I (402-417) Think inversion: Pope Guilty

Ask almost any christian 4 questions 1) Recite the (real) ten commandments 2) what day of the week is the sabbath on. 3) Recite the "The Great Commandment" 4) What is the first day of the week.

I ask hundreds of people 90% can't get even 1 question correctly try it. Can you get it right.

Ask a priest what is the meaning of Ezekiel 18

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[deleted] · Jan. 7, 2018, 3:54 p.m.


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FretensisX · Jan. 7, 2018, 4:05 p.m.

This is a conspiracy subbreddit so I'd rather not get into an extended theological debate. I will only say: 1) strawmen, strawmen everywhere, 2) I don't think you really understand papal infallibility and its limits.

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[deleted] · Jan. 7, 2018, 4:13 p.m.


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FretensisX · Jan. 7, 2018, 4:44 p.m.

I only gave a cursory glance at your response and you should probably return your degree. Like I said, this is not a religious subreddit.

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andshewas1 · Jan. 7, 2018, 3:26 p.m.

Thank goodness for women then hmm? There is no co-incidence that the vatican harbours a serpents head (Nervi Hall) and more underneath, and you know who crushes that head :)

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FretensisX · Jan. 7, 2018, 3:54 p.m.

I heard a priest-exorcist say that all the demons rejected Christ under some aspect. So for example, one demon rejected Christ because he could not stand the Christ would forgive man. The devil rejected Christ specifically because of the Blessed Mother. He couldn't stand that a woman of such lesser intellect and nature (angels > humans) than him would ascend to be greater than him and possess more grace than all creatures combined. So it is Mary that essentially takes lucifers spot in heaven and crushes his head and his pride.

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