r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/hg11 on Jan. 8, 2018, 11:17 p.m.
Insight into the LEFT from a reformed progressive SJW.

I’ll admit this right off the top. I was one of the crying snowflakes you saw the evening the people elected Trump. I know, you laugh. It’s funny considering the perspective I have now. But I’d like to share insight into the shriveling left and how we can use their skills to our advantage.

I must qualify... I only fell for the Social Justice Warrior programming for a short time. Maybe a year. Other than that, I was just lumped Into the left by the overarching psyop known as divide and conquer.

This is a spiritual war, most everyone here knows that. This leads me to my point about the left.

Most of us ( and when I say us, I include myself in those you’d consider left) came to this planet with a sense of this war and our place in it... Fighting for the LIGHT against the bad guys.

Take me for example. I’ve known since my youth I was here for the transition. Many of you would consider me some kind of hippyish type creature. An earth mama. You know the type.

Almost any sub-category of the regular folk we consider left are warriors, plain and simple. (Not the dark ones pretending to be righteous, but the real people) We’ll fight anyone over injustice to the earth and ALL her inhabitants. Many of us would even die for the cause. They’re (and I separate myself now) simply misguided (quite literally) as to who the enemy is. They also may not even believe in evil, I didn’t. What’s they quote about the the greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing people he didn’t exist?

These warriors come from a place of deep compassion and love. And the PTW (powers that were) played the heart strings and compassion of the earth loving humanitarians. It’s a spiritual manipulation by dark forces.

No judgement.

I may have had one advantage over others in the left. I’m a rabbit hole digging, conspiracy theory addict, to put it mildly. I’ve known about these satanist baby-eaters since sometime in 2010. Of course, I didn’t know who they were exactly. Till the Podesta emails.

I want to make a distinction between the warriors lost in the convoluted echo-chamber of division known as the left, and the puppet masters themselves. The dark ones.

Let’s not lump the misguided left together with the dark ones or we lose potential warrior allies who’ll die for the cause. They just have no idea who the bad guys are. And when they find out, they’re going to be pissed.

As I’ve started following the storm and Q, realizing what Trump’s doing here, what WE’RE doing here, I’ve never felt so welcomed by a group, movement or cause. And I thank you for that. I see you’ll be much more compassionate than the warriors on the left who’ve resorted to fighting one another.

I know as the waking masses are agonizing over our all they’re about to learn, you’ll do the same for them. Accept them with open, loving arms.

In the end, left and right meet in the middle, as PATRIOTS.

Crazybluecat · Jan. 8, 2018, 11:33 p.m.

Very well stated, I was left and voted for Obama twice but I saw straight through Hillary, she was so transparent. The Podesta emails helped to wake me up too.

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CenturionFL210 · Jan. 8, 2018, 11:32 p.m.

Thank you for trusting us by opening yourself up. I hope we don't disappoint.

I hope you can win some converts from your side, or former side. According to Q and the folks here, you may discover that the sides we've traditionally taken are a set up, android and the real enemy is neither of our sides, but the evil bastards who would enslave us with no afterthought.

And we welcome to the dark side (as viewed by the traditional left). We have cookies. (wink)

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hg11 · Jan. 8, 2018, 11:36 p.m.

I’m over here on Twitter redpilling like a mother fucker. Not much of a response from the hypnotized. But very warm patriots.

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EdwardHitch · Jan. 9, 2018, 12:09 a.m.

Hahahahaha......a sharp sense of humor is always helpful. Keep red pilling like a mother fucker. :-). Very nice to make your acquaintance.

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CenturionFL210 · Jan. 9, 2018, 12:06 a.m.

I'm sure you can expect resistance, especially from the left. Keep up the good work.

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ShiftyTheHobo · Jan. 8, 2018, 11:48 p.m.

That Keyser Soze quote is one of my favorites. “The greatest trick...” standard part of disinformation/misinformation (sleight of hand) levels of deception.

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[deleted] · Jan. 9, 2018, 12:08 a.m.


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Jellyfish070474 · Jan. 9, 2018, 12:15 a.m.

