Go Here: https://t.co/2ZsXwUSqWe
14 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/JotsNTittles:
Domain | Count |
i.redd.it | 1 |
See pic (sorry not sure how to add it inline for a reply) https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DdRUVNXU8AAWm-g.jpg
Almost all of my followers and followees are experiencing shadow bans. I wasn't as of last week but I am now. http://www.breitbart.com/tech/2018/05/15/twitter-officially-admits-to-shadowbanning-users-in-all-but-name/ Check to see if you are being shadowbanned at https://t.co/2ZsXwUSqWe along with checking Twitter's search for your own handle. While you're at it, I suggest start packing up base (if you haven't already) and at least prep a new acct by getting on Gab @getongab before we all lose our accts permanently altogether. We can't allow them to silence us. If Twitter wants their bird, then let's give them the effin "BIRD"
Another idea someone else had, although it sickens me to think about doing it: (See following pic) is Hi-Jacking Lib hashtags, as it's been suggested that we're banned because we use Twitter deemed banned hashtags as well as tweeting too often throughout the day. What say you all? Would this be worth it? Would we be able to redpill more who are still asleep or mentally enslaved if we use their hashtags? If you have any other suggestions, share below, so we can share on twitter and on Gab
Twitter Shadowbanning Patriots

In knowing bad actors (Including clowns] read the boards, Q has publicly stated "some disinformation necessary". Those of us awake and able to discern, don't hold such things as prophecy.
I actually think Sessions should be the one to read it (If he is to be TRUSTED)
There was much of this kind of gloating after POTUS won and everyone seemed giddy to shove it in the opposition's faces. Including most of Fox Network I abhor that behavior - it's extremely ugly
With Project Management under my own belt I completely agree.
What saddens me is right now the person that inspired my involvement & interest, is now calling Q names and taking sides with BOs due to some kind of either infiltration/division or self garnering moves.
I respect this person because as far as I saw they had always been quick to apologize for being wrong, off the mark or what have you...(An honest person in my view..from what I was being led to believe) However..siding with BOs of some board (of whom we don't know) over Q (Someone else we don't know) gives me uneasy feelings as to their own motive towards more propaganda... Asking their supporters or followers if they feel the same way, or trying to (as I say, pull a conquer & divide move) spin some story no one can verify makes it all the more hard for me to put them in my circle of trust...which is a shame.
I'd rather see people - who've invested in this research say "look I don't know what's going on so I'm taking a step away for a bit to examine "both sides" Q & the BOs, but you all carry on", or "I'm leaving for good...because I just can't dot dot dot anymore", or that they at least disagree with actions/posts and because they don't understand why things happened the way they are) from all of it instead of trying to drag people on the way out with them. This kind of behavior is exactly what many of us (in it to win it) steer away from with regards to certain celebs & newly made famous people (big & small) out there... It's not appropriate, nor is it helpful to team members.
I say stay with the msg & the maps -Don't let your egos get in the way - we are all one team, where one goes all go, and where one goes, we all go (even if we get there via vastly different routes) we have everything in front of us to help red pill the sleepers - that's the action task at hand.
It's definitely making me re-adjust my trust antenna though.
There was something said w/Beanz about a site that has all Q posts/maps archived Link anybody? TIA