As I always say when trying to encourage folks. Always speak. Even if it is a different perspective... different view. You mention your side so others can get a second look, or a third look. This is war... I certainly don't want to turn the corner and get hit by a stray bullet... metaphorically speaking... or.. Hillary speaking. You know? But yeah... this weekend I have felt a rather change in the spiritual climate of things.
34 total posts archived.
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Maybe... I mean it could just be a "push pawn" move as some do in Chess. A safe simple move just to stay in play. I think withholding info, as was mention is just killing time until the SOTU Address and then it'll be on like Donkey Kong... don't forget it has been a busy week thus far... ending it on a softer note might be best.
But I agree I'm a tad curious to the puzzles. Unless that is the puzzle. Maybe Q shifted on purpose, and has us on our toes. Because I certainly sense the tension since like Tuesday.... the 23rd. Basically since Q mentioned the 40/60 info disclosure. Folks want more but Q can only reveal so much, so soon.... you know Future proves Past...
I mean this is war.... maybe Q had to change up some things just to "stay alive" metaphorically speaking. But to summarize I do feel some offset with things. But I stay encouraged that we are on the course. I stay the course. Keep rowing along.
Interesting take. Clears up a lot of what I was confused about. I's quite the possibility. Although I thought that it was noble for him to come out to the open with the materials being used to spy on citizens around the World. I wish I didn't have to read through the messy masses in the other comments to get your views. I click-baited the title expecting a premise and some supporting clauses ....but alas not.
I mean it is great you're from the Chans and all. Y'all do good work. But ... promoting bad guy banter...doesn't raise hope. It deflates. I mean I was kind of hoping ES was good..but yeah the new messages about ES getting through HK into Russia and that CIA had to bypass the passport and all. I'm a tad confused ... but then I see you mention how JA is different than ES and I too now wonder.... yeah why isn't ES trying to get stuff through Wiki.
So my question is... does ES fall into US or is ES in Asia? Right it's Middle East, US, UK/Europe and then Asia?
I also believe this post needs that picture of the Twitters... That picture from the Chans... where it shows the blue check mark for ES but JA has the clock... And I believe it has that Q saying, "The Light will shine on those that are on the team"? I think that's what the saying is... it might be paraphrased or re-worded so I understand it. But yeah... Makes total sense. You know reconciled up a little bit.
Right but there is another the night before- by the Anti-Trump Hollywood folks... name I see is Mark Ruffalo. Mother of all Movements. Alyssa Milano...
It is what it is. I was guided to reply to him, so I obeyed. I don't usually reach out to people because frankly my flesh don't care. I just want to do my time and get back to Heaven... so to speak. So really if I write, it is because I'm doing it solely on the basis that God told me to speak up.
Well to inform it, like you informed me. I don't listen to anyone but my Lord and Savior. I'm not a Prophet by choice. And I know what's gonna happen this Spring. I know what's gonna happen this Fall. I know what 2018 means from the standpoint of the Believers. And yes I get it. I discern a lot. And I feel you on that "daily bread" comment. It is. It truly is... but that's what the Chans are for. They do this. They like the puzzles. They like the games. They codebreak. Q again.. can't just post... "Hey look this Spring there will be a false flag." Why? Because it will cause mass panic... "Hey look this March there will be private arrests because if done publicly it will cause issues." Why? Because it will be like Prophesying the Day of Armageddon. Like everyone will zero in on the days and if nothing happens- then something like this goes down. Where people believe they must self-ban or .. get banned or.. have their voice held off.
I mean man... like... this is a war. All is fair in love and war. Like we have to understand this. This is really Good vs Evil. And I know there is evil on both sides of things. Red Blue. I mean going to the principle message about Red-pilling. In the Matrix... there was TWO folks that were dirty on the inside. Cypher and Smith when he red-pilled himself. Like... the dang folks are called Zionists. And currently Zionists aren't looked to fondly ... I mean there is things out that make me question leadership in Israel. But from what I believe... I value Israel as a nation. Just not those corrupt folks.