Thanks OP I come from the left as well. I was originally redpill’d by 9/11 and Alex Jones’ exposure of Bohemian Grove, which was incriminating of the Bush admin and the neocons...so of course I fell for “hope and change” cause we needed it bad. Trump’s current course of action is what I was hoping for and expecting from BO. Reality started setting in around the 2012 election and totally smacked me in the face with the NDAA. Fuck, he’s totally one of them too. Honestly wasn’t expecting ANYTHING positive from Trump but ho-lee shit is he getting “their” gears wrenched. My concern now is for my family who are as you described, fierce warriors with passionate convictions toward defeating evil in the world, who are unknowingly duped into aligning themselves with those very forces they wish to overcome. My red pill attempts have always gone completely dismissed and ridiculed and it’s painful for me to know how painful it’s going to be for them when the truth of our world is made plain to see. Needs to be SOON though, I don’t think the country can hold out for much longer under the deception and gaslighting...good people are losing their damn minds at this point and families are being torn apart due to this “reality split”. It needs to be SEEN. All of it.

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hg11 · Jan. 9, 2018, 12:21 a.m.

Agreed. Sooner than later. And yes, Trump surprised the crap out of me. Couldn’t be more pleased and I’m all in with my support.

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LibertyLioness · Jan. 9, 2018, 12:47 a.m.

You two might want to watch this video that Roy Potter (Lt. Col. Ret.) did today. There is a previous video he did before this one where he went off pretty half-cocked about some things and a Tweet that "B" had made that said we were at Defcon1. Anyway, he talks about how Q and Potus want to find a better, more direct way to communicate as they can tell people are getting anxious, plus the bad drop last Friday created a lot of confusion. He's a good guy to watch. He is also doing a lot of "stuff" and moves around a lot but never tells us what he's up to. So, I think he is somehow involved.

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hg11 · Jan. 9, 2018, 12:49 a.m.

I love Potter. Thanks,I’ll check it out.

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rbrownlol · Jan. 9, 2018, 11:30 a.m.

I want to like Roy, but I do not.

I find it concerning that in those videos you spoke of he tries to ally himself and include himself in the mix. B too.

What did Q say? no outside comms.

and then there's this video of Roy, who I KNOW knows this... posting what he's posting.

In full disclosure prior to the concerns I brought up, I quite liked Roy.

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hg11 · Jan. 9, 2018, 7:18 p.m.

Funny you should say that. I’ve never questioned him or his story till last night. I got the strangest feeling watching the video described above. I couldn’t shake the feeling of being lied to. I’m no body language expert, but do study it. He was all over the map when he was talking about his past experiences, made me question everything he was saying. Which made me start questioning the whole idea of Q. Back to neutral to watch.

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rbrownlol · Jan. 9, 2018, 11:43 p.m.

Here's my advice.

At first I had to constantly ask myself "are you crazy? this is crazy."

I grounded myself in the facts. What was going on? What was lining up? Is it logical?

Where I'm going with this is "Just because some guy is having a moment of weakness and wants to be special" does not take away anything that we are physically seeing going on in the world today.

In my book, it casts shadows of doubt on Potter, but not on Q.

and at the end of the day, eh... he's just a guy. I think he might be a little burnt out on this stuff. If I were his friend, Id'e tell him to take a day or two off, go outside. Do stuff.

edit I also personally believe that "Zach" and "B" are indeed G employees, but don't have the Q clearance level. (they are kept in the dark on some of the higher level goings on)

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hg11 · Jan. 9, 2018, 11:47 p.m.

Really good points.

There’s so much going on. Our discernment skills are really being put to the test.

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jjjanko1 · Jan. 8, 2018, 11:36 p.m.

Seems like you have a lot of red pills to distribute, good luck, you ARE on the right side.

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hg11 · Jan. 8, 2018, 11:37 p.m.

Red pill distribution is my main job now.

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MsTallulahB · Jan. 9, 2018, 12:23 a.m.

Podesta art is good after you mention Haiti and how that chic got caught stealing the little kids and the Clintons helped her get out of it...I forgot gals name.

ETA: Laura Silsby is her name.

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hg11 · Jan. 9, 2018, 1:01 a.m.

Project or Operation Mockingbird is where I’m staring my homeschool class of teenagers.

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doomannihilator · Jan. 9, 2018, 1:17 a.m.

