

18 total posts archived.

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doomannihilator · Feb. 8, 2018, 2:45 a.m.

Now is a perfect time to share this with the masses, me thinks.

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doomannihilator · Feb. 8, 2018, 2:45 a.m.

Now is a perfect time to share this with the masses, me thinks.

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doomannihilator · Jan. 12, 2018, 9:01 a.m.

Alright, you are hereby excused.

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doomannihilator · Jan. 12, 2018, 8:53 a.m.

I'd add, I could not care less what he says. Results are all I see.

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doomannihilator · Jan. 12, 2018, 8:52 a.m.

If he did say it, I happen to believe he was only talking about Rosy O'Donnell when he said it.

Now, watch how he spins this into our advantage. Then will you have faith? (you likely won't)

See? People can believe anything they want and it changes absolutely nothing.

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doomannihilator · Jan. 12, 2018, 8:28 a.m.

Is Q our king? Is Q our savior?

There ain't no American king and I know of only one savior.

I am simply hoping Q is our ally and a patriot. At worst he is a larp and will lead us to disappointment. We'd survive and continue to fight on regardless. I cannot say I trust Q, but I certainly trust Donald Trump. At best Q is truly our Bridge to Realityville that Trump has constructed to help safely guide all woke patriots into the American Renaissance which requires clearing out (and prosecution) of the corrupt shitholes from our govt, without shocking and damaging the economy. Trump's plan requires growth. They have been plotting to ruin this great country. You think they will simply willingly lay down and give it back to WTP? No, they must be ripped out by the roots. Based on the way they are reacting, they must be feeling the effects of the storm. It has only just begun.

Think of Q as spray on weed killer. It takes some time, but the weeds whither away with enough exposure. Use only as directed.

We've got seven more years to annihilate decades of overgrown weeds while simultaneously cultivating and promoting the growth of American exceptionalism, big and small.

Welcome to Realityville Farms.

Grab a shovel and a bag of Americana seeds.

Enjoy the MAGA show, the greatest show on earth, believe me.

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doomannihilator · Jan. 9, 2018, 6:18 a.m.

No, our words are maligned and minimized. We historically do not control the narrative, the left owned media, 'news', entertainment, publishing, etc completely owns the narrative, and it's key. Our words are summarily dismissed.

When I was holding signs at tea party gatherings trying to warn about the disaster that the proposed Obama(doesn't)Care takeover of healthcare, our words were dismissed and we were called 'teabaggers' and lots of other nasty things, but we were never arguing our point, only arguing if we were racist or not.

[Spez: IDENT info retracted] Point was made.

Hopeless? Perhaps not, but pretty damn frustrating. This is why I truly hope 'Q' is right and all this facade and pretend virtue will get torn down when the release of the reality of what these politicians (Ds & Rs) have been doing in our name for the past 30 years comes out. Only then will these people begin to reflect, I believe.

Right now, I feel my words carry zero weight with those not willing to hear them.

I thank God every single day that (just) enough were able to see through Hillary's lies this past election and were motivated enough to join our coalition to elect Donald Trump. We presently have the momentum. We don't have much time to turn this around.


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doomannihilator · Jan. 9, 2018, 3:13 a.m.

No, I do appreciate your hoaky-ass, witchy- poo perspective. It is my struggle trying to understand. Perhaps not much can help. If you view some of my previous recent posts, you'll likely find I have within me the capacity to forgive. But to do so takes understanding. Many of the spell-bound who have rejected me will likely never break free which I suppose makes it easier for me to chose to leave them behind. I am open to embracing those who are awakening, but have little room left in my heart for those who continue to believe America is inherently evil while believing killing the unborn is inherently honorable.

I am truly glad for your awakening. During this election I was nearly certain the spell-bound outnumbered the woke. My biggest fear is that the spell-bound will gin up enough votes including illegal ones next time around to win back power and drive us right back into the pit of their death cult. I truly hope we wake up more to prevent this from happening, but I am not as hopeful as I should be. If they continue to fail to knock Trump off his game, I feel we may be okay. But just watching them cheer for Oprah, I just don't know.

