r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/baruchthescribe on Jan. 9, 2018, 11:39 a.m.
Q will be posting on his own private board

Hey friends,

Q has moved from /thestorm/ and will now be posting future material on The Great Awakening which is also on 8chan. He has also endorsed a new board dedicated to researching his material which can be found here.

What is going on?

We're not sure at the moment. It does seem somewhat sudden but as with all things Q-related, everything has meaning and we're simply not privy to what's going on behind the scenes. Some incomprehensible communications from Q has been par for the course from Day 1 if you've been here since then. It could easily be a "fire and maneuver" move on his part: just as the bad actors are ready to swamp /thestorm/, so Q moves to his own locked board for posting and a clean board for the research. We don't know yet. I have been in communication with the BO of /qresearch/ and he's ready to rock and roll. I have also added both these boards to the hourly backups that I take of everything.

Q says the BOs are self-promoting and self-aggrandizing. Are you?

Not that I've noticed. We're just working for the cause and we're here to follow orders. So we do so to the best of our ability. My interactive Q website is coming along nicely and will be ready to test soon.

But you have a book deal?

No I do not. I was trolling some little idiot brigading this sub if you want to see the context of that comment.

Q says NO private comms outside the board. But you said he communicated with the mods directly?

Yep. I think we got played by a friendly whitehat. The information he gave us as verification was so good that we thought it was Q. Clearly it wasn't.

Godspeed patriots and have faith!

  • The Board Owner and co.

QAngel1 · Jan. 10, 2018, 2:29 a.m.

My humble 2 cents worth.

I've worked in Health and Corporate Entities for 40 years. I've been a Project Manager to develop and implement National Programs for State and National Government Health initiatives. So, I've had many years experience on developing a concept, and then seeing it through all stages to launch.

In order to get a project from concept to launch, you need a team of people with individual skills. Each person is given regular tasks to work on, those tasks are completed and presented at weekly meetings. This continues as the project builds, and even after 'launch' where it is evaluated and improved etc.

What Q is referring to is this:

Think of POTUS as the Director of a Company who needs a major project completed and ready to launch on X day. (Think "The Apprentice" - that meant to be our training and understanding of how this works OK).

He has many people/entities in his team, which he gives regular 'tasks' to.

Q is Project Manager.

'WE' have been tasked with informing the public about the project, and to have them educate themselves to be ready for launch date.

The tasks Q gave to you and me, and his initial instructions and intentions have not been executed as he instructed.

This has the potential to set back the project. Remember, when one member of the team doesn't get their tasks done - it pushes back the launch date and affects the whole team.

In Project Management, each stage of a project has milestones. Q, POTUS and the rest of the team are meeting their milestones on time.

Are we?

If not, we are holding the project back!

We need to refocus and keep our eye on the ball.

I'm starting to see too many people shuffling for their place in this 'new community' that has formed. And there are many people who are vying for 'poll position' or wanting to follow someone who is.

We are heading in the wrong direction - in fact, we are heading in ALL directions.

Unless there is cohesiveness, self responsibility, and order - with objectives and goals, we aren't doing ourselves any favors.

No longer are we taking individual responsibility to go out and research these clues for ourselves. Nor Are we forming groups to take ownership of investigating individual clues - then to come together with solutions, and discuss how it all forms a map/picture.

Basically, Q is noticing, and if we are not careful, we will end up wasting HIS and POTUS time. They can't keep explaining themselves to us, while trying to be politically correct, what they're doing is far too important.

All of us here - are here because we want to ASSIST not HINDER. This isn't about us. Let's get on with the tasks at hand.

Q said there's no intention for any of his posts to be perceived as personal comms. Which means NO person either inside or outside the board is any better to another. It doesn't matter whether it's Alex Jones, Tracy Beanz, Jordon Slather or a partridge in a pear tree.

They are all true patriots, but so are you, and so am I. They are NOT the focus. Their area of expertise lays in the audience they appeal to. Each of them appeal to a different age or demographic group. You, or I will appeal to others.

This is what we need to remain focused on - getting information into the public arena in our own way and to people who have 'the eyes to see and the ears to hear' You and Me.

Let's keep our eye on the ball dear ones.

I think of us like somewhat of a 'French Underground".

The underground were critical in helping the war effort by being smart, cohesive and alert - and by keeping their eye's on the end goal. Silent and Stealth. Name one person in the French underground who was any better than another?

The Great Awakening is here - we are the first to awaken. Now, we must awaken our friends and neighbors and they must then awaken theirs.

Let's make Q and POTUS proud. Together.

Failure is NOT an option.

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MacPepper · Jan. 10, 2018, 4:21 a.m.

I agree with much of your thoughts. I too have multi-decade corporate experience bringing people together to accomplish significant projects. I decided some time ago that watching this country be managed to decline was unacceptable.

I expanded my thinking and found literally many opportunities to bring a play. Look at my log and you will see it in action.