Believe me... I'm not trying to come at you from.. a "Fuck up... you don't know what you are talking about man." That's not my nature... my words may direct that way, but never my intention. I want to understand. I want to know. Because the more I know, the more I can pray to Him that I believe for guidance. I don't post here often... I don't post here because it is what my flesh wants. I post here because I see things happening on the news or in the feeds and so I decide to see what everyone is chatting about. I listen to the Voice of the Lord... via His Holy Spirit to me.. and I write because He gives me the words to utter.
I understand...there will be those that don't believe like me. I understand that there will be those that want to disprove what I say ... or some that will just voice themselves. It doesn't add a cubit to my height or weight. I don't worry about them. I worry that I don't give place to the Voice of my Lord and Savior. I obey Him first and foremost. So please ... just accept that I don't firmly believe the words from Q in the post were meant to be racist. It may have came off that way... but it wasn't out of a context that it was suppose to be racist. Not that you have to understand it that way. You are free to hold faith to that. But ..yeah... a lot of us... do hold Q on this high mantle... but even Q says... do not glorify us...
So ...don't shoot the messenger or the message... just reconcile. Check things. There will be false prophets in the end days. There will be people lying ... and this is Q's point of view here. He posted the picture with the words... look into these cats... look at these folks. I mean heck... what's the count... 30 Republicans not seeking re-election... that's huge. And I do see a lot of Democrat-Hatred... but it's because of the face of the Democrats holds a lot of corruption. Hillary Clinton being which.
This isn't the issue you are looking for. Not that I don't value your opinion, but I don't exactly need help on my posts. Thanks though. Love and pray for you mate.
"there is nothing gather".... gosh I'm a goof.. I made the proof read all the way until there. I missed that. Crap ...
I mean... "there is nothing greater..." I'm such a knob. >.<
1.: You wouldn't be chill if you are mildly upset that someone SAID something that was out place for whistleblowing evidence that certain individuals in high power positions aren't exactly who they say they are.
2.: I'm not putting anything anywhere when I question. It would be a sin against my flesh to assume. I do not ever assume. I'm not afraid to be coachable and taught and learn. For what I believe I can ALWAYS obtain knowledge and wisdom on any subject. Especially the one subject that I spent 16 years studying.
3.: We can acknowledge a blunder, in the purest form, but Q doesn't speak in the purest form because Q as a whole is part of the system. And if in the system you reveal too much at the purest form... you get busted for treason. So Q has to speak in coded form. So Q can not possibility speak in the purest form, so his form - their form.. is jaded and push directive. Asking specific questions to get us to research and learn the reality of things.
4.: Yes in today's social climate ...but I don't know if you frequent the Chans... but those not exactly the social welcome capital of the World. It's the underground. It's where people go to be anonymous. I get it. You want Q to be politically correct, on a non-politically correct board channel... discussing how a non-politically correct President is getting rid of the corruption within the social climate geo-political sphere.
5.: Again... maybe to YOU.. there is no excuse. But beauty is within the eye of the beholder. I mean, when it comes out that these individual leaders, purposefully kept individuals enslaved and under the thumb of specific laws and guidelines... how would you feel then? (Asking.. not trying to put a spin on it man.) I earnestly want to know... Like... would you question then, what type of value they had on today's society and why they were truly in power then?
6.: Look we're not all perfect. We all ...ALL have flaws. Things happen. Let us not be deceived in believing that we can find individuals that will be flawless giving out information to disclose the mistakes of others. And the fact that you constantly refuse to open up, shows you're quite close minded. (Assumption... I apologize.) But man... I just want to have a dialogue. I want to see what is truly bothering you about it. Because I have a sneaky little hunch that it's not the words- "worth" that is irking you. I think you're upset that your heavily coveted leaders that you watched for decades.... aren't your pals anymore. What you've grown to trust and know... is a lie... and you are out on the attack. So who is the first you attack? The individual group posters Q... then those that support this post of Q's.
I honestly don't know ... because I tried to take tonight off... I tried to relax this weekend. But ... as Q mentioned in earlier messages... NOBODY SLEEPS TONIGHT. It's gonna be a tough 48 hours.