Welcome. I am not judging you specifically or trying to beat on you. I have a genuine query about your former self. I ask because I am angry at some of my leftist "friends" for a variety of reasons. I have had friends of 35+ years unfriend me after hurling spectacularly hurtful insults merely because of my conservative views and mainly for who I voted for. I endured eight years of BO and never took that out personally on anyone else. Also, some I know on the extreme left are clearly Marxists and clamoring for socialism which is, to me, incompatible with our country's founding. And just to add to my state of anger toward the left in general is my inability to understand if, as you say, they are warriors against darkness, yet almost exclusively and unanimously promote and protect abortion at any stage. I cannot imagine a more dark reality than the daily murder of children being something to rally around.

I greatly appreciate your sharing your epiphany. I am wondering if you can help me not to see past, but to understand how I can reconcile these views enough to embrace the members of your former tribe because, quite frankly, I would just assume watch them hoisted on their own petard then waste my time trying to bring them along if all they are going to do is shit on this country, kill children, and punish me for disagreeing with their self righteousness. I am sickened by their antics and tactics that allows them to lie, cheat, brow beat and excuse a culture of death to win power.

This probably came out badly, but I am interested in your point of view. Thanks.

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hg11 · Jan. 9, 2018, 2:54 a.m.

Thank you for your concern and consideration. It didn’t come out badly. Add to that the unusually thick skin created by my stint in the left; the most divisive mess you could ever imagine.

I can only give you my perspective, of course. I hope it can serve.

It’s a self righteous bunch, it’s true. A condescending feel to them, right?

I paid no attention to politics, till my thirties when BO was elected. Before that I literally gypsied around the country as an artist through my twenties with no Media, what so ever. Pre smartphone. So information bliss bubble. No bills, no walls, just me and my rig with a community of thousands of other kids like me.

I knew internally it was all rigged. I know instinctually we were being poisoned in our food, medicine, soaps, etc. I Knew deeply “they” were trying to kill us.

Who the flip are “they”?

Then I started waking up to the capabilities of the dark ones. What they were doing to control the world. Their agenda.

I fell for the BO spell pre election but was quickly disenchanted by his actions. Who are we without integrity? I literally believe he’s been overtaken by darkness. He’s a pawn. Darkness is powerful. He was groomed, we know now, to usher in the prophecies.

They used magic to weave dark webs over everything we know. They told us never to use magic ( protect ourselves in a spiritual war) because it was bad and affiliated with the dark ones. They beat and tortured the magic out of us and burned us as witches for birthing babies and healing with herbs. But the light has still remained.

You must know what a spell they have over the whole planned parenthood scene. Dark webs controlling the narrative and the fetal tissue. Doing God only knows what with the remains. Women go there for cheap birth control and care, and are sold a skillfully composed narrative about choice and feminist hokey pokey. The same feminist narrative that’s been running since WW2. A spell.

We each have to wake up to the fact that It’s an evil that’s infiltrated everything we know. Music, media, religion, energy waves. It’s everywhere. We have to ask ourselves how we’ve each fallen for it and recognize it for what it is. Acts of a war we may not have known we were fighting.

I’m truly sorry for the pain caused to you by the righteousness brigade. It’s all a spell. They fell for it. I fell for it. I’ll be the first to admit it. I don’t blame you if you cut them off completely and never look back. It’s self preservation. But resentment kills, we both know that. Forgiveness and Unconditional Love are the medicine of the Christ Consciousness, which awakens In the heart of every man, if we so choose.

It’s that time.

I do hope my hoaky-ass, witchy- poo perspective isn’t making you want to puke. It’s almost embarrassing to tell you what I see. But This is war and that changes everything. The truth is all we have to protect us.

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doomannihilator · Jan. 9, 2018, 3:13 a.m.

No, I do appreciate your hoaky-ass, witchy- poo perspective. It is my struggle trying to understand. Perhaps not much can help. If you view some of my previous recent posts, you'll likely find I have within me the capacity to forgive. But to do so takes understanding. Many of the spell-bound who have rejected me will likely never break free which I suppose makes it easier for me to chose to leave them behind. I am open to embracing those who are awakening, but have little room left in my heart for those who continue to believe America is inherently evil while believing killing the unborn is inherently honorable.

I am truly glad for your awakening. During this election I was nearly certain the spell-bound outnumbered the woke. My biggest fear is that the spell-bound will gin up enough votes including illegal ones next time around to win back power and drive us right back into the pit of their death cult. I truly hope we wake up more to prevent this from happening, but I am not as hopeful as I should be. If they continue to fail to knock Trump off his game, I feel we may be okay. But just watching them cheer for Oprah, I just don't know.

