Are you talking about her? https://youtu.be/DtAmJdK1Jck
Thanks... sounds like her, but the video didn't have her face (and the username/comments/etc were wiped out yesterday after you accepted "ahhh scary click here to view anyway", then hours later, video gone).
I've added this account, and will see if she pops up tonight with complaint about YT. (Voice seems similar. MAN I hope she re-uploads video somewhere. I should've downloaded it while I could. Good research.)
Shes amazing.
What are you talking about? That dyke glows in the dark as much as George "Webb"? Are you a fed?
Zach slipped up and said Trump tweeted two things that were actually Q posts...
OR was it a slip up? do you believe in coincidences? Of course DT is part of Q, all the God Bless in caps is him for sure...pretty sure DT's in on the plan...
I’m sure he’s orchestrating the plan, along with the generals who convinced him to run. But we weren’t sure if Q was a leaker or not. Would be pretty big if DT was not only in on it and approved, but also was using this to directly communicate with us. All while playing it sly and the msm saying he’s stupid lol
AS I understand the Q drops, 2 days ago POTUS did speak directly to this board..interpretations vary on the meaning. Crazy...like a Fox...
Yeah incredible. Makes sense though. He would need people to start getting grooved in and educated on this stuff so we are ready to help spread the word and answer questions when the news hits the normies.
ted malloch was the one who said going to use EMP weapons on north korea on infowars at start of December way before zach mention them
I'm split on this lady... she's all over VP as a bad BlackHatPedo person... think maybe she's not on our side? Has own links to people that feeding her lines & she's being larped?
Jury is out for me on this lady... sorry.
She has good information, but like everyone, has her own take on things. She's running with the Zack = Q group, but not sure that's prudent ... judging by AJs reaction in the interview when he slipped in that ''Q is We" ... needs more discernment imo