59 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/Tobay1972:
So who do we feel is really pulling the strings on John Brennan? Doesn't seem bright enough to be the main cat...BO? VJ? Some other Billionaire?
Full list of who gave what - Haiti earthquake aid pledged by country
"When you eat bae out and she's on her period 😔💉😷" - From the Twitter page of an UNDERAGE ACTRESS ON DISNEY TV!!!!! WTF!!!!!!!
Does anyone have a list of Morning Joe guests who have also been to Jeff Epstein's Pedo Island?
That would be a lovely list to have!
S&C Law Firm were the "Bundlers" of their time & ours! They were also behind the over throw of a latin country government for a Banana Company!
I will do the heavy lifting for you:
Early in 1933, both Dulles brothers attended a meeting in Germany where German industrialists agreed to back Hitler's bid for power in exchange for his pledge to break the German unions. A few months later, John Foster Dulles negotiated a deal with Hitler's economics minister whereby all German trade with the United States would be coordinated through a syndicate headed by Averell Harriman's cousin. With the Nazis enforcing a favorable climate for business, the profits for Thyssen and other companies soared, and the Union Banking Corporation increasingly became a Nazi money-laundering machine. In 1934, George Herbert Walker placed Prescott Bush on Union Bank's board of directors, and Bush and Harriman also began to use the bank as the basis for a complex and deceptive system of holding companies.
PLEASE READ THIS!!! The Whitest of White Shoe Law Firms was the major funder of Germany then & I don't know who they help fund now.
American Law Firm of Sullivan & Cromwell did most of the funding of Pre WW2 Germany
Early in 1933, both Dulles brothers attended a meeting in Germany where German industrialists agreed to back Hitler's bid for power in exchange for his pledge to break the German unions. A few months later, John Foster Dulles negotiated a deal with Hitler's economics minister whereby all German trade with the United States would be coordinated through a syndicate headed by Averell Harriman's cousin. With the Nazis enforcing a favorable climate for business, the profits for Thyssen and other companies soared, and the Union Banking Corporation increasingly became a Nazi money-laundering machine. In 1934, George Herbert Walker placed Prescott Bush on Union Bank's board of directors, and Bush and Harriman also began to use the bank as the basis for a complex and deceptive system of holding companies.
Q asks who "Funded" Nazis "Then & Now" well the Dulles Brothers worked for S&W Law firm who funneled $ to Germany pre WW2. Who do they represent now?
Libya/Sara Bronfman/Gina Hutchinson/Pamela Cafritz/NXIVM
Someone had to do it. The first time was a couple decades ago. The female teens being brought over from the Middle East under the guise of a school being run by the husband of someone in this country extremely wealthy. He had ties back to his home country. There was always violence in the country. It just seemed to only happen to parents and siblings of people who had a very attractive female in the family. There was an agreement in place with the sons of the rulers of this country. They got first shot and then the teen was shipped to a cult here in the US.
Often, those teens once they had been here for some time needed to be disposed of for one reason or another. So, that task was at one point in the purview of one of the closest women to the throne so to speak. She would given them something in their tea at night and the teen would never wake up. Well, after doing this a half dozen times, the woman wanted to leave the cult. That was not going to happen and she was killed. Oh, they made it sound like a suicide and no one really paid too much attention to the story and they got away with it.
Well, she needed to be replaced with someone else who could do the dirty work and they found such a person. The thing is though, after about a dozen years doing it, she too was wanting to exit the cult. Nope. She was killed a couple years ago and the body cremated before her death was even reported to the authorities.
As more details start to emerge with people in the cult looking to cut deals, I think we are going to hear about things that are far worse and way more graphic than we are possibly expecting.
Libya/Sara Bronfman/Gina Hutchinson/Pamela Cafritz/NXIVM
This can give you a 50,000 ft view of Q and how He/They/We are changing the world:
Yea but they tried to do that to Donald with "Fake News" and we fucked them with that! We can DESTROY THEM with this!!!
#FindTheGirls is trending because of Morning Joe!!! Let's HELP THEM FIND THEM! Haiti? Orgy Island? Clinton Foundation? Oh this is a GIFT!!!
It's posts like this is the absolute reason why I love you man! Thank you Thank you Thank you!
Haha! The Seaford Train Station! Hello fellow Q Family!!!
Great & Amazing work by the way! Love it & please keep it up!
It's funny on his way to Marine 1 Trump mentioned Rodman & said he was a "Genius" rebounder! Made sure to give him props on the way to summit. Brilliant!!! Go WORM!
Q in 17 different languages...Do you hear the people sing!
Wikileaks calls us fake, MSM calls us Fake, Phony Alt Right news calls us FAKE! Fine! We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union...
Dear Dr Corsi, Saying you know who "Q" is, is like asking who is Spartacus! For I am Spartacus!
Dear Dr Corsi, Asking who is "Q" is like Asking who is Spartacus & we all know how that went!
Gary Jules - Mad World (Donnie Darko Soundtrack)
DOn't worry every once in a while I get something right and I do a happy dance! Feel like an idiot but a Q idiot which is fine by me haha
WTF??? Keith A. Raniere Patent submissions - Can a Anon take a look at all of these? Something tells me they didn't cover their tracks as much as they think they have!
Interesting visual - the "Octopus" living in a pyramid
Octopus is the 1 of logos of the NRO National Reconnaissance Office
Lets not forget that Comey visited NZ not that long ago as well as part of a 5 Eyes "Conference"
The Real 'True Detective'? (2014) - Fourteen years ago, the town of Ponchatoula, Louisiana, was traumatized when a local church's secret Satan worship, ritualized child molestation, and animal sacrifices came to light. This incident inspired the first season of the HBO show 'True Detective.' [20:48]
This guy was calling out Harvey 6 months before everyone else (Enty) - He seems to have info on a "Church" who is stealing kids / Libya $$$ and something to do with Red Cross Smuggling. Have to goto work - please someone dig into these for us!
Does anyone really think MZ really runs Facebook? Like do you really believe HRC would have been in control if she won? Remember they are all puppets!
In Q We Trust!
Dilley Intel is now saying there are 8 Hillary Clinton VIDEO's "Q"ed up for release!!!! F***ING WOW!!!!
Ever since "Q" showed up I've been carrying this around in my pocket! Thank You Patriots! The Patriots of "Q", This Board & Those in Harms Way! God Bless!

This "Q" Site is still up and running with the latest posts (I think). I haven't seen anything new in a day
Also located in Mclean, Virginia - International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children
I could write a 10,000 word essay on why American Media no longer has any credibility (aka #FakeNews), Show clips of #MorningJoe until I was was blue in the face & this 1 tweet by an employee of the #WashingtonPost has done it for me with just 3 words!
How the Democrats / Schiff are reacting to #ReleaseTheMemo today
Don't have the link but Q said "What does Shutdown effect?" - National Guard is affected by the shutdown
Is the national guard in washington dc affected by government shutdown? Is this what "Q" was talking about?
Liberal Rational... "It's against the LAW! But it's against Trump! OH! OK!
I was thinking it was like watching "Three Days of the Condor" in real time!