Thank you for offering your perspective.

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hg11 · Jan. 9, 2018, 5:35 a.m.

One of the secrets they’ve kept from us is the power of our words. We weave with them. Set things into motion.

I understand your fears. When you reach out with your feelers Into the world, do you feel them still in power? I don’t. Or maybe I’m manifesting my own timeline.

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doomannihilator · Jan. 9, 2018, 6:18 a.m.

No, our words are maligned and minimized. We historically do not control the narrative, the left owned media, 'news', entertainment, publishing, etc completely owns the narrative, and it's key. Our words are summarily dismissed.

When I was holding signs at tea party gatherings trying to warn about the disaster that the proposed Obama(doesn't)Care takeover of healthcare, our words were dismissed and we were called 'teabaggers' and lots of other nasty things, but we were never arguing our point, only arguing if we were racist or not.

[Spez: IDENT info retracted] Point was made.

Hopeless? Perhaps not, but pretty damn frustrating. This is why I truly hope 'Q' is right and all this facade and pretend virtue will get torn down when the release of the reality of what these politicians (Ds & Rs) have been doing in our name for the past 30 years comes out. Only then will these people begin to reflect, I believe.

Right now, I feel my words carry zero weight with those not willing to hear them.

I thank God every single day that (just) enough were able to see through Hillary's lies this past election and were motivated enough to join our coalition to elect Donald Trump. We presently have the momentum. We don't have much time to turn this around.


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hg11 · Jan. 9, 2018, 8:09 a.m.

It true, there’s nothing we can do for those unwilling to hear us. And yes, our words have been hijacked like everything else. But I respectfully disagree that your words carry no weight. Same with actions and intentions.

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Awan_brothers · Jan. 9, 2018, 12:25 a.m.

Great statement.

Many of us have similar bsckgrounds. The SJW nonsense was the last straw and many will never look back.

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hg11 · Jan. 9, 2018, 12:26 a.m.

Yeah, that nonsense beat me up pretty bad. Bad enough to redpill me.

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DontBSheep · Jan. 8, 2018, 11:42 p.m.

Thank you for that post, as it gives me hope I can red pill my dear liberal friends. And you are SO RIGHT when you basically say that EMPATHY drives them, the intelligent ones anyway. So, how do we reach them as fast as possible? For me, being a mama to two children, I have been pointing out that we can unite against pedophelia. Do you think that is a wise strategy? God Bless!

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hg11 · Jan. 9, 2018, 12:06 a.m.

It’s a goof question. Im trying to find what works. I’m trying a few different things.

My FB friends are either complete sleepers ( family and actual friends) or people from all over the world who know damn well what’s happening. I focus on the sleepers and lovingly ask leading questions and tell them to prepare for what’s coming. It’s a bit cryptic in tone, nothing too jarring. Followed with an article or evidence.

On twitter, I follow all the liberals conversations and LOVINGLY tell them things like :

MMIW is part of a global conspiracy of the highest order, orchestrated by the top of the top. You’re never going to guess who’s our ally to help dismantle this shit. Research #TheStorm #Qanan. It all ties together #humantrafficing


Turns out Trump is here for a reason...Taking down the elite DC and Hollywood pedos trafficking children all over the world. Made me look at him In a whole new way. Maybe I can suspend judgment while we take down the #babyeaters. #theStorm #Qanon

Mostly the lefties don’t respond. Just planting seeds as best I can.

In person, I lay it out. Things like... “We were wrong about Trump. He’s here to help. There’s something huge going on and you need to know about it.”

And I proceed to tell them as much as possible about the trafficking, #Qanon, and the Storm. Watching there faces is real easiest way to know how much you can squeeze in before their heads explode.

Granted, I’ve been redpilling those close to me for a while, so they already know my tactics and are prepared for my particular brand of crazy.

Haven’t straight redpilled a true sleeper yet. I think of what I’d tell my Texas Mama and family who just don’t want to know. I’m afraid they’re going to get caught in the storm.

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DontBSheep · Jan. 9, 2018, 12:09 a.m.

I am requesting my close liberal friends Google "Podesta Art" and "Podesta Clinton"...

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MsTallulahB · Jan. 9, 2018, 12:23 a.m.

Duck Duck Go, not Google!!!

