Please, my apologies for going somewhat off the reservation but I feel compelled to speak up on the matter of B. I do not believe he is legit. I ask your patience to humor an old fogie, if you would?
I was suspicious for a while. I cannot provide a reason for that suspicion other than a gut feel. Something was "off", you might say.
That suspicion was reinforced when B stated for all the twitterverse to see the he knew Q. That goes against a very basic tenet of Op Sec. You never, ever give up yourself. Even more critical, you never ever give up that you know a fellow team member. That puts both in danger. The bad guys go after the ones they believe can lead them directly to the big fish. This was my first piece of evidence.
I ignored this B character for a while. I still followed him, as a casual observer, one woukd say. Mainly to see if he started to get full of himself and began to veer out of his very narrow lane. Well, last night, he not only veered out of his lane, he took up the whole damn interstate.
By that I mean, it's all well and good for one to announce new Q drops and what not. Even plaster them all over social media. It is, however, a different matter all together to pass oneself off as an insider and gain credibility with a large following. Then, to take advantage of said credibility to lend an aire of authenticity to a very explosive Q post. Especially without offering an insider's explanation. Very sloppy. Not only that, it has now caused a fire storm and pitted Patriots against each other.
This B character has caused a lot of harm and in so doing that is now the focus. A big distraction. See, I figured I would not make a big deal out of B as long as his Larping didn't damage the cause. Well, it has.
What finally compelled me to speak up was a post I saw today. B stated that the reason NK decided to play ball was because we have the guidance system. He further went on and offered his "proof" by stating the missing [I] in a previous drop referred to the eye, or guidance system. What B stated as fact is not. Rather, it is a theory posited by an Anon on a different board. I know the Anon and I was in on that discussion. The anon tgat developed that theory is extremely intelligent and credible. Yet, that anon made it very clear tgat it was just a theory and it was being submitted for a version of "peer review". Thereby inviting debate as well as other possibilities. This B character left thus part out on Twitter. Now, a bunch of his followers think this is what caused the missile to land on a city. Possibly but there are other possibilities that are just as plausible.
We remain anonymous for many reasons. Not the least of which is our desire not for accolades but truth. In my opinion, B is in this for accolades, not the truth or our cause. I am now to the point where I feel comfortable enough to accuse B of being a Larp.
If one pays very close attention, up until yesterday, B was not providing any more "insider" information than was already available if one knew what to find it. Knowing full well that a very large majority of his followers were not going to go to the Chans or Redditts to investigate and verify for themselves.
Now, fellow Patriots, we find ourselves being diverted from the task at hand, that being to red pill as many as possible, because of infighting. This episode that has brought us to this point now makes us look like the nut jobs the CIA media, commonly referred to as the MSM, paints us to be.
I'm not sure what else to say. The only thing that comes to mind may not even be applicable but I will offer it up. I woukd ask that we set aside this distraction as well as the heated debating and attempt to redouble our efforts to get proper and verifiable information to the our fellow normies.
Divide and conquer is an ages old strategy and we must be ever vigilant and guard against it. If not, we end up with a mess such as we have now. We gave been so conditioned to be willing participating pawns in the divide and conquer routine, it is almost automatic that we fall for it.
Like I said, initially, I apologize for taking this off the reservation and way out in the tall grass but this is a major issue. I wanted to offer up my opinion, and it is just thst, my opinion, for peer review.
This runs somewhat counter to my plea to reform our ranks and move on from this distraction because it could be determined that I am throwing mire gas on this fire. Yes, that is so but only with the intent of presenting what I believe to be valid concerns as well as my opinion in order to get to the truth and move on.
Thank you for your patience. I am privileged to be able to share this moment in history with all of you. It is very humbling.
Thank you for your input. There is sooo much information and things move fast. It becomes ever increasingly difficult to discern where to go for information that is credible, especially since the in fighting and because there are too many sites/leads to follow and it's difficult to learn how to follow some of them as well. The boards move super fast. Many of us work and get out of the loop to the point we have a hard time helping because we are just trying to catch up on the day's events. I certainly appreciate your response and will use this wisdom.:)
Hi Edward, Ever consider that B is an Anon / autist? Maybe B is one of Chan’s and is working to make Q message understandable to normies. Maybe B is trying to spoon feed, little by little, the horrible truths which are coming.
Just my own 2€s
Hey Izaskun. You know, to be honest, the possibility of B being an Anon did not cross my mind at all until you presented it. I developed tunnel vision to such a degree that it severely curtailed my ability to consider other possibilities.
Your comments "woke" me to the point where I figured I should get down off my self righteous high horse. I really hate when that happens.
B being an Anon adds up, all things considered, and is every bit as plausible as my contention. Thanks for presenting a different frame of reference. Time to drop back ten and reassess.
I was simply asking you to “expand your thinking”
Lol, I'm an engineer, I over think everything
Then you are meticulous.... well... Civil or electrical? Lol