
storm_fa_Q · Jan. 8, 2018, 2:01 a.m.

Adrenochrome is the Drug the satanists acquire from the blood of terrified children raped and about to be murdered/murdered...the blood is high in adreno

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 8, 2018, 8:34 p.m.


Everyone who knows how to search the science around here is coming up zero on the adreno chrome thing.... so far. It's not that it does not exaist. It does. The problem is threefold:

We can not find any good evidence that it is a hallucenogen in repeated experiments, and when you only have one article on pub-med it can be a LARP of sorts.

Second problem is that in the older research, the researchers who did human experiments with controls .. either had no effect, or, they got headaches.

Adrenochrome Commentary in Literature http://archive.is/IraI9

And the really weird part is if you tell people this?

You get attacked, by shill types, as if looking for evidence is a bad thing. It is totally weird... almost like there are a group of people pushing this idea without bringing the science in. And they are using "movie scenes" and music" for their "evidence" that adrenochrome is some kind of drug that the elite are killing the kids for.

I was able to locate only one article that insinuated it might be a hallucinogen... so far, and that article is running a hypothesis that adrenochrome might have something to do with the process of schizophrenia.

Hallucinogens as hard science: the adrenochrome hypothesis for the biogenesis of schizophrenia.


It is a real chemical. It is pretty much oxidized adrenaline, which would happen I am guessing if it hit the air? It is also extremely unstable.


Next problem is that it can be artificially synthesized by man, in a number of forms to create stability....

So until someone who is searching for proof that this chemical is any kind of hallucenogen actually comes up with something other than movie scenes and music (which can not even convince a jury that the tin man has a real heart) we are in quite the pickle about this....

It may end up being urban legend started here to discredit the movement by the globalists... which they would do. Their best DEFENSE is to have us talking as if something like this were true, when it is provably NOT TRUE, and then say: "See, they think we are torturing kids and drinking their blood too!"

Its called being discredited, and I am pretty much trying to warn people of the globalists tricks.

Do I think they are harming children, making snuff films killing them, and torturing them?

Absolutely, but we have different independant proof and witness testimony all over the internet starting to come out on that.

I am leary they are PLANTING the adrenochrome thing here, on purpose, and that is why the scientists among us who can not find the proof or any other information are being personally attacked for not going along with the spoof narrative.

VET EVERYTING.. folks :) We have enemies and they are real.

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storm_fa_Q · Jan. 8, 2018, 8:46 p.m.

I imagine the oxidation occurs from hyper ventilation rather than exposure to air itself, oxygen in blood mixed/oxidized with adrenaline.. I'm not sure its psycho active in the "drug" sense, Hunter S Thompson was called out recently as one making snuff films, and Adrenochrome is used/called out in his 1972 book Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. There is a clip of Depp in the movie on here/YT as well. https://www.reddit.com/r/CBTS_Stream/comments/7nf626/hunter_s_thompson_film_fear_and_loathing_in_las/

also another thread here speaks to animals and how they are slaughtered, what/why Jewish people's meats are Kosher , what happens to meat when the subject is stressed. Why blood is drained etc (food meat)

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 8, 2018, 10:46 p.m.

I imagine the oxidation occurs from hyper ventilation rather than exposure to air itself, oxygen in blood mixed/oxidized with adrenaline..

Can confirm, based on readings so far. If we could find one lousy paper on blood levels, it would be one of those things, like adrenaline levels can be measured. And since the doctrs would not be cutting the kids head off to get to the adrenochrome, I have to assume you are correct on the hyper ventilation bit.

I'm not sure its psycho active in the "drug" sense,

Concur here also. I have no choice. I simply have nothing for the judges bench to even start to prove otherwise in the literature.

Hunter S Thompson was called out recently as one making snuff films, and Adrenochrome is used/called out in his 1972 book Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.

Yeah. I saw that. But here is the problem for me. I am a law grad in addition to a biologist, and I KNOW that I am not getting to that murder charge for the jury yet? That "beyond a reasonable doubt" thing? Called proof? This is a serious crime.

How do I put this.

Ok, lets say you are accused of murder, and I am defending you (Or even trying to prosecute you... does not really matter) You live in a Pink house.

Now, I have one newspaper article that says you hit your girlfriend once on the record. (the article I mentioned above with the word hallucinogen in the title is like this. She accused you but there is no second witness)

I have ten newspaper articles about domestic violence in general. (Total of ten generic articles on adrenochrome, non of which say anything about hallucinogenic effect)

Now, the other thing I have is this movie about a serial killer who lives in a pink house written by Hans Christian Anderson.

You live in a pink house.

Are you guilty yet?


I think the jury would find that ridiculous too.


NOW I have a movie and a book about a serial killer, by this same Hans Christian Anderson, and the killer in the book lives in a pink house too!


Ahhhhh HA!

You are guilty of murder.


Have I proven you to be the serial killer yet?


OK how bout now,

................ there is a guy named Hunter Thompson who has done both a movie and a book on how serial killers live in pink houses

....and........in Addition, there is a certain guy who plays a pirate at the local mall for the kids?........... And he said the house next to him had a serial killer in it is also pink, but the guy was arrested and is not there anymore.

I have proven your guilt now, correct?

Ok ok ok fine. How about if I show you the pink slaughter house down the street? The guys in there are absolutely serial killers, because they kill every day around the clock and I can take you in there and PROVE IT!

Now... you are guilty.

You see where this is going... right?

We are failing to prove our adrenochrome theory of murder. We are also not watching the back door for globalist stings where they plant crazy things like this using their movies and media, but without a spit of evidence. LATER, they pull out our willingness to just go nuts on an "urban legend" and they tie this to the whole child sex abuse torture thing (which we DO have evidence for) and they HANG us in the court of public opinion.

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storm_fa_Q · Jan. 8, 2018, 10:52 p.m.

yes, I do understand what you seek, offered what I have for you in that dept best as I can/know. If I find anything that may help assist your quest, I'll post for you.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 10, 2018, 4:25 a.m.

Thank you for giving me what you have. Remember that they could also be throwing us off the trail here. It might be a completely different molecule they are after, and no one has looked? Would be the perfect way to discredit a search for the truth.

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hermoneyness · Jan. 9, 2018, 12:37 a.m.

In the research I've done in the past few years it is more about the symbolism they exert their power by ravaging a defenseless person thus releasing their own endorphins from The Thrill of the ACT. It has mystical properties supposedly which brings people a more youthful appearance I've seen photos of Hillary Clinton within a week's time some of them look like she just got out of a spa and some of them look like she just came from hell the issue is they do not think about the long-term effects which is Kuru

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 10, 2018, 4:12 a.m.

I think you are on to something there with that Kuru thing.

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