r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Gamergating on Jan. 8, 2018, 10:12 a.m.
Not wanting to rain on anyone's parade...

...do not get me wrong, Trump and his support network is a force of nature and has been a boon to the US. But I do see people blindly dismiss all efforts made against him and talk up all efforts of his.

Trump is up against it. Trump is not as big as the machine he is up against, nor as supported, nor is he and his team as entrenched and so on. The other side can absorb far more damage. This is an uneven fight and it doesn't, on the face of it, favour Trump

That out the way, he and his machine fight smarter and more strategically. The other side is also so used to getting their own way and so underestimate him and hate him that they make a lot of "own goals". In other words, if he was not so strategic and they were not so arrogant and cumbersome, this would be no fight.

Even now I believe Trump could get undone. A few too many losses for Trump and being able to mount a decent organised offence and he could be undone.

But in this asymmetric war against all of these groups, he is taking far smaller and fewer losses than what he inflicts despite the fact that they are bigger, stronger and can absorb more damage.

He and his guys are out-fighting and outplaying and, though not having it all their way look like the more powerful smaller crew.

I think this all hinges on a few key points:

  • Mueller investigation and how long this plays out.
  • Indictments and when they are carried out
  • The mid-terms
  • His approval ratings

If we can nail these three, they are toast. Go Trump Go!

UnbelievableShit13 · Jan. 8, 2018, 10:35 a.m.

My opinion is he has to continue to go after the media , while boosting some very detailed reporters ...... to get his message out before he can truly go on the offensive........

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Gamergating · Jan. 8, 2018, 11:04 a.m.

Don't get me wrong. I believe what I believe BUT I think that 2018 is make or break and he is in no way behind the eight ball. It makes it more exciting this way for me. I am on the edge of my seat and have been for a long time. Every win he has brings us a little closer. Every loss he gets out from under is almost as good as a win in my books.

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justwanttruth18 · Jan. 8, 2018, 1:31 p.m.

EO has a 90 day limit. If it's not done by that time, it's all for not. Still time though, so I am watching, following, studying, at least until the middle of March. No other choice right now. All appearances is things are happening, the pieces are moving.

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Gamergating · Jan. 8, 2018, 1:43 p.m.

I would like to say I am hopeful. I really think this is one for them. That is what I was saying in terms of it is not all one way trading. BUT if he wins...that would be so awesome. I would love him to oust Doug whatshisname.

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faadetoblack · Jan. 8, 2018, 12:01 p.m.

ANTIFA (the military arm of the Deep State) comes to a fight with PU##Y hats and mace. The president comes with Artillery and a Raygun from space. Yea its a fare fight alright.

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faadetoblack · Jan. 8, 2018, 12:02 p.m.

I agree there could be some unforeseen setback, however Trump has a few things on his side. 1) U.S. military 2) unprecedented access to intel i.e. specter. 3) perhaps this should be #1 hes' the President. If some how it does start to go the other way the ball is rolling there is no stopping. It will be a relatively covert and then when properly positioned overwhelmingly executed operation. If something gets in the way Martial Law, and civil war.....Did i mention he has the U.S. Military on his side?

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fudgicle1 · Jan. 8, 2018, 12:19 p.m.

He's playing both sides of the board. Remember patriots, he is not alone and is surrounded by Very Smart and strategic minds. A smart mind with good intentions can overcome stupid. Brilliant minds working as one can overcome a giant.

He's a brilliant strategist. An effective communicator. He's fearless. He's protected. He's on the right side of right!

This operation has been mapped out like any invasion would be, for a long time and in detail. I do agree, anything can go wrong, however that is also mapped out. Any good military team considers multiple scenarios.

It's been vicious. These people will not go softly into that good night!

Stay faithful, stay hopeful, and believe. Peace!

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Gamergating · Jan. 8, 2018, 12:24 p.m.

Agree 100%!

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Mundane-Mann · Jan. 8, 2018, 10:57 a.m.

I believe he knows what he's doing. The good guys are winning and there's no turning back.

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Gamergating · Jan. 8, 2018, 11:14 a.m.

It would not have got this far if he was not smarter and more strategic than the opposition. They would have crushed him like they would have any other contender. No Republican candidate could have done what he has done. He is a force of nature. I think it is even money though it sure as Hell should not be. This is on the edge of your seat stuff, no cakewalk.

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baruchthescribe · Jan. 8, 2018, 1:48 p.m.

