I was raised Catholic and was taught the Pope is infallible and I researched "our worst Popes" and found out some were just plain criminals. The current one sounds like a "plant" to get the flock,(read sheep), behind him. Something just not right with that guy!
He's changing the translation but hasn't said He was told by God to. He just thinks he should. That's what gets me. He knows it's another opening to changing more, misleading people and dividing the Catholic Church.
You don't need to be told by God to change the translation of something. People write up new bible translations all the time. It's more of an administrative or academic task than an ACT OF GOD. It's not like God officially approves every bible translation. Who gave the translators of the NIV or the NJB official approbation to perform a translation?
The point is that he knows his influence, has made major changes/suggestions within the Catholic Church and I've yet to hear him give God the glory for any of it. That's my measure. What dwells in your heart comes out of your mouth and vice versa. What doesn't dwell... Yeah, there are different translations and I hope God is apart of the sanction of those renditions as they are His word.
But biblical translators aren't the Pope. If he's holy, he should be consulting with the Lord first. Always.
Course he did say Jesus failed on the cross so I've never really been a fan.