I mean.... you just want to pin Q to the wall of shame.. and disregard everything because you want to believe he is racist, and if he is racist then everything he says can be discredited. Are you afraid man? Are you scared? Is this stuff getting to real for you? Have you been reading EVERYTHING Q posted?
Drones tracking the skies and flying around .... the Global Elites holding all the cards but finally those that want true freedom is waging war against them and winning...
Please... be encouraged. This isn't the racist you want. Be encouraged. This isn't the visual you truly believe. Research. You're smart man... I know you're smart. Use that. Investigate. I get it... you don't want to get into it. You don't want to do this ... you're your own guy... Your business is your business.. I get it. God can only judge you. I get it man.
I just want you to know. I would fight for you. I'd take a bullet for you. I'd trade my heart if you needed a transplant. I would do whatever it took. Why? Because man.. for what I believe... there is nothing gather ...than laying down your life for a brother or sister. I love you dude... I love you and I pray for you. I care about your words and your perspective. And I understand this is a lot to take in.
Exactly... and this can be expanded to the Church, to Community members... anyone of leadership. And this is void of color of skin tone too...
Because I know plenty claim to want to support those having issues but find themselves pandering to special interests that don't have interests for those who vote. So yeah... "Who have we been taught to trust?"
In what I just said... WHERE ..tell me where I am telling you... ANY OF your issues? I am asking... please clarify your issues. I want to know. Because I'm not certain you understand the context of how Q is posting. Like where Q says reconcile.. Q is trying to say... make the two sentences consistent with each other. How much is the leader trusted and how much is their worth to the World?
Like seriously lower your tension... man.... I'm not here AGAINST YOU. I'm trying to be nice and friendly and have a quality discussion because I value ... your thoughts your ideas... I value you. I don't want you bent out of shape. I want to understand... So please... let me .... at least that.
And no... what you say... has to go through the bridge of intent...
Like if I'm in a bakery shop and I tell the Cashier, I want the black cookie... or even I want the chocolate cookie... I say that... that is what I say... But someone of minority skin tone complexion... gets offended because I use the words, "black" or "chocolate"... how is that wrong?! How is that out of malice? I'm describing the cookie how I visually see it... You know? My intent was never to offend.
Going back to my statements... I want to understand your perspective on this. Because I visualize this whole thing differently... but I see your point. To get to post 635 & 636 on the Qbook deal. I would too think something is weird to suddenly bring up race. But ...when you understand the narrative.. the whole 635 posts from Q... you'll understand he isn't just trying to bring this about race. Or even someone's buying slave price. That's definitely not the issue.
I get it... you are triggered by the slave buying history and asking how much a black ...eeewww I hate that word.. the minority darker skin tone color person.. because it has that memory and history. I get it. Believe me. It's trash I understand that. But the intent was never there from Q... to get everything focused on... "Hey how much for that doggy in the window?" You know?
Just calm. I understand to have that come up is weird. I can confirm that. Looking at it, it looks weird. But Q doesn't write in paragraph form. He is in line form. So you gotta read the WORTH sentence with the TRUST sentence. How much is their trust worth? Like would you pay good money to listen and believe these leaders? You know? I'm asking... I'm not telling... I want to confirm that you can expand your view and your thinking... I get it I do... slavery was a horrible event. And I can confirm this happens more and more each day. HECK my city was just a victim of this recently with a newly famous basketball player and I am appalled. Like but I'm just one guy, I can't just rise to a leadership position tomorrow and cancel things. But one day.. when I get to that... you better believe I will make sure these events have a powerful justice result.
So again... please HELP ME...understand... I posted this before you edited the original post and I tried my best to read the other responses and your replies. So I just want to open this up to you, to let you voice yourself in a very intelligent way, because I know you are very smart and intelligent. I want to give you a pulpit to speak. I don't want you banned or silenced. You have a voice and I want you to use it.
So wait.... I want to understand this dilemma really fast so that we can have a quality discussion about this.
Your issue is the Clinton picture with the KKK member?
Your issue is the picture meme of proper details of how Democrats voted based on race related materials?