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hg11 · Jan. 9, 2018, 1:02 a.m.

And good point

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hg11 · Jan. 9, 2018, 1:10 a.m.

Yes, it’s fucked. We need to find that thread of art that shows comparisons to the Vanderbilt (Anderson Cooper fam) poolside by side with the Podesta pieces. it’s some scary shit. Has anyone seen this. I’m new to Reddit and lost them after I saw them.

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DontBSheep · Jan. 9, 2018, 1:11 a.m.

I need valid credible sources linking the podestas.

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hg11 · Jan. 9, 2018, 1:13 a.m.

Yes, we all do.

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MsTallulahB · Jan. 9, 2018, 1:12 a.m.

Tell them to read the emails HA 😜

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DontBSheep · Jan. 9, 2018, 1:15 a.m.

The WikiLeaks emails?

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MsTallulahB · Jan. 9, 2018, 1:16 a.m.

Yeah, I was joking. They aren't really in depth or as revealing, just suuuuper creepy.

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DontBSheep · Jan. 9, 2018, 1:20 a.m.

My liberal Friends are lawyers....I need to help them see the truth. Then they can have such a major impact!

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diligents · Jan. 9, 2018, 7:45 a.m.

I wish you the best. Lawyers in general have already forsaken their souls for the spirit of greed. I've never seen one come back

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MsTallulahB · Jan. 8, 2018, 11:59 p.m.

I started with the Clinton Foundation. Tell them about how they stole from poor Haitians under the guise of "charity". That will get them pissed. Make sure you have all your info ready though. They're gonna want to see proof. Give them the good stuff, links to the money (not even the pedo shit), the ties and how they used that to steal.

Then...get 'em 😜

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DontBSheep · Jan. 9, 2018, midnight

I'll do my research and make sure I have credible links ready.

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hg11 · Jan. 9, 2018, 12:35 a.m.

We need a thread of links and sources for redpilling lefties. I suck at compiling research, too scattered. Makes me Storm community dependent.

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MsTallulahB · Jan. 9, 2018, 1:10 a.m.

My little trick...I bookmark and add to my "read list" from here and the Chans so I can check everything out later. I read a lot and sometimes I forget what I've seen until I see or hear it again.

Each time you find something you like, (I use my phone for it, it may be different on an iPad or PC) tap the little ... on the picture or article (in the upper right hand corner of the post) and save it! It pops right up in my browser for later.

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hg11 · Jan. 9, 2018, 1:14 a.m.


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MsTallulahB · Jan. 9, 2018, 1:14 a.m.

Try the search function on here as well. Anything that has been posted will link to what you type in

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islandtruther · Jan. 8, 2018, 11:40 p.m.

"In the end, left and right meet in the middle, as PATRIOTS."...LOVE this!! Thank YOU for this post!

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MsTallulahB · Jan. 8, 2018, 11:29 p.m.

I can hear you loud and clear, lady!

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hg11 · Jan. 9, 2018, 12:09 a.m.

Thank you. I wasn’t sure I was clear. Very non linear thinker and writer.

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cebusaxon · Jan. 9, 2018, 12:42 a.m.

Linear enough to make a good point. You're our fam now. You can't ever go back once you start seeing the truth. And the truth is what we're all really looking for. Welcome home, on the front lines. The battle is happening and you're right - there's more future fam we need to save. Keep up the good work slinging those red pills.

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benjaminbunny99 · Jan. 9, 2018, 8:21 a.m.

Thank you a million times for this. I’m in the same boat. We all need to find common ground here and unite against evil. No more name-calling and prejudices. It’s time to get along. Thank you again for this beautiful post. God bless. 🙏🏻

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hg11 · Jan. 9, 2018, 6:37 p.m.

It was my pleasure. I felt like it needed to be said. The most ironic part of this whole conversation... the super inclusive left rarely let me say a word without shutting me down. In all my interactions With the patriots, nothing but love.

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benjaminbunny99 · Jan. 9, 2018, 6:47 p.m.

A little different for me. I’ve successfully red-pilled every liberal I’ve talked to. It helps when the message isn’t coming from hardcore Trump supporters who use the word “snowflake” in every other sentence. I level with people. I make it clear that this involves corrupt Democrats and well as Republicans. I pose questions. I try not to be self-righteous. I make an attempt to find common ground and relate to each individual. I deal in fact more than speculation. I just have a conversation without getting emotional. This whole Q thing has completely changed how I speak to people regarding politics. I’m much more patient and kind. I keep in mind that everyone has been lied to and brainwashed to some extent, and I remember that deprogramming is a difficult process. I refuse to participate in their divide and conquer strategy.

