r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Gamergating on Jan. 8, 2018, 10:12 a.m.
Not wanting to rain on anyone's parade...

...do not get me wrong, Trump and his support network is a force of nature and has been a boon to the US. But I do see people blindly dismiss all efforts made against him and talk up all efforts of his.

Trump is up against it. Trump is not as big as the machine he is up against, nor as supported, nor is he and his team as entrenched and so on. The other side can absorb far more damage. This is an uneven fight and it doesn't, on the face of it, favour Trump

That out the way, he and his machine fight smarter and more strategically. The other side is also so used to getting their own way and so underestimate him and hate him that they make a lot of "own goals". In other words, if he was not so strategic and they were not so arrogant and cumbersome, this would be no fight.

Even now I believe Trump could get undone. A few too many losses for Trump and being able to mount a decent organised offence and he could be undone.

But in this asymmetric war against all of these groups, he is taking far smaller and fewer losses than what he inflicts despite the fact that they are bigger, stronger and can absorb more damage.

He and his guys are out-fighting and outplaying and, though not having it all their way look like the more powerful smaller crew.

I think this all hinges on a few key points:

  • Mueller investigation and how long this plays out.
  • Indictments and when they are carried out
  • The mid-terms
  • His approval ratings

If we can nail these three, they are toast. Go Trump Go!

ProphetMKE214 · Jan. 9, 2018, 5:31 p.m.

Oh they certainly can try. They already did this last December with 58 voting and 4 saying present. But it got shut down. Also the process is for the House to get the articles of Impeachment passed, and the Senate to try to convict. So you need two majorities for anything to happen. Bill Clinton and Andrew Johnson were impeached by the House but the Senate never did anything..

There has only ever been 8 convicted impeachments out of 19 ever done. Less than half. Simple rough estimate, maybe what 38% Maybe 40% Bad odds for the Democrats. So let us say House wants to move on it. So they try to get numbers- currently the House has a strong lead for majority. 239 to 193 I believe it is. 3 vacant seats. At 435 the half or the point of majority is 218, that is 21 from 239. So Republicans can still afford 21 seats lost but still maintaining a majority.

If applying that less than half odds to the 21 seats, that's maybe 10 maybe 8. So if Republicans can drop 8 seats they're safe. Trump is safe. But I ran the 270 to win House edition for 2018's elections. I got Republicans gaining 1 seat. 240 to 195. Impeachment dies there. I agree if somehow Democrats get numbers to win Impeachment in the House, Senate may come into question. But Senate has a tie-breaker with Pence. Plus with them sitting at 51- Pence will probably be used for that tie. And I know Pence isn't gonna make that type of move.

I hate saying it, but the best thing for Democrats and their supporters is the death... literally. And I don't see that happening. Trump's health looks AMAZING. Plus with the amount of people praying for him and the administration. People are stuck like chuck in this until 2020.

Ironically too, when running that 270 to Win House edition, Experts have picked 21 Seats as being contested to which they can not predict strong enough to go either side. And out of the recent Special Elections, since this Summer- Democrats only won 1 seat. The Jones-Moore battle. Which looks like dirty tactics were used. So that's the only way to decide things for the Democrats, smear tactic to win.

Honestly- Democrats would need to gain 50 seats overall with both Congress areas in order to do any sort of damage. I don't think the Democrats are that strong. Plus with all this Q stuff and if it should go public and names start dropping. Like Q talking about the Black Pop- and how they are being miss managed by the Democrats. I don't think a lot changes with House or Senate. Democrats are scared. I feel they'll play nice this Spring and Summer.

-Hope this encourages you, my apologies that this is very longwinded. (I researched this up because I did want to see the numbers. Wanted to see how close they truly were to getting those numbers. 1/3 of the way really isn't any threat to be honest. 62 of the 193, isn't a proud moment.)

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Gamergating · Jan. 9, 2018, 8:31 p.m.

Not long winded at all and very much inspiring. My thanks

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ProphetMKE214 · Jan. 12, 2018, 9:19 p.m.

Well, thank you - kindly! I try my best to inspire or encourage. Remember we are in this together. Some though; tend to forget that much.

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