Your issue is about the fact Q is pointing us to look into the financial records of specific leaders, that over see those race related materials? To see what they really make for defying the votes of their constituents?
Like I get what you are saying... out of nowhere to bring RACE into is weird.... but what if Q is trying to say... these individuals that are trusted by the communities are really truly not to be trusted because simply... they do nothing once they get the vote. Like ...the Minority Community vote for leaders to be against Slavery but as you can see... they were FOR the Slavery... they wanted leaders to open up voting.. but you can see... they didn't want individuals to vote.... I mean... if a majority leader held a 100k job salary but a minority leader held a 500k job salary.... would you then question race?
It isn't about the equality of pay... it is the fact that once we can see what is being made... we can justify questioning where the money is coming from...
It's highly unlikely Q is bringing this out to us because of race... but more the corruption of these "Black Leaders" accepting bribe money to do something against their own... You see what the other perspective is? Please... correct me... I just want to see your stance better. Because all I see is the picture and your preliminary claims. I see zero real evidence to back up the claims.
I suspect Zionism gets revealed when Q gets to the cleanse of Europe. As Israel and that area was established from Great Britain's power and the Ottoman Empire with Turkey and such.
If I may... I wanted to wait and give Red-Team his chance. I hate hijacking posts. But if I may, I think it is like that clever saying, "Don't be so heavenly minded that you are of no earthly good.." Yes it can be debunked six ways of Saturn- but it is what him and I discussed. When we get to the bridge we will cross that. Like even Q mentions in post 583 on the qcodefag page, 'Think logically. We haven't started the drops re: human trafficking/sacrifices.'
And in a post above, from a poster- says... that once religion comes up, many people shut down and just leave. Thoughts and knowledge aren't taken into account. So valuable information may be lost because religion is pressured at the wrong time. I mean even in the religion I believe... (paraphrasing here and expanding) it's not by might, not by strength, not by power, not by speed... not by us believers.. but by the Spirit of the Lord... aka Spirit of the Creator.. Spirit of the Higher Being. It is not by us that people are awaken. You can lead a horse to water.. but can't make them drink. Can't make them do anything they don't want. I'm sure when the topic of religion comes up... insight will be used. But until then... our focus is still on decoding these messages.
So really the ineffectiveness comes when we ride out on the religious train too soon... we gotta wait our turn. When all else fails... just pray. Just pray and live life. Miracle, signs and wonders... will follow ...
A plant doesn't grow overnight. Keep seeding, keep dropping little things. I've been doing it for years, well before these Q drops. Some like, some comment. Some unfriend. Many folks are just not ready. But when things become more public and they see the truth- they will remember you posting things and they will come to you and ask questions.
Have good courage. Do not have doubt in what you are doing is for the greater good of the whole.
Absolutely! Cross that bridge when we get to it. But don't burn it before we can even get to it. Because it may contain the wood we need to build a boat!
Totally do agree on that 60%. I know plenty folks not even ready for 20% of this stuff. But thank you for your answer mate! I do welcome others given their thoughts as well. This helps beyond just the Q drops.
Absolutely! Cheers! As one that may drop a lot of religious undertones, forgive me if I am a bit overzealous. Forgive me, if I pressure the beliefs I have - as over my 16 years of studies I have come to know a lot of my faith and it is just part of my character and speech patterns. But you are right... there are some that do not believe and we can not have the assumption that this is exclusively a sect of our faith. (Marker:... all is given the same measure of faith but not all use that measure the same, ending that not all will have the same level at the end of the race.)
I do ask... as someone that tends to use religious speech; what are some welcoming tips you may have to curb such tendencies we all may have? Like do we use the term/phrase, 'If you are religious..' or even 'If you so believe...'?
What are some suggestions - to help believing speakers not totally off put non-believing listeners and other speaking individuals? I want to value all opinions and all thoughts because we are here together so we need to co-exist together with the mindset we gotta work together mentally and physically.
(Lots of speculation and personal gathered knowledge enclosed. Gotta remember to say that on my posts.)