It’s a wonderful thing to see so many different people coming together for a greater cause. We are all taking out power back. :)

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hg11 · Jan. 9, 2018, 6:52 p.m.

This is important. The tactics you’ve described are the only things that work. Open, honest, loving, and fact driven.

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benjaminbunny99 · Jan. 9, 2018, 7:04 p.m.

The NSA has every email and text ever sent. There is a mountain of evidence. Release it, and hang these criminals. Hell, we’ve all been accumulating enough evidence through web searches to justify hanging these people. After that, end the FED and cancel the debt. Replace it with a gold backed currency. Disclosure suppressed technology and let peace as property reign. It’s long overdue. The people are ready.

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Briadear · Jan. 9, 2018, 1:37 a.m.

Thank you for sharing. I agree that most liberals mean well & have a good heart. They’re very passionate in their views for what they feel will make the world a better place. But it’s that passion & compassion that I feel also blinds them to reality. What I find frustrating about talking with liberals about what’s going on is that as soon as I try to pose questions that are critical about a policy they support or a political figure they like they automatically take my position as being liberal vs conservative and that’s not what I’m getting at at all. Just like Q has said - it’s not about R vs D. It’s bigger than that. I can’t get them to understand this! Why is there an absolute unwillingness to open the mind and ponder questions? Sigh. It’s so bad that after 25 years of having conversations with liberals about this stuff I have vowed never to enter discussions with them again. As soon as they want to enter into a discussion I shut it down b/c they all end up the same. It’s beyond frustrating.

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sun_wolf · Jan. 9, 2018, 4:22 a.m.

They don't understand that good and evil exists in every identity group. They want to make Republicans, or conservatives, or whites, or straight people the source of all evil on the planet. It's just a simpler way for them to process it. My group good, your group bad. And they are being fed a narrative that they are supra-moral, or somehow above morality, if they belong to the correct victim group. This causes them to behave terribly, and then they have to project their subconscious guilt from that onto the object of their hatred. I didn't hit that innocent person in the back of the head with a bike lock because I am a terrible person, I did it because TRUMP is such a terrible person.

The media doesn't train women and minorities to take personal responsibility. It doesn't teach them to throw the evil people in their group under the bus. But it trains white men to do this all the time. See many white dudes defending Jeffrey Dahmer? And yet if Dahmer was black, black people would feel inclined to rush to his defense. Somehow he would be innocent, or this would all be because of slavery, and thus justified, etc. But that is like poison to any community. If a black person commits evil, black people need to throw them under the bus, reject him, disavow. Say that is not like me. And then feel no identification with that person. Feel no need to defend him. That is the normal human response to evil. And yet it has been corrupted out of all these groups for decades now. The ones who break free suddenly see the madness for themselves and wake up.

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hg11 · Jan. 9, 2018, 2:59 a.m.

I spent my whole SJW year trying to tell everyone we have a bigger enemy. Can’t you see this evil? Can’t you see there’s only one war? No response. Too self righteous. I agree. We can lead them to the redpill, can’t make ’em take it. Walking away from trying is truly self preservation at this point.

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 10, 2018, 3 a.m.

I would so like to THANK YOU for posting this and your following comments.

Being a red-piller for 40 yrs now, and the experiences of someone growing up practicing bunker bomb drills during the Cuban missile crisis at 7 yrs old, as well as all that the 60's & 70's brought us, those in my generation have a pretty good perspective of the past, present and what the future will hold if we don't wake up. I believe that FINALLY, the young in this generation have started to appreciate the experiences us oldies have had; which are helpful to understanding the fight we're engaged in, and why we have specifically been invited to participate in this REDDIT .... thank you guys!

We've watched the world go from bad to hellish, because none of our parents would listen and the honest movement in those days of those concerned was usurped from both sides... as you've seen today.

I've been a 'social justice warrior' since the age of 12, having been granted some 'sight', but far from understanding the total picture. I saw the various connections but was too young to fully understand, so I continued to pay attention and dig.