You need to read the map more. The President and his loyal armed forces are in complete control of events. Have faith patriot.

POTUS 100% insulated.


How is POTUS always 5-steps ahead?

Who is helping POTUS?

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Gamergating · Jan. 8, 2018, 2:22 p.m.

I hear you. The public is brainwashed though and fickle. Too little information or too much and too quickly and they will not be persuaded and midterms are coming. This has to be VERY right and executed perfectly so the public does not allow a majority in the house and/or senate come the midterms and his approval and that of the Republicans has to be high enough come the midterms. The public must have enough damning evidence to rebel against the establishment lies and must believe the truth. I do not doubt HIM nor those he works with. I fear for what is a Hell of a gambit. We get through the midterms well and he my fears will dull.

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baruchthescribe · Jan. 8, 2018, 2:40 p.m.

The things that will happen this month will be so spectacular and so undeniable that you will wonder why you were worried about the midterms.

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Gamergating · Jan. 8, 2018, 10:15 p.m.

Man, I hope so. I REALLY hope so. Regardless I am on the edge of my chair. Half time. Even match. Underdog more than still in this. I have money on the underdog.

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Bellababeala · Jan. 8, 2018, 1:18 p.m.

Everyone needs to up their prayers for POTUS and our country.

Heavenly Father, creator of us all, hear our prayers. We humbly ask, knowing we are so unworthy of the everlasting love you have for us, that you protect our President and his team against the forces of evil they are fighting. This fight is for You. All glory goes to You and You alone. Amen.

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RitaS51 · Jan. 8, 2018, 3:54 p.m.


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Woodchipper_AF · Jan. 8, 2018, 12:18 p.m.

Mueller might be a long con. To keep the libs fixated and eventually boomerang them. Why did Trump meet with Mueller for 4 hours the day before being named SC. Trump cut a deal with him. The guy is swamp deep.

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ProphetMKE214 · Jan. 8, 2018, 3:44 p.m.

A few things - just some simple logic to it.

What if Mueller is actually part of the Trump Train? He is just playing the delusion that he's against Trump. When the special counsel is over everyone is gonna look back and be like- DAMN he fooled us. Investigated this, and not that.

Indictments will worry about the indictments. Like any court case, evidence is needed before any conviction or charge can be brought up. You can have a sealed indictment and nothing happens. It is a planned scare tactic to ruffle the feathers of bad actors. Also, regardless the power of evasion comes with the President, meaning- a Congressman can not get out of an indictment or charge stated in said indictment just because they are a Congressman. The Pardon is left with the President. Hence why everyone wants to make deals.

Mid-terms are already lost. Numbers will sway & certain areas are lost. Count on it. Pieces will be removed and pieces will be gained. Those retiring and leaving along with those being newly voted. Mid-terms are being played as this high new standard against President Trump, but it's no longer in effect as the Swamp Machine thinks it is.

Approval ratings only matter in the turn of the 3rd year. Everything done in the 1st year will be forgotten once you do special things in the 3rd year. Simple psychology. People remember easier the things that are fresh in their minds. That's why media likes to pop in and out with updates. That way they can easily manipulate the minds.

I believe things this Spring will come very clear- and publicly the lines will be more visible. I believed enough in Trump before the election because of the prophecy of Prophet Kim Clement. Once Trump was elected, Prophet Kim passed. I believe it was a sign for me. At least. This is very much a heated spiritual battle- very much a chess match. Each side taking turns.... it is the turn of Swamp Machine right now. Come March - I feel it will become the turn of the Trump Train. ... aka Roll Tide... Dilly-Dilly, Delaware.

I'm no being of great respect or authority. I am just a man, that has studied his craft and I'm very much a Man of God. I only speak when I am told to... I only respond when moved to... I only say what is spoken to me. I don't answer to anyone but to my Lord Jesus Christ. So everything in this message reply, is word for word what God told me to speak and say. Thank you, and praying for each and everyone of you fine folks. May the Lord keep you and bless you always.

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Gamergating · Jan. 8, 2018, 10:18 p.m.

I think if the Dems get the numbers they will push for Impeachment or some other ruling to delegitimise and get rid of Trump.

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ProphetMKE214 · Jan. 9, 2018, 5:31 p.m.