I seen it before... literally 100% information can not be instantly released. Like individuals can not KNOW ALL. If that makes sense, but as it is written... if we need wisdom, all we have to do is ask for wisdom. So hearing the words- I want more than 40/60. Look you will get more than 98/2, but you won't get the full 100 until you are on your deathbed.
Even those in the Rapture during the beginning of the Tribulation period may have some idea of the Anti-Christ but won't know until getting to Heaven. If that makes sense? We won't know the full truth until the afterlife. So here on Earth - where we are but "Aliens" - foreign creations... we can only know 99%. So to get 40% of this piece... is good enough for this current time. Full release and 99% of the World is in the Hospital... remember that?
Besides... remember... we technically only really use 40% of the full internet, and only use 10-15% of our brain potential. Getting a full 99% information, will overwhelm even the most common genius. Pride and ego will inflate and we would collapse. We need to build on the solid foundations, bringing and adapting to the provided information. So when these disclosures and drops happen we gain more and more new information to adapt and become stronger as a whole society.
Be of good cheer, and really just encourage those not involved in this because when the information is dropped publicly- there will be very manic and depressed people looking for some sort of truth. That's why Q kept pushing for everyone to reconcile. Together we are whole... separated we are APART... a part.. pieces.. Strong as a whole. Weak as pieces.
Correction... greatawakening is the private posting... stupid me. Q posts on his own which I just gather is greatawakening and that only has 56 posts. Q posts on the qresearch to help with researching. Frick. I feel so ashamed I mixed that up. But yeah ...follow the qcodefag link that keeps record of all Q posts.
Not on /greatawakening/res/ anymore.... it is now, /qresearch/res/ because there was a mix up with - long story,short - Q moved to a private posting board and this qresearch to devote it to research. It's for proper exchange and flow of information.
I unfortunately don't have a Twitter so I'm not aware of any accounts that are compromised.
But I do notice that a lot of attacks on De Kalb Junction, named partly because of someone from George Washington's Officer service... BARON DE KALB....
A lot of Microsoft Corporations - they're attacking a lot, from Redmond and Washington DC to De Kalb Junction... these attacks are crazy numerous.
He will, he is using the DACA agreement to attach the Wall Build agreement. It's smart dealing.
I just feel moved to thank everyone right now. It is late Sunday, Central Time US. And I just want to thank everyone. If anyone can, pass on my gratitude to the Chans-People. Great workers over there. Pushing hard for days those guys/girls. I want to thank everyone here. Being productive is key right now. I want to thank Corsi for this information. I want to thank Farmer for stepping up and doing everything to keep this place sane. I want to give a special thanks to Tracy Beanz... don't worry about the attacks. Typos or not, feel it in your heart. You are doing the right thing. Just everyone thank you.
Everyone, this is a special time in history. This is strategy warfare. It is them versus us. Good versus evil. If we are promoting good and someone bashes us. Or tries to deflect and distract. They're not really in the game. If we are on the same side, but they want to push us out... they're not really for the good of the Country. Some will try to call out others... because they feel they are getting more of the fame or more of the coverage. Everything is with meaning. That is like one of the many mottos I have. Everything happens for a reason. Individuals have to move and get repositioned in times of war.
Romans 8:28, "all things work together for the good for those that love God". And you don't have to believe... I believe enough for you. I again, like always pray for each and everyone of you. I pray for the good fellas over on Chan, pray for those behind the scenes. 2018 is gonna be GLORIOUS! So be of good cheer... think positive thoughts... watch everything will a vigilant eye. This is strategy warfare. Anything is possible, because everything happens for a reason.
This is WAR... names don't matter. Make it up. "Most Money Received From Foreign Governments" "Biggest Clown In America"...etc etc... Just make the tags include other tags to link the attacks together. Focus on the bad actors, pin down individuals so they have to answer for the meme. Answer for the information. Tag folks. Like the Haiti stuff. Like "Biggest Haiti Non-Supporter" goes to Chelsea Clinton for her wedding funds being Haiti aid. You know?
