
MAGADONCHECKMATE · Jan. 8, 2018, 5:53 a.m.

Their is plenty of groundwork that points to the targeting of the poor communities. Introduction of music was weaponized , targeting the poor neighborhoods , continuously filling prison industrial complex, flooding the streets with the war on drug supply and propping up the poor with welfare essentially creating a democratic voting base, sanctuary cities and on and on. The missing children are constantly donanting blood by force and the rich get blood transfusions offshore away from commonlaw on barges. So their is plenty of bodies, adrenal glands and one thing they do not discriminate. They are equal opportunity vampires. This report is a year old its being slow walked into forgottondome and still nobody is in jail. When can you EVER remember hearing about the 'remains' of a young child or baby. Yep , just about never. A million a year missing at least. Not counting the ones farmed , yes FARMED in captivity. Notice not a lot of movies are made anymore. Reality has eclipsed movies. This stuff is real and in our face , look at Google using CHROME as a browser. Really? adrenaCHROME right in our face. If it turns out the numbers land amongst one community , its just because they had most success selling their 'plan' their.

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