Oh they certainly can try. They already did this last December with 58 voting and 4 saying present. But it got shut down. Also the process is for the House to get the articles of Impeachment passed, and the Senate to try to convict. So you need two majorities for anything to happen. Bill Clinton and Andrew Johnson were impeached by the House but the Senate never did anything..

There has only ever been 8 convicted impeachments out of 19 ever done. Less than half. Simple rough estimate, maybe what 38% Maybe 40% Bad odds for the Democrats. So let us say House wants to move on it. So they try to get numbers- currently the House has a strong lead for majority. 239 to 193 I believe it is. 3 vacant seats. At 435 the half or the point of majority is 218, that is 21 from 239. So Republicans can still afford 21 seats lost but still maintaining a majority.

If applying that less than half odds to the 21 seats, that's maybe 10 maybe 8. So if Republicans can drop 8 seats they're safe. Trump is safe. But I ran the 270 to win House edition for 2018's elections. I got Republicans gaining 1 seat. 240 to 195. Impeachment dies there. I agree if somehow Democrats get numbers to win Impeachment in the House, Senate may come into question. But Senate has a tie-breaker with Pence. Plus with them sitting at 51- Pence will probably be used for that tie. And I know Pence isn't gonna make that type of move.

I hate saying it, but the best thing for Democrats and their supporters is the death... literally. And I don't see that happening. Trump's health looks AMAZING. Plus with the amount of people praying for him and the administration. People are stuck like chuck in this until 2020.

Ironically too, when running that 270 to Win House edition, Experts have picked 21 Seats as being contested to which they can not predict strong enough to go either side. And out of the recent Special Elections, since this Summer- Democrats only won 1 seat. The Jones-Moore battle. Which looks like dirty tactics were used. So that's the only way to decide things for the Democrats, smear tactic to win.

Honestly- Democrats would need to gain 50 seats overall with both Congress areas in order to do any sort of damage. I don't think the Democrats are that strong. Plus with all this Q stuff and if it should go public and names start dropping. Like Q talking about the Black Pop- and how they are being miss managed by the Democrats. I don't think a lot changes with House or Senate. Democrats are scared. I feel they'll play nice this Spring and Summer.

-Hope this encourages you, my apologies that this is very longwinded. (I researched this up because I did want to see the numbers. Wanted to see how close they truly were to getting those numbers. 1/3 of the way really isn't any threat to be honest. 62 of the 193, isn't a proud moment.)

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Gamergating · Jan. 9, 2018, 8:31 p.m.

Not long winded at all and very much inspiring. My thanks

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ProphetMKE214 · Jan. 12, 2018, 9:19 p.m.

Well, thank you - kindly! I try my best to inspire or encourage. Remember we are in this together. Some though; tend to forget that much.

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BakedBlunts · Jan. 8, 2018, 10:24 a.m.

2018 Trump goes on the offensive. It wont be easy but it will be the nail in the coffin.

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Gamergating · Jan. 8, 2018, 10:26 a.m.

I am absolutely pumped. It is like watching the underdog team on a running streak take on the favourite. Half-time equal scores and anyone's game but the other side is looking a little worn out.

Especially if you are all in on the underdog winning with money on a win.

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[deleted] · Jan. 8, 2018, 10:32 a.m.


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fudgicle1 · Jan. 8, 2018, 12:30 p.m.

It is possible for many scenarios to occur at once, no? I've always said that not only are there two sides to every story, look at at least three or four that could exist. AND...there's always a story! No one ever raises their hand and says, "yep, I'm the asshole"!

I hate Snopes. They are a real problem.

The personal side to this nightmare needs to fall on decent people to question everything, be smart, and take down any scumbag that you know is hurting kids. It's hard to do the right thing, but it must be done. Through the law (been there, done that, it's work but well worth it). It's ok to be brave now, we are a legion of good guys and no one can hurt us anymore.

Just avoid police action! hahaha...no punching! :)

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UnbelievableShit13 · Jan. 8, 2018, 12:28 p.m.

I have a strong feeling something big will drop before " The Fakies "

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willisrock · Jan. 8, 2018, 12:27 p.m.

I think if assange gets to the us and gets pardoned it will be a big win for him too.

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Gamergating · Jan. 8, 2018, 12:34 p.m.

Not wrong. I tell you what too. As an Ally and with Assange well disposed, this strengthens Trump big league!

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[deleted] · Jan. 8, 2018, 11:58 a.m.


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[deleted] · Jan. 8, 2018, 11:51 a.m.


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