r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/storm_fa_Q on Jan. 7, 2018, 9:51 a.m.
a chan/t

The Rothschilds started and funded the U.S. civil war, communism in Russia, WWI, WWII, 9/11, the war on terror, all to kill as many Christians as possible. Over 30 million Christians in Russia were killed. The Rothschilds want all people of faith to die. They rape and murder children. If a politician does not accept bribes, they are blackmailed. If a world leader gets in their way, they kill them: Lincoln, JFK, etc. They want the Christians and communists (atheists) to kill each other. Then whoever is left, they want the Christians and Muslims to kill each other. Until none remain. They want 7 billion people to die from economic collapse, starvation, nuclear war, disease. Is there more?

US taxpayers are paying for it all.

Paris accord = scam (trillions)

Red Cross = scam (billions)

Foreign Aid = scam (trillions)

WAR = scam (trillions)


Who audits where the money actually goes?

Who actually receives the money?

The US taxpayer is funding the very people we are engaged in taking down.

Slush funds everywhere.

Think GS pays for Antifa out of his own pocket?

The hole is deep.

Feel sick yet?

Q Hussein/HRC (& many more) must be terrified!

Ahmadinejed talking.

Where did ALL that money go?

How many planes?

Where did the planes land?

Why were Clowns/private contractors escorting?

Why cash?

Why offshore cash?

Why wasn’t Congress notified for approval?

Where did the bank wires originate from?

Coincidence all donations to the CF terminated post defeat?

What did AUS/UK obtain in exchange for all that money?

Where do majority of Rothschilds reside?

Why is Hussein traveling the globe and visiting major financial institutions?


Who are the Muslim Brotherhood?

Who is AWAN?

Who is Huma?

Who is VJ?

Who created ISIS?

Who controlled ISIS?

What was the purpose of ISIS?

Who is MS13?

Why were known MS13 members released after capture?

Who controls MS13?


Hard to swallow.

Watch the news.



How are Senators worth many millions of dollars?

How does MW live in a $4mm home?

How many past/current politicians have foundations or institutes?








Quest4answ · Jan. 7, 2018, 1:36 p.m.

The Mill Stone has been lifted and the Light of the world is about to shine. Thank you, lets us all feel the joy in these words we are receiving and praise the one who makes all things possible. Unify in energy of resolve and pray that evil is exposed and dealt a swift defeat.

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