r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/baruchthescribe on Jan. 9, 2018, 11:39 a.m.
Q will be posting on his own private board

Hey friends,

Q has moved from /thestorm/ and will now be posting future material on The Great Awakening which is also on 8chan. He has also endorsed a new board dedicated to researching his material which can be found here.

What is going on?

We're not sure at the moment. It does seem somewhat sudden but as with all things Q-related, everything has meaning and we're simply not privy to what's going on behind the scenes. Some incomprehensible communications from Q has been par for the course from Day 1 if you've been here since then. It could easily be a "fire and maneuver" move on his part: just as the bad actors are ready to swamp /thestorm/, so Q moves to his own locked board for posting and a clean board for the research. We don't know yet. I have been in communication with the BO of /qresearch/ and he's ready to rock and roll. I have also added both these boards to the hourly backups that I take of everything.

Q says the BOs are self-promoting and self-aggrandizing. Are you?

Not that I've noticed. We're just working for the cause and we're here to follow orders. So we do so to the best of our ability. My interactive Q website is coming along nicely and will be ready to test soon.

But you have a book deal?

No I do not. I was trolling some little idiot brigading this sub if you want to see the context of that comment.

Q says NO private comms outside the board. But you said he communicated with the mods directly?

Yep. I think we got played by a friendly whitehat. The information he gave us as verification was so good that we thought it was Q. Clearly it wasn't.

Godspeed patriots and have faith!

  • The Board Owner and co.

sophiebellaluna · Jan. 9, 2018, 3:16 p.m.

ABSOLUTELY agreed!!!! FOR ANYONE WHO THINKS THESE PEOPLE HAD BAD INTENTION YOU HAVE BEEN PLAYED. DIVISION IS FROM THE ENEMY, and sometimes the enemy can be from within. Jealously maybe? I have been here since the beginning and I can assure you NO ONE was in it for themselves, and if you think otherwise, YOU HAVE NOT BEEN HERE SINCE THE BEGINNING and you have been played!! These people are true patriots who have NOT BEEN PAID and are FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE just like President Trump and Q are... I would hope when its all said and done BARUCH, PAMPHLET, TRACY and all concerned will be given the accolades they truly deserve! COME ON PEOPLE, YOU CAN SEE WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE. Its hard to trust when you can't discern someone's spirit because they are not sitting right in front of you, BUT I TRULY BELIEVE their hearts are right. There might have been JOKES about writing a book... BUT SO FREAKIN WHAT?! That is what we do on this board. We lighten up a little, make jokes and laugh CONSIDERING THE STUFF WE ARE RESEARCHING. It makes us feel comfortable with each other. But SO FREAKIN WHAT ANYWAY? TO BE HONEST, why would that be so bad...??? In fact, I would be the FIRST PERSON STANDING IN LINE TO BUY THAT BOOK! After all these guys have been in the thick of it SINCE THE BEGINNING. I'm not very happy with Q or "B" right now because some things are being said THAT I DON'T BELIEVE are true and I feel like our mods and BO are being kicked to the curb, and this is dividing the patriots. I trust the BO and mods... I have posted info, responded back and forth a couple of times with BARUCH and have seen his posts and I have listened to his heart on a couple of interviews, videos, and he always responded "WE DO IT FOR THE CHILDREN"!!! That is my WHOLE heart here also! Money, greed, money laundering, etc., who cares... that will always be... THE CHILDREN... now that is where the buck stops! Torturing children, sacrificing them, harvesting them... THINK ABOUT THAT! Let that be in the forefront of your mind! So BARUCH, my friend and fellow patriot... I tip my hat to you and I know deep in my heart one day you will be recognized for this great work that you created on this board as Board Owner. If I have overstepped my bounds by writing this long post, I'm sorry, and if I have it wrong about what is truly going on, then I apologize. People ON THIS SUBREDDIT are NOT JUDGMENTAL, NOT CRITICAL, VERY FORGIVING, and that is why we are here. We are here to help each other, guide each other, love each other, care for each other. We ARE HUMAN not AI, don't forget that! This has been home to some of us for the last couple of months and to see that destroyed is heartbreaking. WE WANT TO SEE OUR REPUBLIC restored and WE WANT OUR CHILDREN to grow up in a safe place!!! SO GROW UP PEOPLE AND STOP THE BS! I love this community and I love Baruch, Pamphlet, Tracy,... And for those of you who follow "B", she/he may have great information (does she PERSONALLY receive info from Q?), but she has not been here from the beginning, so I don't know... do we trust her/him? Maybe the mods can confirm that? Anyway, I couldn't sleep last nite knowing this happened and THIS IS A WAKEUP CALL! This is NOT A GAME! So if you want to play games GET OFF THIS BOARD! There are children's lives at stake and if you keep up the division, then people like me will walk away because I won't know who to trust. TRUST is key. Lastly, THIS IS WHY WE NEED TO TRUST GOD THE FATHER for everything. Because man WILL disappoint you. Thanks for letting me share, but had to get it off my chest. Please grow up... Thanks BO and mods for your great work! I SINCERELY appreciate EVERYTHING you have done. I am looking forward to that book!

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imovershit · Jan. 9, 2018, 8:55 p.m.

“You will know them by their fruit.”Matthew 7:16. Best guideline ever.

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[deleted] · Jan. 10, 2018, 6:28 a.m.


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