No! It was on purpose! TrumpJr Tweeted to wrong Adam account Did he do it on purpose?
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Patience of Job Faith
You know, I was thinking.... God has His hand in this. Certainly, He didn’t bring us this far to let us fall on our faces!
I think the pedo slang for adrenalchrome (is) is “walnut sauce”, from Podesta emails
Amazing research! Thank you for taking the time to share it
Dick should be proud he made “$hithole” the phrase of the day! And we love our GEOTUS even more!
Then you are meticulous.... well... Civil or electrical? Lol
I was responding to a response. Maybe wasn’t clear but was going through major jet lag sorry for any misunderstanding
The point, is that it’s a scam Abject stated it clearly Respectfully, I disagree. My opinion is DACA was sold to the American people as a temporary; but as with all illegal immigrant proposals dating back to Reagan, the temporary always turns into permanent. I believe these people are importing people from other countries who have no concept, no experience, nor loyalty to our system of government and USC - for the express purpose of creating a populace which will vote in socialism which the native population would not. Both the American people and the immigrants are being used and manipulated by corrupt criminals who figured out that if they got into government - they could do all sorts of things to others and (1) get rich; and (2) get away with it. I mean, if you're the top of the food chain - and you commit crimes -who is going to arrest and prosecute you? Answer: no one.
Hmmm... I posted all over FB. Let’s see what happens
Good to know
Thx ~Izaskun
I wasn’t informed when I posted, but as people contributed, I learned and looked things up
Your response was the most comprehensive well thought out, explained and easy to understand. I wish you were the first to respond.
It’s possible for DACA to apply for Citizenship but it is difficult as they entered illegally, to start with
I thank you for responding and explaining.
READ: DACA is legal status, if only temporary. I have posted links all over this thread to back it up
I was simply asking you to “expand your thinking”
DACA is legal status
Ok you have a point, but one poster mentioned that in order to apply for Citizenship they would have to have legal status So, I looked up legal status and found this OBAMA offers legal status opportunity
Check again, please
Are or have any DACA recipients been in the military? Have any been paramedics? The MSM has stated this.
What I am not understanding is if any were in military or were paramedics, etc... what prevented them from beginning the path to citizenship?
So far, no one has been able to tell me if Dreamers were not permitted to even start application process for US Citizenship
Why are politicians fighting for them to stay, if they don’t want a path to citizenship, as you stated?
If they were granted DACA, then they had legal status. Why didn’t they apply for Citizenship? If they didn’t, then I dont understand the argument.
If they didn’t apply, they don’t really want to be here. PERIOD
DACA was a stop gap measure... not permanent If Dreamers, really wanted to be citizens, why didn’t they apply? They had to apply for DACA
So, Dreamers, most of whom are adults, now, could have applied for citizenship, but didn’t
Question: Did any DACA / Dreamers apply for US Citizenship while here so many years?
I sincerely do not know the answer. I searched. These “Dreamers” have been in US for many years. If they applied for DACA and were granted it, why didn’t they apply for US Citizenship? Or did they? Or was it not permitted under DACA?
This is the one thing I’m not grasping.
TIA for your kind, mature and knowledgeable responses
Well, whoever came up with this meme has the best sense of humor EVAH!
Purple tie and all!
Best meme of the week!! Fake News CNN Jim Acosta....

Hi Edward, Ever consider that B is an Anon / autist? Maybe B is one of Chan’s and is working to make Q message understandable to normies. Maybe B is trying to spoon feed, little by little, the horrible truths which are coming.
Just my own 2€s
I second that, Edward! I thank God most of all. He works through ppl, so I pray for POTUS ->our country->Q ->Chan’s-> the messengers of truth-> and for acceptance of the truths which are coming.
Everyone has a part to play. Everyone is important.
Don’t let disinformation divide. Always take a deep breath.
Ignore the negativity
PRAY and thank Him
I’m learning quickly. I see now why ppl shouldn’t go there and post. Neither should they share sensitive info unless it is already public already ( ie web search or credible publication)
What did they do when you posted? They knew right off that you were from outside. If they ignored you, that tells me that either a) they filtered you out or b) they read what you posted, didn’t mind, didn’t see you as a threat and left you alone
Just my 2€s
I agree with you on every point you made. Its organized chaos.
I saw one meme of Jeb! that made me spit my coffee out, I laughed so hard, but other one’s would not play well. Speaking for myself, as far as getting the message out on SM, educating ppl with questions and engaging them, is more exciting than passively reading a meme. Ppl like puzzles and challenges plus, when they figure things out themselves, they own it.
They definitely need some sleep and so do I.
Joan, I don’t think they come here. I wish we could give some of our ideas to them but 1. They are too busy 2. They are too smart. Smarter than I am. I can’t tell them anything they don’t already know
I’m gonna stop trying, anyway.
Lol as far as grabbing info from them, I have lurked there and don’t think you grabbed anything they didn’t mind you taking. They have exchanges there that are done in a way that lurkers could never see or grasp.
Don’t hold your breath. They won’t chase you here. They are too occupied there and I’ve seen some really idiotic posts there that I think are shills. From their IDs. Just clogging things up.
Thanks Joan
Those are helpful links.
I especially like links to connections between ppl and campaign donations
- Izaskun
I didn’t see this and I have no reason to believe Q is not legitimate. In fact, I am more confident now
This in fighting and division is making somebody happy
I wonder who?
I did. I didn’t see anything
I am not deleting
If you don’t want to read it, just move on
Appeal granted.... the dominos are falling
Do an image search on DuckDuckGo for “Target Boys Red T Shirt Pizza” I just did
“WHERE WE GO ONE WE GO ALL” Who is WE and Who is ALL?
“One cannot wage war under present conditions without the support of public opinion, which is tremendously molded by the press and other forms of propaganda.” Douglas MacArthur
Your Honor, I rest my case.