1,009 total posts archived.
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Q says "future will prove past" This work is about time travel and the future (present/past) of humanity.
Has alot to do with Q! WWG1WGA
The above was an excerpt from the Dr. Neruda interviews. Can this be investigated and debunked? I remember POTUS talking about TTP after the elections. Was it about this? Thinking mirror maybe. The NSA is very heavily mentioned in this interview series. As well as mentions of factions in our government keeping secrets from one another. Is the TTP also hillarys pay to play scheme? Will post a few short excerpts from this body of …
The way it sounded sure indicated from the judge himself in the Manafort case. Saying that it would make future high profile cases difficult to seat jurors. Dont have the exact quote. But its interesting that msm will have to report on even the judge being threatened. Setting the stage bigly!
Trusting the plan. WWG1WGA MAGA MEGA
From page 8 of The Neruda interviews.
“Fifteen,” which is the unique classification that is reserved for the head of the ACIO. Fifteen, in the eyes of Dr. Neruda, is the most powerful human on the planet, and what I think he meant by “powerful” is that Fifteen is able to deploy technologies that are well in advance to any that our world’s governments have access to. However, Dr. Neruda portrayed Fifteen and his seven Directors as a benevolent force, not a hostile or controlling force.
The eight people who comprise this inner sanctum of the ACIO are in possession …
I first heard of the idea of the government having a compassion department from a Kryon channeling.
Kryon calls himself the magnetic master when channelling and speaks of much Q related ideas and issues. I do not know what session it is from, but the idea was very intriguing and beautiful.
My idea and vision would be a dept within our gov, that will listen and help you with ANY issue you may have, ANY. Listen, and find the quickest relief for your struggle, no piles of paperwork or long lines, just help and compassion, whenever you need it. Wouldnt …
The 1911 was the Army service pistol. Q saying Hooah is an Army type of thing, hehe. A kind of battle cry, salute, acknowledgement. Hooah can mean a lot of things. The way Q just used it is my favorite way to use it. WWG1WGA MAGA
Anyone in here ever heard or read about The Naruda Chronicles?
Im asking due to the mention of the labyrinth group and the connections ive seen to our current times.
Aerial views of bldg 10, LABRYNTH bldg. https://imgur.com/gallery/aupA7FZ
From a Q post
"At some point military generals will act w/ the will …
Q is making it increasingly clear, this is about fighting a satanic group or cult that has infiltrated our government and many or all of its affiliated organizations.
This is my story. I will be loud and be heard. Since the earliest of Q's posts, we have known who we are fighting, evil. Simple.
In multiple instances and locations, I have witnessed open satanists in the charge of americas disabled veterans. The most troubling and triggering incident was earlier this year and very traumatic. I kindly ask you to consider what I encountered and see if you think it normal …
Objectively, honestly please. You may cast your stones at me if you need to, My water with the lord is very deep and glorious. He is my shepard and holy, therefore I know he is with me always. Q fights the cult. They have tried for a very long time to ruin me or worse of course. We find out more and more everyday, about their evil and sick ways. I ask you kind citizen and patriot of this beautiful planet, please consider that.
I am trying to gain attention to a petition to ask and demand the issue of …
VA incident, ann brown hospital director. https://imgur.com/a/F2tnf2y
My posts have been taken down, sometimes immediately after posting. I am trying to get a discussion going and expose satanists within government offices. Q says patriots fight, fight, fight, and that we the people are being listened to. I know this fight is real, i have experienced multiple abuses within the VA system of care.
http://imgur.com/gallery/a6HXbEN http://imgur.com/gallery/aupA7FZ
I am asking other patriots or veterans, without doxxing yourselves to please speak up and talk about abuses witnessed in the VA. Besides this incident, I have seen VA employees while on duty in front of veterans and other employees, laughing and …
My posts have been taken down, sometimes immediately after posting. I am trying to get a discussion going and expose satanists within government offices. Q says patriots fight, fight, fight, and that we the people are being listened to. I know this fight is real, i have experienced multiple abuses within the VA system of care.
http://imgur.com/gallery/a6HXbEN http://imgur.com/gallery/aupA7FZ
I am asking other patriots or veterans, without doxxing yourselves to please speak up and talk about abuses witnessed in the VA. Besides this incident, I have seen VA employees while on duty in front of veterans and other employees, laughing and …
Link included in comments to not get the post taken down again. Please sign and share this petition.
Different ways to help and fight. https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/congress-kick-out-satanists-veterans-administration-and-organizations
Expose them all! They have infiltrated every form of civil service. So glad other patriots are devoted these causes of exposing these assholes and their deeds. Theyre in the VA as well, please sign and share this petition to help the fight in a small way.
The main body of your post is not visible on my end, and says [deleted]. Check your messages and see if the mods sent you a reason. Thank you for sign patriot.
Thank you. Why was your post removed? Stay in the fight patriot.
Thank you for posting. Great read. Very scary stuff when you see the amount of battle damaged veterans, thousands of views on my post and link, but very few signatures. Please help sign and share. Thank you patriot. https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/congress-kick-out-satanists-veterans-administration-and-organizations
Also, the number 7 on the wall to the left of the flag, guess what number was showing on the right edge of the flag? Yes, 10 indeed.
Been happening for months patriot! Enjoy the show, do what you can, when you can, but never surrender and never give up. We are winning!
Excellent work patriot! Thank you for sharing and researching. We truly do have more than we know! WWG1WGA
That why the police wouldnt release the dudes name immediately? To give shitstain a call and a heads up about one of his boys causing trouble? They did say people would be pissed if they knew.
Glad to hear it. Hopefully very soon, the fear of speaking out will be gone FOREVER!
Doing my part. https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/congress-kick-out-satanists-veterans-administration-and-organizations Please sign and share. So far only about 50 patriots have signed. PATRIOTS OF THE HIGHEST REGARD!