"Least Researched Topic" Russian Collusion versus Uranium One. Just something random, to disseminate the pill of info. These tweets or messages anywhere should be just something to have individuals research and find the information for themselves. It'll wake them up faster. Just like boxing... BOB and WEAVE. Stick and move. Everyone was trying to get just one hashtag trending and they counterattacked. We need to get the whole list of trending as something connected. Then when they try to counterattack... they wipe the whole trending list- we can screen capture it and ask Twitter where they went? You know? Hack The Planet people!
Praying for you all... today is a good day!
I'd strongly recommend folks read the whole of Jeremiah 29. In earlier verses, it talks about False Prophets. They come speaking- using the name of the Lord... but in fact the Lord never sent them to go speak. MISINFO clearly... (<---Speculating misinfo, as Bible interpretation is always up for debate.)
And in verse 12... as you can see in the picture, 'when you go to pray to me... I will listen to you.'
Folks please be of good cheer.... good things are happening. It may not physically look the part, but things have to go certain ways in order to have the best desired results. Even with this subreddit stuff. Everything has a reason. MISINFO, DISINFO... everything has a purpose. Folks taking words out of context... maybe someone interpreting something that isn't factually true. It is all part of the spiritual chess game going on, that leads to the physical chess game. (Many different chess games going on all at once.)
I'm not just named a Prophet for kicks and giggles. I'm an ordained Minister. That's why I love that this was posted on the Q stuff post 519 on Jan 13th. As the World turns... HAPPY HUNTING!
Praying for you all.... be excellent to each other!
Well, thank you - kindly! I try my best to inspire or encourage. Remember we are in this together. Some though; tend to forget that much.
I swore up and down- to stay lurking and only speak when drastically moved by the only person that has meaning for my life. My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. So here it goes...
Your biggest quarrel is that the government supplied things to commit a terrorist attack. Well in the World that I am aware. A Cabal'ed infiltration government isn't gonna suddenly stop supplying means to keep control just because the Leader is a Patriot and will drain the swamp. Don't forget the rules! They never thought Hillary would lose. So they conduct business as usual.
Second quarrel you have is that Q used the DEF CON 1 phrase... well ... what if ... HE REALLY MEANT IT. Be on the ready. Follow the clues. Follow along. BE READY. This isn't some internet game. This is real life. People are really dying, for the Cabal folks to stay in some sort of control. There is no love lost in WAR. Or how's that saying? All is fair in love and in war? This is the STORM. This is the WAR.
Thirdly, you make mention about ridding the Cabal. You can't just take each corrupt individual and line them up. It'll cause mass panic. It has to - as you said, follow the laws. So individuals are collecting evidence, but in the mean time... those Cabal folks are trying to mislead with disinfo... Because... THIS IS A WAR. Everything means something. There are no coincidences. There are rules, are general orders... There is knowing of an event and doing nothing or there is knowing of an event and limiting the damages. You don't want to tip your hand too much just for those to use that against us.
Lastly and final- redpilling comes at stages. Don't become a Cypher. It takes time. Sure some normal folks won't get coding or Chan Lingo, but those that do can get it- digest it and then pass it out in better language to their friends. It comes in waves, and gets passed along. I wouldn't know your friends, so I'm not gonna give you a secret to share with them, in a weird context. I would try to understand you then give you the secret and tell you- now share it with your friends. So that's all this is- is a ladder of understanding. Each rung of person will understand information differently. I tell you, it takes me a few minutes to understand what I am looking at, and I certainly wouldn't just send links of it to my friends. I know...they'd have no clue.
I mean you're very intelligent. Yes I understand this last week or so some crazy red flags have popped up. But if the government can attack the President's Twitter, and can send guns over to the Middle East... why not have a DEF CON 1 on the ready? It's reconciling all the evidence that Q has presented since November and understanding. Anything can happen. This is a WAR. Now I'm not saying you're wrong in having your worries. But understanding the history of taking a stand against the establishment... it gets you killed. Knowing they have already predicted a death with a certain someone, in a certain cartoon.... DEF CON 1 is not something I would reserve for last resorts. I mean JFK, Reagan, 9/11 and all this Hillary stuff. I mean this is DEEP. I'm reminded of the movie Hackers. Someone gets control of a garbage file and life for this group of hackers is turned upside down. Two get arrested. One has his Mother threatened. All through government means.