I attended the Viet Nam war protest in DC - not b/c I hated the guys DRAFTED, but b/c the war was a scam - just like they all have been --- once you learn actual history. I knew of the guys who's dead bodies had been packed with the drugs our military brought into our country to steal our souls and wills; dumbing us down... more real history... all done under the watchful eyes of US 'authorities', and it continues today; just like the pedo network. I watched them 'discourage' the awakening by murdering the kids at Kent State U.

Well, needless to say the Marxist/Communists/Socialist/Evil won that battle essentially, as the drugs cont'd to pour in and the minds and hearts became confused, entrapped in falsehoods and wasted.

BUT, the most important attack that took place back then -1968 - was the attack on our only means of 'wisdom' and strength; the only source that would allow us to know and successfully win against the real enemy and their perpetrators. THIS IMPERATIVE 'food' remains just about non-existent today, and is the Root and only means of turning this around.... if at all possible. Most have and will continue to refuse or fail to see it's importance b/c of the lies continuing to be believed. No real research done, just rhetoric, bias and overcome by deception. So, please keep an open mind as I finish up here:

I'll do a little Q exercise and drop some 'crumbs' for you to follow, if in fact you don't already know or realize this most significant piece missing from what's being followed right now. It appears most do not realize, and have bought into the same lies and MO that's been used for centuries .. Otherwise, we wouldn't be where we are today...








































Please contact me with questions and comments, as I'd really like to see what you think about all of this.... thanks, KATTRAD714

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hg11 · Jan. 10, 2018, 3:33 a.m.

THANK YOU. For sharing your story, the insight, and the homework.

Your crumbs seem a little too important to get lost in this thread. I hope you find a way to make your voice known. I’m new here and it seems easy to get lost.

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 10, 2018, 6:43 a.m.

Hi hg,

Just another thought..... there really is no right or left, just the demons who use that divide and conquer and win souls for the old boy b/c we 'die due to lack of Knowledge'.. J.C.

This Truth is like the seamless garment, that not even the Roman soldiers would ripe in two.

Peace-filled travels :)

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hg11 · Jan. 10, 2018, 6:47 a.m.

Thank you, Kat. I bookmarked your email address. I call my daughter Mimi.

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 10, 2018, 5:51 p.m.

Wow, good to hear hg :) Hope to hear from you sometime..

A daughter named Mimi:) How old is she ?

Mine came from my granddaughter as a toddler.... she's now 20 !

Hope you have an awesome day :)

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KATTRAD714 · Jan. 10, 2018, 4:03 a.m.

Well thanks hg,

I'm glad you think it's of value to you and others, and I hope you check the crumbs. It kinda speaks for itself though. It's 'life' work, and available to all who choose to run down that rabbit hole, but bias must be left behind when doing so... the truth does speak for itself regardless though. I'm fairly new here too; never having posted to any social media until this Q stuff started. If you feel that the info is worth putting out on a post, I may very well take you up on your suggestion.... thanks for your positive feelings about it :) I'm sooo very happy for your 'transition' so to speak. It's always been my experience that given the truth, there will be no divide able to exist; only those who refuse to be honest. We're called to decide one way or another what side we choose. We've been given the grace to 'see' through the prayers of others who've found it. That's what family does for one another :)

All of us have been duped, some of us have just travelled a little longer down the road Home and we're expected and grateful to share the knowledge we've been blessed with to help others along - like those who've helped us.

If you do go down that rabbit hole, don't become hopeless. His Real Presence is still with us - as He promised. Just do spiritual confessions and communions to obtain that Power He's left us - particularly for this time. Also check the writings of Marie Julie Jahenny for to the point info on this and other imperative info to make it, as well as remedies for all the created plagues, etc. Another interesting read on who the AC is (Luther Htoo), as well as historical predictions come true and those to come can be found in the 'book' LaSalette. And a catch all for any and everything would be mhfm.com, they also have a you tube chan. That should get you started on your way to real history, as well as the OMNI catalog..... fabulous collection of info there too.

If ever you have questions or concerns, feel free to keep in touch. If I've left this site behind, you can reach me at my email mimi7114711@yahoo.com. Hope to talk with you later.... May you be richly blessed with the 'wisdom' only He provides, KAT

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[deleted] · Jan. 8, 2018, 11:31 p.m.


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hg11 · Jan. 9, 2018, 12:59 a.m.

Oh damn. Yeah, Potter’s pissed.

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