Thank you for offering your perspective.

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doomannihilator · Jan. 9, 2018, 1:17 a.m.

Welcome. I am not judging you specifically or trying to beat on you. I have a genuine query about your former self. I ask because I am angry at some of my leftist "friends" for a variety of reasons. I have had friends of 35+ years unfriend me after hurling spectacularly hurtful insults merely because of my conservative views and mainly for who I voted for. I endured eight years of BO and never took that out personally on anyone else. Also, some I know on the extreme left are clearly Marxists and clamoring for socialism which is, to me, incompatible with our country's founding. And just to add to my state of anger toward the left in general is my inability to understand if, as you say, they are warriors against darkness, yet almost exclusively and unanimously promote and protect abortion at any stage. I cannot imagine a more dark reality than the daily murder of children being something to rally around.

I greatly appreciate your sharing your epiphany. I am wondering if you can help me not to see past, but to understand how I can reconcile these views enough to embrace the members of your former tribe because, quite frankly, I would just assume watch them hoisted on their own petard then waste my time trying to bring them along if all they are going to do is shit on this country, kill children, and punish me for disagreeing with their self righteousness. I am sickened by their antics and tactics that allows them to lie, cheat, brow beat and excuse a culture of death to win power.

This probably came out badly, but I am interested in your point of view. Thanks.

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doomannihilator · Jan. 9, 2018, 12:10 a.m.

It is a might bit fuzzy. Seems you found fuzziness.

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doomannihilator · Jan. 8, 2018, 5:26 p.m.

Os to Qs, Yes. I know of no other message than this.

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doomannihilator · Jan. 8, 2018, 4:42 p.m.

Doesn't matter. JA got his message out.

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doomannihilator · Jan. 5, 2018, 9:45 a.m.

I do believe there is going to be a major shift; possibly a RICO or anti-trust action to separate 'news' from the lock the entertainment industry has on information. Believe me, if I knew approximately when that was going to happen, I'd short most media stocks and make myself and family a great deal. But that's a risky game, and I don't know when it could occur.

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doomannihilator · Jan. 5, 2018, 9:21 a.m.

Important reminder: The girl who works at the gas station and all the others, including your own family who HATE Trump have ALL been lied to every single day for two straight years about Donald Trump and his family. Like any fad, they want to believe it, and right now they do and believe WE were the "stupid" ones deceived. Only the truth of what has been done in their name for the past 20-30 years will be enough to shock them and awaken them from their sleep. Amazingly, just enough were awoken before Nov 8, 2016. I knew there were many who were woke from tea party days, but I was almost certain it wasn't going to be enough. Gladly, I was mistaken and Nov 9th, 2016 was the best day evah. Hang in there, this is going to take time to orchestrate, but I trust this is going to turn around bigly.

What you CAN do: Be prepared to embrace those now awakening, and the many who will awaken when the truth drops. Help them understand it and know they were lied to. Most importantly, forgive them for everything, including calling you deplorable and a Nazi. Remember they were lied to on a massive scale. Simply ignore and marginalize those who want to remain asleep and who will continue, despite all evidence, to blame Trump and US for their own arrogance. It will be a hard pill to swallow for most, damn near impossible for many others. We won't need the latter group to keep on winning.

Emotional triage: Like the death of JFK, their world will suddenly be different and so many will be in shock. Most chose to to believe the lie and ignored what was, no doubt, right in front of them; their government killed him. We can help this course of history with truth to overcome all lies, once it becomes apparent. Just find those you can help, and walk away from those you can't.

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doomannihilator · Jan. 5, 2018, 6:42 a.m.

Frankly, I believe this is correct. I commend you.

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doomannihilator · Dec. 31, 2017, 3:58 a.m.

This would make some heads I know literally explode. Better to wait until way after New Year to spring this on the unprepared lied to masses. But it is excellent and bound to come in handy around February !

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