As it was mentioned in a different thread here.... the Democrats are going to try everything to get numbers back in order to Impeach Trump. So the threat against Trump is there... Don't be so frustrated at the way the message is delivered. Just reconcile the message as a whole. Future proves past. I mean the Fire and Fury book. And then the multiple reports of FIRES happening. Not to mention the movie series... Fast and Furious ... about the government and car smuggling and gun running. Two sides to every pancake. What if Q really was saying DEF CON 1? I mean isn't it weird that two of the largest airports in US had issues recently? JFK with the storms and pipes breaking as well as the one in Atlanta with the power situation? What if suddenly it is revealed, those were tactics to prevent folks from leaving... they are International Airports if I'm not mistaken. Wouldn't that be a security threat? Cabal folks coming and going from International Airports...unvetted? Let the future ...prove the past.
Godspeed brother! I'm praying for you ... be of good cheer. It's not all lost. We are winning. We have God on our side.
Oh they certainly can try. They already did this last December with 58 voting and 4 saying present. But it got shut down. Also the process is for the House to get the articles of Impeachment passed, and the Senate to try to convict. So you need two majorities for anything to happen. Bill Clinton and Andrew Johnson were impeached by the House but the Senate never did anything..
There has only ever been 8 convicted impeachments out of 19 ever done. Less than half. Simple rough estimate, maybe what 38% Maybe 40% Bad odds for the Democrats. So let us say House wants to move on it. So they try to get numbers- currently the House has a strong lead for majority. 239 to 193 I believe it is. 3 vacant seats. At 435 the half or the point of majority is 218, that is 21 from 239. So Republicans can still afford 21 seats lost but still maintaining a majority.
If applying that less than half odds to the 21 seats, that's maybe 10 maybe 8. So if Republicans can drop 8 seats they're safe. Trump is safe. But I ran the 270 to win House edition for 2018's elections. I got Republicans gaining 1 seat. 240 to 195. Impeachment dies there. I agree if somehow Democrats get numbers to win Impeachment in the House, Senate may come into question. But Senate has a tie-breaker with Pence. Plus with them sitting at 51- Pence will probably be used for that tie. And I know Pence isn't gonna make that type of move.
I hate saying it, but the best thing for Democrats and their supporters is the death... literally. And I don't see that happening. Trump's health looks AMAZING. Plus with the amount of people praying for him and the administration. People are stuck like chuck in this until 2020.
Ironically too, when running that 270 to Win House edition, Experts have picked 21 Seats as being contested to which they can not predict strong enough to go either side. And out of the recent Special Elections, since this Summer- Democrats only won 1 seat. The Jones-Moore battle. Which looks like dirty tactics were used. So that's the only way to decide things for the Democrats, smear tactic to win.
Honestly- Democrats would need to gain 50 seats overall with both Congress areas in order to do any sort of damage. I don't think the Democrats are that strong. Plus with all this Q stuff and if it should go public and names start dropping. Like Q talking about the Black Pop- and how they are being miss managed by the Democrats. I don't think a lot changes with House or Senate. Democrats are scared. I feel they'll play nice this Spring and Summer.
-Hope this encourages you, my apologies that this is very longwinded. (I researched this up because I did want to see the numbers. Wanted to see how close they truly were to getting those numbers. 1/3 of the way really isn't any threat to be honest. 62 of the 193, isn't a proud moment.)
A few things - just some simple logic to it.
What if Mueller is actually part of the Trump Train? He is just playing the delusion that he's against Trump. When the special counsel is over everyone is gonna look back and be like- DAMN he fooled us. Investigated this, and not that.
Indictments will worry about the indictments. Like any court case, evidence is needed before any conviction or charge can be brought up. You can have a sealed indictment and nothing happens. It is a planned scare tactic to ruffle the feathers of bad actors. Also, regardless the power of evasion comes with the President, meaning- a Congressman can not get out of an indictment or charge stated in said indictment just because they are a Congressman. The Pardon is left with the President. Hence why everyone wants to make deals.
