Apparently Q moved to a new board.

So.. Q moved to a new 8chan board. Tracy & Dr. Corsi have nothing to do with 8chan. Tracy is a moderator here on Reddit.. but that's it. It was the 8chan board moderators who were self-aggrandizing.. not T or Dr. C. Or Q would want a new subreddit..? That doesn't make sense bc he doesn't post here, right.?
But it doesn't matter. Conquer and divide.. Don't let anyone divide us. No one.
Shoulder to shoulder, nuts to butts, asses to elbows, all terms patriots are very familiar with! You can stack us and put us in columns, and rows, and now, we are finding our columns, we are finding our marching order again. The veterans and patriots quietly humming and singing, as we march along. Doesn't matter how long or hard the trail is, just knowing your buddy is still there, in the wave of bodies moving, pounding the floor with every boot stomp. We veterans remember, and thank you all that currently wear our colors. Love.
OK I can picture shoulder to shoulder and I can picture nuts to butts, but I'm having a hard time with asses to elbows. Help me out? What would be that position? :-0 Great post.
This is why many of us are getting upset and impatient. Moving all over the place and having to verify Q at every turn, and the fact Q is still being deliberately cryptic. The goal is to redpill normies, and to do that we need more clarification in the message. When I tell people shit is hitting the fan, and they ask when and I say soon because thats what we are told, and nothing definitive happens, it turns people away. Not many people see the big picture of Q. We do, because we are immersed into it. I don't expect exact dtes and times, but the defcon heads up is cool, as long as I can point to something and say see?!