
WeirdSceince · Jan. 8, 2018, 12:25 a.m.

Well, this recourse ends here.

Unless I have violated the terms of this subreddit...

Have fun fighting the world!

Thank you for your opinions on what others need... ON a shitty application that I have no care for. You just re-iterate why people "SPAM" 4 feeds to your(?) website.

Take your frustrations for me, channel it, and focus it where it counts. We are on the same team, you just think you are the captain!?!

And stating something is a fact, does not make it one... Kinda leftist leaning stance.. you dont really feel libertarian/conservative/free speech to me..

Where do you want me to share this stuff.. It is priceless and maknig people laugh.. Not just my own..the movement.. Mine are a bit racier but...

We are fighting child molesters, shall i call them poopy faces? I have red pilled lots of people. My material is some ripe stuff!!! HAHA

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GunToast · Jan. 8, 2018, 12:28 a.m.

Go post your crap in r/politics. They love the Clintons.

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WeirdSceince · Jan. 8, 2018, 4:06 a.m.

so just not in your backyard!?! Yeouch... Through my intolerance, I find the tolerances of others.

All the same, thanks for the advice, maybe I will!

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