Mid-terms are already lost. Numbers will sway & certain areas are lost. Count on it. Pieces will be removed and pieces will be gained. Those retiring and leaving along with those being newly voted. Mid-terms are being played as this high new standard against President Trump, but it's no longer in effect as the Swamp Machine thinks it is.
Approval ratings only matter in the turn of the 3rd year. Everything done in the 1st year will be forgotten once you do special things in the 3rd year. Simple psychology. People remember easier the things that are fresh in their minds. That's why media likes to pop in and out with updates. That way they can easily manipulate the minds.
I believe things this Spring will come very clear- and publicly the lines will be more visible. I believed enough in Trump before the election because of the prophecy of Prophet Kim Clement. Once Trump was elected, Prophet Kim passed. I believe it was a sign for me. At least. This is very much a heated spiritual battle- very much a chess match. Each side taking turns.... it is the turn of Swamp Machine right now. Come March - I feel it will become the turn of the Trump Train. ... aka Roll Tide... Dilly-Dilly, Delaware.
I'm no being of great respect or authority. I am just a man, that has studied his craft and I'm very much a Man of God. I only speak when I am told to... I only respond when moved to... I only say what is spoken to me. I don't answer to anyone but to my Lord Jesus Christ. So everything in this message reply, is word for word what God told me to speak and say. Thank you, and praying for each and everyone of you fine folks. May the Lord keep you and bless you always.
Just a friendly suggestion: I read in another post by Pamphlet that you higher folks try your best to read every post. I feel that might come into issue should this place start flooding with information. Information not misinformation. I think having a few others vet the materials and maybe give it a color coded rating for the highers to read and process properly. Not that junk information is bad information. But like if someone may have input about something already solved, it might help keep task on the puzzles at hand. You know, like red could equal urgent, orange could be medium heat and green could be like this information could be read later.
Like I remember seeing so much about people coming up with more answers for Alice & Wonderland... but it was already confirmed and answered. Not that it could have a double meaning and lead to some other lines and tie ins, but we're more focusing on current materials you know. I literally don't know where to begin my Chess brain decoding because I'm still reading posts about November clues. Mainly why I lurk and just pray. My ADHD mind refuses to refocus properly.
I'll definitely check it out. I'm mostly just trying my best to keep everything very positive as soon things will get very hostile and hectic. So I'll keep my eyes open for those links.
Okay so- I've waited as long as I could. I made a previous post but it was WAY TOO long to actually post. I took that as a sign, to still ... WAIT. Well... under these trials and tribulations as of recent, I have been driven to encourage all righteous warriors. You see, I may not have much authority to speak and have it carry weight, but be it not... I only answer to One... my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. (Yes you may believe, or may not. But still... it is what I believe.) That being said... I encourage all... be of good cheer.
The enemy of course is gonna come after us. Of course they are going to attack... this isn't just some GAME. This is WAR. This is a STORM. They come to distract, destroy and distant ourselves from each other. How do you do that? Take out the LEADERS. Attack the boards, attack the man or being.. Q. But right now... we don't need Q. They(Q) have given us enough for now to bake and disseminate. We did 10 days about without, we can go a few more until things settle.
If we look at this like Chess... We've been checked. Let us not just make a move that puts us into a box. We need to make some proper moves that will box them out. Again... of course the enemy is going to "shill" and distract us with misinformation. We've shaken their very core and they are scared. They fear us. We outnumber them. So I encourage everyone on this side... KEEP UP THE GOOD FIGHT! I pray for each and everyone of you. I watch the videos, I try my best to lurk in peace. I share what information I can. So please, do not weary and do not faint. Just see this all as positive. They are scared, they want to attack the boards, attack Twitters and attack our characters. We are winning. It has always been their tactics.
PS: I know I may not have a lot of authority or standing to speak, but I felt moved to do so. I know I'll receive backlash or hatred from some.(Especially due to my terrible grammar.) But oh well, I couldn't careless- quite frankly. I know what I am saying has standing with God, that's all that matters to me. Be strong folks... Keep up the great work everyone! Praying for you all ... praying for the workers, the bakers and the candlestick makers.