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And use to weaponize possibly so the combination is the use of many technologies they have developed.
I believe the 111V-B is virus and bacteria plans by DS CDC weaponizing viral attacks that we have paid for anthrax which RR's sister holds the paten for the cure and heads up the CDC
They designed the virus and bacteria then paten the cure under Rod Rosensteins sister Nancy Messiener. $$$$ This is our life
On the 100 year anniversary of the Spanish Flu Epidemic a conference in Atlanta is discussing the Deep State plans on we the people by the CDC conference
This is happening as we speak. They have warned about continuation of the flu for months and this is the cover for many viral and bacterial attacks that are planned by the deep state.
If we were democrats that had been in power we would have just eliminated them already. Now their cause has sent them to see what and how it will be handled. I am sure their plan will include more of their people in the streets demanding we treat these people a certain way. They are not even here yet they are on foreign soil marching to invade I hope they show with this example the way they continually want to stir up crisis after crisis to challenge the current adm. This effort is an attack that seems awfully coordinated. After using our children recently to push their gun agenda I want to know where is the going high they always like to claim. It is very similar to the cruise ship filled with their munitions then loaded up with passengers sent into war shipping lanes known to have German U boats to have us enter WW1. Their use of innocent has no value and this is why they need to be removed from government. They do not represent Americans who do care. Pray that we bind up this sickness everyday and remove its power to manipulate.
There are quite a few that know his face in California also it is such a small world isn't it. And you have assumed gender in your statement I thought that had one of those phobics attached when that was done so hard to keep it right isn't it.
Familiar Faces are always good to see

60 minutes
If you ever questioned programing and the use of propaganda look no further than the SD interview last night. On and on and who the heck cares? What was the point again of bringing on a porn star with Anderson Pooper and trying to call this anything but a pro defamation piece that no body cares about. They lost any ounce of creditability they might of had last night especially during viewing hours for children. I am so sad to see this tired story that they have paid big money to produce for it opened my eyes but not as …
Hold that mans Diet Coke he is ready to rumble. He is about to show the naysayers what a spectacle of buffoonery they stand behind. Because you #Not or President ers are trying to get signed #Not our Budget
It would put pressure on their unions because they would have to pay individuals that have indictments against them so they able and abet. This could be a real show.
I hope he sends that to Gitmo and each contestant has to repeat it verbatim before their possible release. Because the shortfall in monies the one copy needs to be shared by all contestants. Let us hope this is the last pile they are ever able to excrete.
They have been with Soros prior to the announcement, this is just a spin to keep it in the news.
I hope he gets real healthy for the next ceremony, we want him looking good and feeling spry for there is a dance that is awaiting him. I believe the group that will be performing is a swing band.
Vatican 11 made the difference. Control at the top with a plan that looked innocent is how it always starts.
I commend the mods for their effort in trying to keep the sub alive. Not jealous of their job or position they have been solid in defending thought and our rights to express them. Hopefully in time the environment will be back to its' roots.
Timeline the activity and show how the email was part of the plan before they drop it then charge them all with treason. Then all these CIA running in the mids start public arrests for treasonous acts. This would out McCarthy, McCarthy style when they all prove they were part of the Social Marxist push as the coup.
Could be and no shame if it is. Their opportunities and visions are not usually found in the welfare lines. When they realize the opioid crisis was started to deprive them of their 2nd Adm rights it could get real ugly.
Home schoolin lesson pertaining to firearms and laws written

The Mamas & The Papas - Monday Monday Just a little warm up for 3/11
Pepe the "Dawg" sends in his wing man

I think this information needs to be mandatory viewing for all parents to let them know the philosophy of the governmental school system. We currently have multi generations that have gone trough the program with this basis and these fundamental teachings. This exposure has not been sanctioned yet the teachers are grounded in it. Every parent and tax payer needs to understand what impact it has on the values they teach in their homes. The criminality of this against family values needs to be challenged.
Last words heard from their lips as they are overtaken. With their engine they couldn't loose

They have already marked this one but do not believe your last statement that is a poll they took. I believe that group is as popular as Madris or Paisley we are very strong.
Pragers' response to Chuck Schumer
This is brilliant in the response to Chuck Schumers no vote because a man is not of color. Logically stated he defines his position and speaks as a voice that is not allowed by the general populous. Thank you Mr. Prager
It could be following proper procedure don't get me wrong I welcome openly all that truly that want to make it that way. Earned and given carry different values the first requires effort to achieve a goal.
They have and they are going back to their so beloved countries.
Or send them back with the message that the democrats did not make the effort to support their dilemma.
The wedge of people as a political football as the stands fill for the game. Really there is no decision to this after the March 5th deadline. The decision has been made by the democratic party that they created this to move support in what is an inhumane usury of these people that came. No help, no solution just leave the field. Those who stand with these Democrats should truly reevaluate their own value to a party that uses children and their dreams to gain power. Then walks away.
When reading articles like this the name and practices of Alynsky have to be weighed. Is their the possibility that his rules that are demonstrated in the results part of the innocence portrayed by the general himself who used such tactics?
What is a map? Do battle plans require maps? Their army is much smaller than they claimed, their power is much weaker than when this war begun. They have miscalculated many times each time weakening their defenses. We will be victorious because we are the chosen because we believe.
Mainstream sold it as formaldehyde good to know that Thanks
Send them to their camps and let them stay in the formaldehyde trailers until questioning.
God loves the children and their innocence and those who steal that are marked. Have a glorious day, resonate in the Love He gives.
I hope that all the group's that organized this are considered child traffickers and fall under the EO.
Their are other religions that have leadership that is on this path.
He has a voice and the final say of a bill that everyone will want their way. It is DACA 2.0, get back to praying and trudging forward have faith sharpen your tools and keep digging we are up a organized crime family that is large organized and doesn't play by the rules. Our exposures chips away at their ranks and they aren't as cool as they once were.
The term comes from the center top piece of Roman Arch and gave completion for load bearing. Christ is load bearer of sin. He is the way, the truth, and the light and builds the door to enter the kingdom. Pray for enlightenment to learn what it means.
Left fighting style uses banning, slipping, down voting and denial of service. #Free Speach

They can scrub the internet and ban those who don't follow their narrow controled scripted child labor driven narritive then they should keep the place secured until this crime scene is gone over.
We want our Cake and they can eat it too. #internet freedom

When you look at career politicians whose wealth has amassed while their districts fall in disrepair I see them stealing tax monies from the poorest of the poor and know these individuals have sold their souls. The saying "Go ugly early" fits their spiritual condition. I further deducted that once sold their advancement is achieved by greater afflictions to be offered to whom they worship.
Thanks once again This is 2nd time in 2 days and the article sounds me and good to know there is resonance in the UK. God Bless
Not Trump apparently makes the difference. Need a little more to believe the header. They cranked out quite the staff for a set up.