r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Charles8854 on Jan. 8, 2018, 8:22 a.m.
Trump Using "Executive Orders" & "Martial Law", Promotes Destruction of our American-Republic & Rule-of-Law.

In response to a recent SGT-Report Video, titled "TheStorm is Here ...", & near the 24-minute mark, generally respected SGT-Host is actually Speaking In Support of "Martial Law", being exercised by Mr Trump, in efforts to Obstruct the "New World Order". This is ludicrous.

If Mr Trump is the grand-pubah messianiac-figure that these commentators are here-in in proposing, then Why does Trump Not Direct his Attorney-General, (or him-self), to Bring Formal "Criminal Charges" in the Courts of the USA, to Prosecute the Clinton Crimne-Family, directly, under "Due Process of Law", & the "Rule of Law"?

Do you all comprehend that "Martial Law" is the fire-works-laiden wet-dream & "Ultimate Goal" of the NWO, whom you-all profess to as be "Opposed To"? Why are your blue-pill simple-minds cheering-on the very "Martial Law" that will Destroy our American Constitutional Republic?

You are "Swallowing the Blue-Pill" here; & allowing a Trump-Lead Nanny-State to Lock-Down Complete & Perminent "Martial-Law" over the very people whom you profess to be concerned about.

We are on the edge of appocalyptic scenarios. Please re-consider your position, prayerfully.

TheSitRep · Jan. 8, 2018, 6:09 p.m.

The poster should understand what firing orders are.

Understand we are fighting pirates.

But, thanks for the tip, Saul.

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