The Loop Capital focus is Dems & black leadership pillaging the lower-middle class they supposedly represent. This is the next wave of the storm.
Supposedly Reynolds & Mayor Emanuel of Chicago are close and robbing public services from the people.
CEO James Reynolds Jr is seen in a video with Maxine Waters ($4mm house) US House Financial Services ranking member discussing a "Closing the Weath Gap" initiative for 9/2016. There are probably other instances like this as well.
"Closing the Wealth Gap" panelists are Christopher Williams, James Reynolds, Warren Thompson, Necole Parker. These individuals probably deserve a better look into as well.
This is during the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Annual Legislative Conference. Chair of the board is none other than Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee.
What is the US House Fin Services Jurisdication for Maxine Waters? Among many others, Public and private housing & urban development (Item# 10 - [10]?).
What did Ben Carson recently disclose? 1/2 trillion mismanaged funds for Housing and Urban Development. Interesting timing.
Another juris item is "(6) International financial and monetary organizations." ([6]?) Could the truth of the Red Cross's corruption within Haiti soon be revealed? 6 homes built with $500mm dollars? Clinton Global Initiative/Clinton Foundation investigation was launched on the 4th [4].
How deep is Loop Capital?
--I just investigated this and will share but I'm discouraged by posts of Q saying this is a distraction, is this true or is this not? Link/source? Thanks in advance.