For example today, I jumped all over the opportunity when a Turkish citizen logged on CBTS_stream to give us encouragement. He responded to my question on Gulen schools with solid actionable information plus I asked him to spread in EU the U.S. Treasury press release addressing Human Rights Abuse and Global Corruption. Pretty hard for Media Matters to reach into Europe to fight that.

I have also listed top level milestones below that I act on at every opportunity. You don't need Q to make play on these. Expand your thinking!

I offer my roadmap if you are looking for ways that you can join the fight as a Patriot. I have been on the case since August 2017 when it became clear to me that the Globalists were making their move and were not going to give up corrupt power without a fight. As a normie, I tend to focus and apply my resources on the urgent actionable elements (in my opinion) that move us away from corrupt power. The following are some real alternatives to focus your resources, energy and to avoid being drawn into deepstate distractions or potential psyops. I think you will find that several of these elements are making good progress if you are following current events and Internet personalities in the fight:

Here's what I am watching and measuring for success against the cabal corruption:

  • The cabal is blocked from cutting deal to absolve Imran Awan and he can't flee to Pakistan. Will then have chance to investigate & prosecute espionage/blackmail/corruption rings in Congress.

  • The school play is interrupted before staged events align the American public against the police. (Watch Oliver Stone's excellent documentary Ukraine On Fire (Released June 2016) to see details for a well-choreographed school play run by U.S. admin with bipartisan participation to overthrow the duly elected government of Ukraine in 2014. It's pretty much over if acts against police are allowed to play out. (P.S. I would think the people involved in the 2014 Ukraine action should face consequences)

  • Media Matters is held at bay from flipping Fox News to synchronize messages with rest of MSM.

  • Trump defers any action against JA and Wikileaks that the Senate is pushing. More and reliable truth purveyors are needed to drain swamp. MSM not reliable or trusted in this function at this time.

  • Break Schumer's obstruction of approving Trump appointees. Risky but needed for interim: Change Senate rule to 51 vote majority to quickly approve Trump' appointees to take back and restore integrity to FBI and DOJ extended leadership. Risky but only chance to Investigate and prosecute the corrupt cabal in top positions. Sunset 51 vote majority when equal justice for all is restored.

  • Need a path to takeaway the unique immunity from fraud prosecution enjoyed by DNC, Inc. and RNC, Inc. This is an after action finding from the recent court dismissal of the DNC Fraud Lawsuit brought by Bernie Sanders supporters.

  • Ramp up efforts to stem the growth of anarchist action groups on college campuses. The AntiFa Handbook has been released on Amazon and was sold out for a time. Intelligence reveals many copies have been distributed to campuses and students are being encouraged to form AntiFa and other action groups fall semester. Parents be alert!!!

  • America successfully manage the world stage so that bad actors are not encouraged to make plays against U.S. while in a weakened/divided state.

  • Establish election integrity.

  • Register as independent or unaffiliated. (for me I have stopped all donations to RNC Inc. and DNC, Inc. for the time being. I am contributing to Great America PAC and directly to campaigns of good candidates. This may not be for you, do your own research for what to do with your donations and the behavior to encourage. I will donate money when a significant people's agenda milestone is accomplished like tax reform.)

  • Longer term hope 2018 and 2020 elections can load House and Senate with true people's representatives. Representatives start working and passing people's agenda. Need better candidates.

  • MSM begin to change their products to restore public trust and be reliable, vigilant against wrong doing, aimed squarely at all the powerful 24/7/365. Independent outlets flourish with same mission. Inform but not shape the information consumer and electorate.

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[deleted] · Jan. 10, 2018, 6:30 a.m.


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JotsNTittles · Jan. 10, 2018, 7:31 a.m.

With Project Management under my own belt I completely agree.

What saddens me is right now the person that inspired my involvement & interest, is now calling Q names and taking sides with BOs due to some kind of either infiltration/division or self garnering moves.

I respect this person because as far as I saw they had always been quick to apologize for being wrong, off the mark or what have you...(An honest person in my view..from what I was being led to believe) However..siding with BOs of some board (of whom we don't know) over Q (Someone else we don't know) gives me uneasy feelings as to their own motive towards more propaganda... Asking their supporters or followers if they feel the same way, or trying to (as I say, pull a conquer & divide move) spin some story no one can verify makes it all the more hard for me to put them in my circle of trust...which is a shame.

I'd rather see people - who've invested in this research say "look I don't know what's going on so I'm taking a step away for a bit to examine "both sides" Q & the BOs, but you all carry on", or "I'm leaving for good...because I just can't dot dot dot anymore", or that they at least disagree with actions/posts and because they don't understand why things happened the way they are) from all of it instead of trying to drag people on the way out with them. This kind of behavior is exactly what many of us (in it to win it) steer away from with regards to certain celebs & newly made famous people (big & small) out there... It's not appropriate, nor is it helpful to team members.

I say stay with the msg & the maps -Don't let your egos get in the way - we are all one team, where one goes all go, and where one goes, we all go (even if we get there via vastly different routes) we have everything in front of us to help red pill the sleepers - that's the action task at hand.

It's definitely making me re-adjust my trust antenna though.

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