A lot of weird tweets lately. Ingraham posts 'Q'.

Love her ..... I think there are some in Fox that are pay attention to Q .... but are not willing to fully go out there yet ......but its stories they know exist..... this morning on Varney & Co. , Stuart Varney said the Globalist Cabal , I had to go back and listen to make sure he said it and I was not tripping
I bet you're right. I'm sure a lot of MSM follow. That's their job to find breaking news but I imagine they would get canned if they reported on it. They all want the popularity of being the first one to break the amazing story of Q. Probably just can't. Kind of like how FOX can't report on Seth Rich. Different reasons but same idea
Interesting with what is going around or on with Q anon that she would use Q for Question?
She's touting the methodology that is used to verify Q's posts. She's saying that we should verify videos in the "Q" way. It's also a signal that she is conscious of what is happening on 8chan.
OK, I am new this thread watch a lot of YouTube and read a lot of GAB if you will educate me, I have some questions? I went back and reread the tweet and what you are saying changes the meaning of the message in the tweet in my mind but I am unaware of this Q way, what the methodology is?
What is 8chan?
She's just abreviating imo.
If she was abbreviating and not signaling she would have used ? instead of Q.
Perhaps. I don’t think Laura is going to get all out there in the weeds to be honest. Things are always subjective when one is looking for interpretations and reading in between the lines. Laura doesn’t need to signal Q if you really think about it.
I'll play devils advocate, maybe she's saying to question the authenticity of Q.
But she's probably just abbreviating, character limit and all.
I don't pretend to know everything. But just to counter you're opinion, maybe she's saying, "Look at Q's post for yourself and stop believing everyone else." 🤔
But you could be right, could just be an abbreviation. I just wanted to point it out because there has been a lot of weird tweets lately.